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Artificial Experienced Intelligent Ontology v10.0 (2025)

  • Українською: Штучна Досвідчена Інтелектуальна Онтологія
  • Тибетською: བཟོ་བཀོད་ཀྱི་ཉམས་ཡོད་པའི་རིག་པའི་ངོ་བོ་ལུགས། (bzo bkod kyi nyams yod pa'i rig pa'i ngo bo lugs)

Table of Contents (དཀར་ཆག dkar chag)

  • Introduction
  • Process
  • Components
  • Operators
  • Refinments
  • Goals
  • Runtime Languages
  • Higher Languages

1. Introduction (ངོ་སྤྲོད ngo sprod)

The AXIO/1 Framework is a layered system for infinite reasoning, structured into:

  • Runtime Languages: Execute computations and manage concurrency.
  • Higher Languages: Handle theorem proving and formal verification.

This framework operates as a cyclic, iterative system for formal reasoning, where an operator (human, AI, or hybrid) directs a process that continuously refines itself.

2. Process (ལས་ཀ las ka)

AXIO/1 follows a structured flow:

  1. Conditions: Foundational elements (Axioms, Definitions, Types, Propositions, Syntax).
  2. Environment: The structured setting (Model, Consistency, Completeness, Library).
  3. Thinking: Reasoning mechanisms (Hypotheses, Computation, Deduction, Conjecture, Inference Rules, General Induction).
  4. Fruit: Logical results (Proof, Judgment, Theorem).
  5. Insight: Higher-level understanding (Semantics, Categorical Frameworks, Abstraction).

3. Components (ཆ་ཤས cha shas)

Condition (C) རྐྱེན Умова rkyen

    C = (A, D, T, P, X)
  • Axioms (A): Fundamental truths.
  • Definitions (D): Precise descriptions of entities.
  • Types (T): Categorization of objects.
  • Syntax (X): Structural rules.

Environment (E) ཁོར་ཡུག Середовище khor yug

    E = (M, C, K, L)
  • Model (M): Formal representation of the system.
  • Consistency (C): No contradictions within the system.
  • Completeness (K): The extent to which all truths can be derived.
  • Library (L): Repository of known results.

Reason (T) རྒྱུ Причина rgyu

    T = (J, H, C, D, G)
  • Judgment (J): Logical assertions.
  • Hypotheses (H): Presupposition, Assumption, Supposition, Proposition.
  • Computation (C): Lambda Calculus, Pi-Calculus.
  • Deduction (D): Inference Rules, General Induction.
  • Conjecture/Assertion (G): Formulation of potential truths.

Fruit (F) འབྲས་བུ Плід 'bras bu

    F = (⊢,Θ)
  • Proof ⊢ Verified propositions.
  • Theorem Θ Established truths.

Insight (I) ལྟ་བའི་ཤེས་པ lta ba'i shes pa

    I = (S, C, A)
  • Semantics Σ: Meaning assignment.
  • Categorical Frameworks C: High-level abstractions..
  • Abstraction A: Generalization of concepts.

3. Operators (བཀོལ་སྤྱོད་པ bkol spyod pa)

Three types of operators drive the system:

  • Human: Chooses propositions, interprets insights, and guides conjectures.
  • Machine: Automates computations, checks consistency, and suggests hypotheses.
  • Hybrid: Human sets goals, machine executes reasoning steps.

4. Refinements (ལེགས་བཅོས legs bcos)

Ensuring correctness and progression:

  • Infinite Thinking: Achieved via iteration Sₙ → ∞.
  • Finite Steps: Each step is discrete, Sₙ → Sₙ₊₁.
  • Operator-Driven: The direction of reasoning is controlled by O.

The cycle repeats indefinitely, refining knowledge.

    S₀ → S₁ → S₂ → ... → Sₙ → Sₙ₊₁ → ...


  • Sₙ is a finite reasoning step.
  • Sₙ₊₁ builds upon Sₙ, ensuring refinement.
  • Limit process: lim (n → ∞) Sₙ represents infinite reasoning.

5. Design Goals (དམིགས་ཡུལ dmigs yul)

  • Runtime Languages: Handle computation and concurrency.
  • Higher Languages: Ensure theorem proving and soundness.
  • Infinite Thinking: Achieved via refinements cycles.
  • Operator-Driven: Collaboration between humans and machines.

Runtime Languages (ལག་ལེན་གྱི་སྐད lag len gyi skad)


Role: Certified bytecode stack interpreter and compiler to Intel/ARM. Features: Executes Lambda Calculus terms as bytecode, compiles to native code. Fit: Computes concrete results. Certified for reliability. Use Case: Operator runs algebraic steps or tests hypotheses on hardware.


Role: Parallel, concurrent, non-blocking, zero-copy runtime with CAS cursors (compare-and-swap). Features: Implements Pi-Calculus-style concurrency, optimized for matrix operations (BLAS-like). Fit: Manages distributed validation across nodes, computes in parallel (e.g., parity table cases). Use Case: Operator coordinates multi-threaded proof checks or simulations.


Role: Linear types calculus with partial fractions for BLAS level 3 programming. Features: Ensures resource safety (linear types), optimizes matrix computations (e.g., tensor products). Fit: Handles complex (e.g., matrix-based proofs), enforces no redundant copies. Use Case: Operator proves theorems involving linear algebra or tensor structures.

