Learning sdl2 and CMake, Out-of-Source Build
Refactoring SDL2-GameDev/Minesweeper
SDL2-Minesweeper is a Template project allowing usage of various Graphic APIs lib for Rendering. InDEV...
ImGuiContext* throw exception callback upon calling ImGui::GetCurrentWindow(). HOW To Reproduce: Run the application executable and Select either New Game, or Any difficulty from the menu dropdown.
Exception thrown: write access violation. g.**CurrentWindow** was nullptr.
#include <filestream> namespace is not recognized after 'build configuration files' are generated using cmake -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" in RELEASE mode (*DEBUG mode works fine), even if CXX_STANDARD 17 is specified. Running MSVC 14.3. CMake 3.22. MSVC compiler should be handling properly <filesystem> header which is part of the STL but isnt. WIll try building and running using mingw-w64 with gcc compiler.
💬 References for patterns and physical desing are given from : Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object‑Oriented Software, Large-Scale-Software-Design-John-Lakos