This is a simple API/Rest test to ACTO. It's a backend API to be consumed by card-game-web frontend.
composer install
cp .env-example .env
./vendor/bin/sail up
This app is using Laravel Framework. It's a very simple app. There is no auth or CSRF protection.
There are only two rotes. One for the winner's list /winners
and other to play the
game /play
The app will check if the player alerady exists, if not it'll create a new player and store the scores to him. Otherwise updates the player's scores. The player checker will only check by name (case insensitive). After each play the app will check if the request is valid checking the form fields and cards type and size allowed. Any problem on that the app will reponse with 500 code and an array of erros. Otherwise will return the game results and a new list of winners.