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Jenkins JIRA Plugin

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This plugin integrates Atlassian JIRA to Jenkins.


This plugin has an optional feature to update JIRA issues with a back pointer to Jenkins build pages. This allows the submitter and watchers to quickly find out which build they need to pick up to get the fix.

JIRA Issue links in build Changelog

When you configure your JIRA site in Jenkins, the plugin will automatically hyperlink all matching issue names to JIRA.

If you have additionally provided username/password to JIRA, the hyperlinks will also contain tooltips with the issue summary.

Updating JIRA issues with back pointers

If you also want to use this feature, you need to supply a valid user id/password. If you need the comment only to be visible to a certain JIRA group, e.g. Software Development, enter the groupname. 

Now you also need to configure jobs. I figured you might not always have write access to the JIRA (say you have a Jenkins build for one of the Apache commons project that you depend on), so that's why this is optional.

And the following screen shows how JIRA issue is updated:

By taking advantages of Jenkins' fingerprint feature, when your other projects that depend on this project pick up a build with a fix, those build numbers can also be recorded in JIRA.

This is quite handy when a bug is fixed in one of the libraries, yet the submitter wants a fix in a different project. This happens often in my work, where a bug is reported against JAX-WS but the fix is in JAXB. 

For curious mind, see this thread for how this works behind the scene.

Referencing JIRA Release version 

To reference JIRA Release versions in your build, you can pull these releases directly from JIRA by adding the JIRA Release Version Parameter. 

This can be useful for generating release notes, trigerring parameterized build, etc.

Generating Release Notes

You can also generate release notes to be used during your build. These notes can be retrieved from an environment variable. See the Maven Project Plugin for the environment variables found within the POM.

After your build has run, you can also have the plugin mark a release as resolved. This typically will be a release you specified in your Build Parameters.

The plugin can also move certain issues matching a JQL query to a new release version.

Sample usage of generated Release Notes:

JIRA Authentication & Permissions required

Note: As a rule of thumb, you should be always using a service account (instead of a personal account) to integrate Jenkins with JIRA.

Make sure that the JIRA user used by Jenkins has enough permissions to execute its actions. You can do that via JIRA Permission Helper tool.

  • For creating JIRA issues, the user has to be able to Create Issues in the specified project
  • If you additionally enter assignee or component field values, make sure that:
    • both of the fields are assigned to the corresponding JIRA Screen
    • the JIRA user is Assignable in the project
    • the Jenkins JIRA user can Assign issues
JIRA Cloud

In Atlassian JIRA Cloud, it's not possible to create a user without an email, so you need to create API token.

Then create a global Jenkins credential, where you put Atlassian ID email as username and API token as password.

You can check if your API token works correctly by getting a correct JSON issue response with this command (where TEST-1 is an example issue in your project):

$ curl -X GET -u <email>:<API token> -H "Content-Type: application/json"  https://<YourCloudInstanceName>

Also make sure that CAPTCHA is not triggered for your user as this will prevent the API token to work - see CAPTCHA section in Atlassian REST API documentation.

System properties

Property Name Functionality Change
-Dhudson.plugins.jira.JiraMailAddressResolver.disabled=true Use to disable resolving user email from JIRA usernames. Currently there is no option for this in UI.

Related Resources



Reported Issues:

Common issues

Jenkins<>JIRA SSL connectivity problems

If you encounter stacktraces like this:

Caused by: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

make sure the JRE/JDK that Jenkins master is running (or the Jenkins slaves are running) contain the valid CA chain certificates that JIRA is running with. You can test it using this class

like this:

$ wget -O

$ /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_131/bin/javac

$ /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_131/jre/bin/java SSLPoke 443
Successfully connected


Contributing to the Plugin

See examples directory for some useful scripts like:

New feature proposals and bug fix proposals should be submitted as GitHub pull requests.

There are two active branches:

  • master - bugfixes and development of new features - major x.Y versions are released from this branch
  • hotfix - bugfix branch - selected commits are cherry picked from master branch - patch x.y.Z are released from this branch

Fork the repository on GitHub, prepare your change on your forked copy, and submit a pull request (see here for open pull requests).

Your pull request will be evaluated by the Travis CI Job and you should receive e-mail with the results of the evaluation.

If you are adding new features please make sure that they support Jenkins Pipeline Plugin. See (here]( for some information.

Before submitting your change make sure that:

  • you added tests - the coverage will be checked after submitting PRs
  • the code formatting follows the plugin standard (i.e. how most of the source code is formatted)
  • imports are organised - please do not use wildcard imports
  • you use findbugs to see if you haven't introduced any new warnings.

There have been many developers involved in the git plugin and there are many, many users who depend on the git-plugin.
Tests help us assure that we're delivering a reliable plugin, and that we've communicated our intent to other developers in a way that they can detect when they run tests.

Building plugin with Docker

Build the plugin locally using Docker and Maven image version 3.3 & newest JDK 8:

docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD":/usr/src/mymaven -v "$HOME/.m2:/usr/src/mymaven/.m2" -w /usr/src/mymaven maven:3.3-jdk-8 mvn clean package

Atlassian sources import

To resolve some binary compatibility issues JENKINS-48357, the sources from the artifact com.atlassian.httpclient:atlassian-httpclient-plugin:0.23 has been imported in the project to have control over http(s) protocol transport layer. The downloaded sources didn't have any license headers but based on the pom sources are Apache License (see pom in src/main/resources/atlassian-httpclient-plugin-0.23.0.pom)