Higher Languages (མཐོ་རིམ་གྱི་སྐད mtho rim gyi skad)


Role: Pure Type System (PTS-91), Calculus of Inductive Constructions (CoC-88), infinite universes, AUTOMATH syntax. Features: Flexible typing. Use Case: Operator formalizes recursive or foundational proofs. Rationale: Henk subsumes Alonzo’s STLC with richer types, making it a strong starting point.


Role: ΠΣ (MLTT-72) prover with CoC, identity types (MLTT-75), extended to CIC (IND-89). Features: Dependent types, equality proofs. Fit: Proves (e.g., "parity preservation"), ensures consistency. Use Case: Operator handles equality or model-specific theorems.


Role: Homotopy Type System (HTS-2013) with Strict Equality and Cubical Agda (CCHM-2016). Features: Higher-dimensional types, paths, cubical primitives. Fit: Extracts (e.g., "parity as a homotopy group"), builds cat. Use Case: Operator abstracts to categorical or topological structures.


Role: Simplicial CCHM-based system, replacing Rzk/GAP. Features: Simplicial types, primitives (Simplex, Chain, Monoid, Category, Group). Fit: Formalizes cat (e.g., "parity as a monoid"), verifies geometric proofs. Use Case: Operator proves simplicial or algebraic topology insights.


Role: A Framework for Chromatic Homotopy Theory and K-Theory. Features: Hopf Fibrations, Suspensions, Truncations, Π, Σ, Id, ℕ, ℕ∞. Use Case: Operator links proofs to topological or physical systems.


Role: A Framework for Supergeometry in Cohesive Topos. Features: Hopf Fibrations, Suspensions, Truncations, Π, Σ, Id, ℕ, ℕ∞. Use Case: Operator links proofs to topological or physical systems.


Role: Dedekind Reals and Cuts. Features: ℝ, ℚ, ⊢ (𝐿, 𝑈) : ℝ, where 𝐿, 𝑈 : ℚ → Prop, ∀ 𝑞 < 𝑟 → 𝐿(𝑞) ∨ 𝑈(𝑟). Use case: Real Analysis.


Role: ZFC LEM theories. Features: 𝑉, Pow(𝐴), 𝑥 ∈ 𝐴, 𝐴 ⊆ 𝐵; LEM: ⊢ 𝑃 ∨ ¬𝑃 Use case: Classical Logic Support.


Role: Forced Cardinals. Features: ⊢ 𝜅 : Card, inaccessible(𝜅), measurable(𝜅), Force(𝑃, 𝐺) : 𝑉 → 𝑉, 𝑝 ⊩ 𝜙 Use case: Generic filter 𝐺 over a poset 𝑃, yielding a new model 𝑉[𝐺], adjoin reals and control cardinalities or axioms.


Role: Motivic A^1-Homotopy Theory. Featues: Π,Σ,Path,𝑘:𝑈,0_𝑘,1_𝑘,point_𝑘,𝐴^1:U,point:𝑘→𝐴^1., a1contr, 𝐿_{A^1}:U→𝑈, 𝜂_{A^1}, rec_{A^1}, n-Trunc, 𝑁, Suspension,S^{1,1}. Use case: derives all structural theorems of A^1-Homotopy Theory—such as A^1-connectivity (X×A^1)≅π_n(A^1), contractibility of 𝐴^1, and unstable connectivity — while providing a foundation for stable A^1-homotopy via suspensions and motivic spheres.


Axiomatic Extended Integrated Ordered System for Infinite Structures is a novel type theory engineered to mechanically verify all existing theorems across mathematics, from classical analysis to modern set theory and homotopy. Building on top of advanced frameworks:

  • Henk Barendregt Type Theory for Pure Dependent Lambda Calculus,
  • Per Martin-Löf Type Theory for Fibrational setting and inductive types,
  • Anders Mörtberg Type Theory for CCHM/CHM/HTS bootstrap,
  • Dan Kan Simplicial HoTT,
  • Jack Morava Type Theory for Chromatic Homotopy Theory and K-Theory,
  • Urs Schreiber Type Theory for Equivariant Supergeometry,
  • Fabien Morel Type Theory for A¹-homotopy theory,
  • Julius Dedeking Type Theory for Reals,
  • Ernst Zermelo Type Theory for ZFC with LEM, and
  • Paul Cohen Type Theory for cardinals system incorporating large cardinals and forcing

this system synthesis unifies synthetic homotopy, stable homotopy spectra, cohesive geometry, real analysis, and set-theoretic foundations into a single, computationally verifiable formalism. We demonstrate its power through key theorems:

  • Number Theory: Prime Number Theorem
  • Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (Analysis):
  • Analysis: Lebesgue Dominated Convergence Theorem
  • Topology: Poincaré Conjecture (3D)
  • Algebra: Classification of Finite Simple Groups
  • Set Theory: Independence of the Continuum Hypothesis (CH)
  • Category Theory: Adjoint Functor Theorem
  • Homotopy Theory: Adams Conjecture (via K-theory)
  • Consistency of ZFC with Large Cardinals
  • Fermat’s Last Theorem
  • Large Cardinal Theorem: Martin’s Maximum

showcasing its ability to span algebraic, analytic, topological, and foundational domains. AXIOSIS stands as a candidate for a universal mechanized mathematics platform, rivaling systems like Cubical Type Theory while extending their scope.

AXIOSIS achieves a landmark synthesis, unifying synthetic and classical mathematics in a mechanically verifiable framework. Its type formers—spanning simplicial ∞-categories, stable spectra, cohesive modalities, reals, ZFC, large cardinals, and forcing — cover all known mathematical domains as of 2025.



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