Modal Homotopy Type System.
type exp =
| EPre of Z.t | EKan of Z.t | EVar of name | EHole (* cosmos *)
| EPi of exp * (name * exp) | ELam of exp * (name * exp) | EApp of exp * exp (* pi *)
| ESig of exp * (name * exp) | EPair of tag * exp * exp | EFst of exp | ESnd of exp (* sigma *)
| EId of exp | ERef of exp | EJ of exp | EField of exp * string (* strict equality *)
| EPathP of exp | EPLam of exp | EAppFormula of exp * exp (* path equality *)
| EI | EDir of dir | EAnd of exp * exp | EOr of exp * exp | ENeg of exp (* CCHM interval *)
| ETransp of exp * exp | EHComp of exp * exp * exp * exp (* Kan operations *)
| EPartial of exp | EPartialP of exp * exp | ESystem of exp System.t (* partial functions *)
| ESub of exp * exp * exp | EInc of exp * exp | EOuc of exp (* cubical subtypes *)
| EGlue of exp | EGlueElem of exp * exp * exp | EUnglue of exp (* glueing *)
| EEmpty | EIndEmpty of exp (* 𝟎 *)
| EUnit | EStar | EIndUnit of exp (* 𝟏 *)
| EBool | EFalse | ETrue | EIndBool of exp (* 𝟐 *)
| EW of exp * (name * exp) | ESup of exp * exp | EIndW of exp * exp * exp (* W *)
| EIm of exp | EInf of exp | EIndIm of exp * exp | EJoin of exp (* Infinitesimal Modality *)
| ECoeq of exp | EIota of exp | EResp of exp | EIndCoeq of exp (* Coequalizer *)
| EDisc of exp | EBase of exp | EHub of exp | ESpoke of exp | EIndDisc of exp (* Disc *)
Anders is a HoTT proof assistant based on: classical MLTT-80 with 0, 1, 2, W types; CCHM in CHM flavour as cubical type system with hcomp/trans Kan operations; HTS sctrict equality on pretypes; de Rham stack modality primitives. We tend not to touch general recursive higher inductive schemes yet, instead we will try to express as much HIT as possible through W, Coequlizer and HubSpokes Disc in the style of HoTT/Coq homotopy library and Three-HIT theorem.
- Homepage:
- Fibrant MLTT-style 0-1-2-Π-Σ-W primitives with Uₙ hierarchy in 500 LOC
- Cofibrant CHM-style I primitives with pretypes hierarchy Vₙ in 500 LOC
- Generalized Transport and Homogeneous Composition core Kan operations
- Partial Elements
- Cubical Subtypes
- Glue types
- Strict Equality on pretypes
- Coequalizer
- Hub Spokes Disc
- Infinitesimal Shape Modality (de Rham Stack)
- Parser in 80 LOC
- Lexer in 80 LOC
- Small Kernel in 1000 LOC
- UTF-8 support including universe levels
- Lean syntax for ΠΣW
- Poor man's records as Σ with named accessors to telescope variables
- 1D syntax with top-level declarations
- Groupoid Infinity CCHM Homotopy Library:
- Best suited for academic papers and fast type checking
$ opam install anders
You can find some examples in the share
directory of the Anders package.
def comp-Path⁻¹ (A : U) (a b : A) (p : Path A a b) :
Path (Path A a a) (comp-Path A a b a p (<i> p @ -i)) (<_> a) :=
<k j> hcomp A (∂ j ∨ k) (λ (i : I), [(j = 0) → a, (j = 1) → p @ -i ∧ -k, (k = 1) → a]) (p @ j ∧ -k)
def kan (A : U) (a b c d : A) (p : Path A a c) (q : Path A b d) (r : Path A a b) : Path A c d :=
<i> hcomp A (∂ i) (λ (j : I), [(i = 0) → p @ j, (i = 1) → q @ j]) (r @ i)
def comp (A : I → U) (r : I) (u : Π (i : I), Partial (A i) r) (u₀ : (A 0)[r ↦ u 0]) : A 1 :=
hcomp (A 1) r (λ (i : I), [(r = 1) → transp (<j>A (i ∨ j)) i (u i 1=1)]) (transp(<i> A i) 0 (ouc u₀))
def ghcomp (A : U) (r : I) (u : I → Partial A r) (u₀ : A[r ↦ u 0]) : A :=
hcomp A (∂ r) (λ (j : I), [(r = 1) → u j 1=1, (r = 0) → ouc u₀]) (ouc u₀)
$ anders check lib/book.anders
Type Checker is based on classical MLTT-80 with 0, 1, 2 and W-types.
