This library provides improved handling for Clojure functions with optional parameters.
The library provides the macro defn+opts
which defines a function with optional parameters.
The syntax is similar to the one of Clojure's defn
except that only one function body is allowed.
A documentation string for optional parameters is supported.
When a defn+opts
function f
calls another defn+opts
function g
and passes its options
then the docstring of f
will contain information about the optional parameters that can be passed to g
Add the following to your project.clj
to let Leiningen install clojure.options
for you:
:dependencies [[clojure.options "0.2.10"]]
The following example shows the basic syntax for a function definition with the optional parameter base
with default value 10
(defn+opts int->str
"Converts a given positive integer into a string.
<base>The base to use for string encoding (<= 10).</base>
[x | {base 10}]
(loop [x x, digits (list)]
(if (pos? x)
(recur (quot x base) (conj digits (mod x base)))
(apply str digits))))
A call to that function looks like:
(int->str 23 :base 2)
;=> "10111"
(int->str 23)
;=> "23"
The documentation for int->str
looks like
(doc int->str)
;([x & options])
; Converts a given positive integer into a string.
; The following options can be specified:
; :base The base to use for string encoding (<= 10). [default = 10]
;=> nil
The main goal of this library is illustrated with the following function definition:
(defn+opts convert-ints
"Converts all integers in a string to another base."
[s | :as options]
(clojure.string/replace s #"\d+" #(-> % Integer/parseInt (int->str options))))
The function convert-ints
uses int->str
to convert all integers of a given string.
Therefore, it forwards the specified options in the convert-ints
call to the int->str
(convert-ints "There are 2 types of people ..." :base 2)
;=> "There are 10 types of people ..."
The documentation of convert-ints
looks like:
(doc convert-ints)
;([s & options])
; Converts all integers in a string to another base.
; The following options can be specified:
; Passed to function clojure.options/int->str:
; :base The base to use for string encoding (<= 10). [default = 10]
;=> nil
Copyright © 2012-2015 Gunnar Völkel
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.