Learn how to generate links in Mailchimp that log in the users automatically.
You can basically just populate the wp_collectme_account_tokens
table and add a merge tag with the token in Mailchimp.
Then you'll be able to generate the links as described in the README.
However, it is more convenient to let the Mailchimpservice generate
the merge tags. This way you can generate a different token for each mailing and thus also reuse the entries in the
table, even for different causes.
The principle is simple. The Mailchimpservice generates the token with the following function:
sha256sum( email || validUntilDate || secret )
. The website can so validate the token without any additional
information except for the shared secret
and the validUntilDate
. It then uses the email to retrieve the additional
information from the wp_collectme_account_tokens
table. If no entry matches the email, the token is considered
Add a merge tag field for the CAUSE
Add the following entry to your sync config /config/example.com.yml
- crmKey: email1
mailchimpKey: CAUSE # The merge tag for the cause
type: token
valid: '2022-12-31' # Token is valid until... Supported formats: https://www.php.net/manual/en/datetime.formats.php
secret: v504CnK8BoNsznCSPWMiZtqLDu6oQOPh # any alphanumeric string
sync: toMailchimp
Then perform a full sync.
Add the following filter:
add_filter( 'collectme_account_token', static function ( $token, $email ) {
$email = strtolower(trim($email));
$date = '2022-12-31'; // must match the config of the Mailchimpservice
$secret = 'v504CnK8BoNsznCSPWMiZtqLDu6oQOPh'; // must match the config of the Mailchimpservice
if (date_create($date) < date_create()) {
// token expired
return false;
$expectedToken = hash_hmac('sha256', $email . $date, $secret);
if (!hash_equals($expectedToken, $token)) {
return false;
try {
return \Collectme\Model\Entities\AccountToken::getByEmail($email)->token;
} catch (\Collectme\Exceptions\CollectmeDBException $e) {
return false;
}, 10, 2 );
Add the link to your mailing:
<a href="https://example.com/post-with-collectme-shortcode?action=create&email=*|EMAIL|*&token=*|CAUSE|*">Log-in</a>
in *|CAUSE|*
must match your merge tag.