- Intuitionistic Type Theory [Martin-Löf]
Anders was built by strictly following CCHM publications:
- CTT: a constructive interpretation of the univalence axiom [Cohen, Coquand, Huber, Mörtberg]
- On Higher Inductive Types in Cubical Type Theory [Coquand, Huber, Mörtberg]
- Canonicity for Cubical Type Theory [Huber]
- Canonicity and homotopy canonicity for cubical type theory [Coquand, Huber, Sattler]
- Cubical Synthetic Homotopy Theory [Mörtberg, Pujet]
- Unifying Cubical Models of Univalent Type Theory [Cavallo, Mörtberg, Swan]
- Cubical Agda: A Dependently Typed PL with Univalence and HITs [Vezzosi, Mörtberg, Abel]
- A Cubical Type Theory for Higher Inductive Types [Huber]
- Gluing for type theory [Kaposi, Huber, Sattler]
- Cubical Methods in HoTT/UF [Mörtberg]
We tried to bring in as little of ourselves as possible.
Anders supports classical Homotopy Type System with two identities.
- A simple type system with two identity types [Voevodsky]
- Two-level type theory and applications [Annenkov, Capriotti, Kraus, Sattler]
- Syntax for two-level type theory [Bonacina, Ahrens]
Infinitesimal Modality was added for direct support of Synthetic Differential Geometry.
- Differential cohomology in a cohesive ∞-topos [Schreiber]
- Cartan Geometry in Modal Homotopy Type Theory [Cherubini]
- Differential Cohesive Type Theory [Gross, Licata, New, Paykin, Riley, Shulman, Cherubini]
- Brouwer's fixed-point theorem in real-cohesive homotopy type theory [Shulman]
Intel i5-12400. Compilation under second, full library type check under 1/3 of a second.
$ time dune build
real 0m0.796s
user 0m1.912s
sys 0m0.416s
$ time dune exec anders check lib/book.anders
real 0m0.268s
user 0m0.017s
sys 0m0.017s
Anders is a HoTT proof assistant based on: classical MLTT-80 with 0, 1, 2, W types; CCHM in CHM flavour as cubical type system with hcomp/trans Kan operations; HTS sctrict equality on pretypes; de Rham stack modality primitives. We tend not to touch general recursive higher inductive schemes yet, instead we will try to express as much HIT as possible through W, Coequlizer and HubSpokes Disc in the style of HoTT/Coq homotopy library and Three-HIT theorem.
Here is given the Anders Homotopy Library.
In the foundations
folder presented the MLTT, Modal and Univalent base libraries:
├── mltt/
│ ├── bool/
│ ├── either/
│ ├── fin/
│ ├── induction/
│ ├── list/
│ ├── maybe/
│ ├── mltt/
│ ├── nat/
│ ├── pi/
│ ├── sigma/
│ └── vec/
├── modal/
│ └── infinitesimal/
└── univalent/
├── equiv/
├── extensionality/
├── iso/
├── path/
└── prop/
In the mathematics
folder you will find Mathematical Components for HTS:
├── algebra/
│ ├── homology/
│ └── algebra/
├── analysis/
│ ├── real/
│ └── topology/
├── categories/
│ ├── abelian/
│ ├── category/
│ ├── functor/
│ └── groupoid/
├── geometry/
│ ├── bundle/
│ ├── etale/
│ └── formalDisc/
├── homotopy/
│ ├── KGn/
│ ├── S1/
│ ├── Sn/
│ ├── coequalizer/
│ ├── hubSpokes/
│ ├── pullback/
│ ├── pushout/
│ ├── quotient/
│ ├── suspension/
│ └── truncation/
└── topoi/
└── topos/
The main purpose of Anders is doing Homotopy Theory:
$ dune exec anders repl
Anders Proof Assistant version 1.4.0
Copyright © 2021–2022 Groupoid Infinity.
For help type ‘:h’.
- Максим Сохацький. Презентація кубічного CCHM прувера Anders 0.7.2. 2021-07-18
- Максим Сохацький. Anders: верификатор математики. 2022-01-17
- Максим Сохацький. Anders: Modal Homotopy Type System. 2022-01-17
- Максим Сохацький. Система формальних мов Групоїд Інфініті. 2024-11-26