A task management app built using Jetpack Compose, Kotlin, and Room Database. It allows users to: ✅ Manage tasks with sorting and filtering options 🎨 Customize the app’s UI color 📌 Check the app version with proper exception handling 📊 View an animated progress bar for task completion ⚙️ Configure settings for color preferences and navigation
Task Management: Add, edit, delete, and organize tasks Sorting & Filtering: Easily sort and filter tasks based on different criteria Theme Customization: Choose a primary UI color and persist the selection Progress Indicator: Animated circular progress bar to track task completion App Version Display: Shows the app version with exception handling Settings Screen: Manage UI theme and navigate back seamlessly
- Task Management: Add, edit, delete, and organize tasks
- Sorting & Filtering: Easily sort and filter tasks based on different criteria
- Theme Customization: Choose a primary UI color and persist the selection
- Progress Indicator: Animated circular progress bar to track task completion
1️⃣ Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/gstephin/myTasks.git
cd myTasks
Make sure you have the correct Android Studio and Gradle versions. Sync the project in Android Studio.
3️⃣ Build and Run Open Android Studio Import the project Sync Gradle files Run on an emulator or physical device
UI & User Experience The app is designed with simplicity and ease of use in mind. Key UI elements include:
TopAppBar: Displays "Tasks" with settings and sorting/filtering options
Circular Progress Bar: Aesthetic task completion indicator
Settings Screen: Customization options for the app’s primary color (persisted using Room) Version Info: Clean display of app version
Design Principles Followed: ✔️ Consistency – Intuitive design across UI components ✔️ Feedback – Visual updates for progress & settings changes ✔️ Customizability – Personalized themes for a better experience
This project is licensed under the MIT License – see the LICENSE file for details MIT