The script opens a dialog that allows you to turn off/on all or specific extras.
Default (i.e. [Return]-Key) is to turn everything off.
The script remembers the settings it found when it was first launched on the current document. You can go back by clicking [Initial Settings].
The script also remembers the last settings use by clicking [Apply] in any document. You can apply that by clicking [Last Combo].
- Open the Scripting Panel
- Right-click the entry "User" and select "Reveal in Finder".
- Place script in folder "Scripts Panel"
Some scripts are declared as "Startup Scripts". These are scripts that are automatically run, right after InDesign starts.
For those simply create a folder with the name "Startup Scripts" right beside the "Scripts Panel" folder and place the script inside.
The "Scripts Panel" folder is located in preferences folder of your current InDesign-Version.
I have installed several versions of InDesign (since the customer and his version is "always right" ;) ) but I want to have a single installation folder that is shared among the InDesign-versions.
It used to be that an alias was good enough for this purpose but that changed a few years ago. Now you need something that is called a symbolic link.
- Find the Terminal in Application:Utilities:
- Open the folder that contains the folder where you want to store your scripts
- Drag the folder-symbol in the window bar onto the Terminal
By dragging the folder onto the terminal that folder is automatically set as 'current folder' so you don’t have to bother about paths.
- Now type
ln -s nameofsourcefolder nameofsymboliclink
In my example:
ln -s my\ real\ scripts\ folder/ my-scripts
- Drag the link (here:
) into your "Scripts Panel" folder
Instead of simply putting all your scripts flat into the Scripts Panel you can create a folder structure.
The Scripts panel will show the same structure: