Common | Primo | Alma | FirstSearch | Source Record/ MARC |
Author | Creator | No tag; displays under title | Author(s) | 100 / 700 |
Author from title page (statement of responsibility) | N/A | No tag; displays at top w/ title | Responsibility | 245 $c |
Call number | No tag; displays near availability | Call number | Class descriptor (LC) | 050 / 090 |
Contents / Table of contents | Contents | N/A | Contents | 505 |
Extent (pagination, illustrations, size) | Format | N/A | Description | 300 |
ISBN | Identifier (ISBN) | ISBN | Standard No (ISBN) | 020 |
Language (of item) | Language | N/A | Language | 008 (at the end) |
MMSID | N/A | MMSID | N/A | 001 |
Notes | Note | N/A | Note(s) | 500 / 590 / 5XX |
OCLC number | Identifier (OCLC) | Record number (OCoLC) | Accession No | 035 (OCoLC) |
Publication (place of) | Publisher (before the : ) | No tag, displays at top under title | Publication (before the : ) | 260 $a / 264 $a |
Publication (year of) | Publication date | No tag, displays at top under title | Year | 260 $c / 264 $c |
Publisher | Publisher (after the : ) | No tag, displays at top under title | Publication (after the : ) | 260 $b / 264 $b |
Series | Series | Series | Series | 490 & 830 |
Subject headings | Subject | Subject | Descriptors | 600 / 650 / 655 |
Summary | Description | N/A | Abstract | 520 |
Title | Title | No tag; displays at top | Title | 254 $a $b |