+ {"id":"[ID]"}
returns the team- oder group-data for the corresponding ID
returns {"error":"..."}
, if something went wrong (i.e. team does not exist)
Example output: {"teamid":"fbhh","name":"football","recurrence":[{"weekday":4,"time":"18:30"}],"events":[{"datetime":"2019-09-20T18:30"},{"datetime":"2019-09-27T18:30"},{"datetime":"2019-10-04T18:30"},{"datetime":"2019-10-11T18:30"}],"userlevel":1}
+ {"token":"[sysoptoken]"}
returns a list of team-IDs (Sysops only. sysoptoken
is defined in config.json.)
Example output: ["team1","team2"]
+ {"teamid":"[teamID]"}
adds a new team with id teamID
to the list of teams
returns the team-data or
returns false, if something went wrong (i.e. team already exists)
Example output: {"teamid":"fbhh","name":"football","recurrence":[{"weekday":4,"time":"18:30"}]}
+ {"teamid":"[teamID]","datetime":"[datetime]","comment":"[comment]"}
adds a new event at datetime
with mandatory comment comment
to team with id teamID
returns the event-data or
returns false, if something went wrong (i.e. event already exists)
Example output: {"datetime":"2019-12-31T23:30","comment":"let's celebrate"}
+ {"teamid":"[teamID]","datetime":"[datetime]","name":"[name]"}
adds name
to the list of attendants of the event at datetime
removes name
from the list of refusals and
returns the event-data or
returns false, if something went wrong (i.e. event does not exist)
Example output: {"datetime":"2019-09-20T18:30","attendees":["John"]}
+ {"teamid":"[teamID]","datetime":"[datetime]","name":"[name]"}
adds name
to the list of refusals of the event at datetime
removes name
from the list of attendants and
returns the event-data or
returns false, if something went wrong (i.e. event does not exist)
Example output: {"datetime":"2019-09-20T18:30","refusals":["John"]}
+ {"teamid":"[teamID]","datetime":"[datetime]","name":"[name]"}
removes name
from the list of attendants of the event at datetime
removes name
from the list of refusals and
returns the event-data or
returns false, if something went wrong (i.e. event does not exist)
Example output: {"datetime":"2019-09-20T18:30"}