Release Date: Sept 2021
Xiao Gu, Imperial College London
Please cite the following paper for the use of this dataset
Gu, Xiao, et al. "Occlusion-Invariant Rotation-Equivariant Semi-Supervised Depth Based Cross-View Gait Pose Estimation." arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.01397 (2021).
provides script to visualize the data from different modalitiessyn
provides script to generate synthetic data based on SMPL
The dataset contains a real-world gait dataset collected from multiple viewpoints. Please see our paper and the website for more details.
Please follow the settings in our paper to benchmark your algorithms.
For cross-subject validation, the data were split to two groups {S01, S02, S04, S07}, {S03, S05, S06, S8}.
Each loop, use one group as training, and the other group as testing set.
For cross-view validation, the data were split based on the five views.
Each loop, use the data from one view as training, the data from the other views as testing.
For cross-subject & cross-view validation, the data was split to ten subgroups as a combination of CS and CV validation.
For example, one group is {S01-V01, S02-V01, S04-V01, S07-V01}. In each loop, use one group as the training set, and report the results on the remaining nine groups.
You can further split some proportion from the training set as a validation set, but any use of the testing data during training is not allowed.
S##_V##_C## refers to the data of the trial per subject, condition, and viewpoint. S##: subject id V##: viewpoint C##: walking condition
Each folder contains 300 consecutive samples from one trial (the remaining samples leading to a much large data volume will be released in the future). Missing trials (S1-C1-V1, S1-C2-V2, S1-C4-V1, S3-C3-V3, S5-C4-V4, S8-C2-V3, S8-C2-V4, S8-C4-V3, S8-C5-V3)
depth: contains the depth images recorded by RealSense D435
scale = 0.0010000000474974513; fx = 928.108; fy = 927.443; cx = 647.394; cy = 361.699
mask: contains the segmentation mask predicted from RGB images (access suspended) by CDCL
ROI (lower-limb) RGB Value [255,127,127; 0,127,255; 0,0,255; 255,255,127; 127,255,127; 0,255,0]
point cloud: contains the point cloud converted from depth data, corresponding 3D keypoint, and root orientation
pose_2d: contains the 2D keypoints predicted by OpenPose
kinematics: contains the kinematics (randomly picked, not synchronized with the modalities above) which can be used synthetic data generation