The format is based on Keep a Changelog. [YY.MM.MICRO]
- Dark mode
- Exchange (crypto to crypto)
- Time range in graphs
- Export transactions
- Labeling: Google Drive sync
- Bugs with displaying correct hidden wallet number (#2467, #2578). Remembered devices will stick to the old numbering until recreated.
- Don't trigger Bridge update for 2.0.27 and newer.
- Metadata (labeling) may now be saved locally. This feature is available only for desktop version.
- Improved metadata (labeling) input
- Account search bug fixes and various small improvements
- Passphrase input backspace/delete keys behavior
- Auto updater for desktop version.
- Logging of previous device firmware in firmware update procedure if analytics is enabled
- Oauth flow in desktop now opens in default browser.
- Oauth is now implemented using "authorization code flow with PKCE" method, instead of previously used implicit flow.
- Firmware update flow redesigned. User is required to connect device in 'normal' mode before updating.
- New design: toast notifications, modals, passphrase modal,...
- Send form "setMax" inconsistent behavior. Fix of #2314, #2327
- Metadata (labeling) flow with passphrase enabled.
- Metadata (labeling) fix overflow of long labels.
- Labelling
- Account Search
- Graph: Toggle between linear and logarithmic scale
- Update trezor-connect
- Graph: responsivity improvements
- Detection of unsupported browsers
- Various UI fixes and improvements
- Historical balance in account graph
- Design: improved Dashboard, Modal for switching wallets and list of transactions
- Update trezor-connect
- Synchronizing state of multiple remembered devices to local storage
- Desktop build now correctly offers latest firmware version
- Firmware changelog formatting
- Send: Compatibility with Zcash Heartwood upgrade
- Update trezor-connect and electron dependencies
- Change Blockbook backends for BTC, BTH, ETH and LTC from the beta back to stable
- Bump minimal supported chrome/firefox version
- Design: General layout and navigation overhaul
- Design: Dashboard news design refresh
- Recovery: Handle device reconnect during Shamir recovery
- Recovery: Handle cancelling recovery by a device communicating through WebUSB
- Modal: Clicking on tooltip won't close the modal window anymore
- Landing page: Remove "become tester" button
- Error page: option to clear storage
- Error page: if initial loading takes more than 20s show Error page
- Desktop FW 2.3.1/1.9.1 update available
- Better looking Y axis in dashboard/account graph (linear scale)
- Update dependencies (Electron, trezor-connect, Styled Components, Next,...)
- Update landing page
- Graph: rounding small negative values in dashboard/account graph
- Graph: slow animation on resizing
- Recovery: fix continue in recovery mode modal
- Recovery: passphrase enabled after recovery by default
- Backup: better handling of already failed, already finished edge case
- Transactions: Fiat amounts next to the graph overflowing outside of container
- Fiat Rates: Fix hitting API limits
- Crash on formatting small negative values
- Submitting too long passphrase with Enter
- ConnectDevice: remove udev installers on android (mobile)
- Initial beta release