Reference : cloudgoat (
WHS 1st Team 먼지 cloud wargame project
each scenario has a different environment...
-> You can build your infra with simple commands.
-> you can control multiple AWS services from the command line and automate them through scripts.
$ cd 3.CMD-Inj
Size: Small
Difficulty: Easy
Summary: You start as an outsider. Exploit web application vulnerable to command injection. Enumerate through S3 buckets to find and retrieve flag.txt.
$ cd 4.SSTI
Size: Small
Difficulty: Easy
Summary: You start as an outsider. Exploit web application vulnerable to SSTI using reverse shell. Enumerate and assume iam role to access secretsmanager. Use srcretsmanager to retrieve flag.
$ cd 5.JWT
Size: Medium
Difficulty: Moderate
Summary: Modulating JWT of user, you can access the admin page and find a textfield where command injection is possible. Obtaining the reverse shell, check the roles and polices assigned to the server. Use the assigned policy to find a function that seems important, and get the value of the secret used in the function.
$ cd 1.FD-SSM
Size: Medium
Difficulty: Moderate
Summary: As an outsider, your objective is to retrieve the /.aws/credentials file using the FileDownload vulnerability on the web. By utilizing the run command, you can gain access to a web EC2 shell. Create an AMI image of the FLAG EC2 instance and execute the command.
Size: Medium
Difficulty: Moderate
Summary: Exploiting SSRF and open redirect vulnerabilities, you can retrieve metadata. Modify a Lambda function to halt CloudTrail and send requests through API Gateway. Utilize the same method to delete an RDS instance
🔑 Before you start, you need to create and register your aws account.
$ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: <Key id>
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: <Secret Access Key>
Default region name [None]:
Default output format [None]:
💸 When you're done with the scenario, you'll have to destroy the infra of that scenario. If you don't destroy it, the cost of your aws account will continue to be incurred.
$ terraform destroy //Remove all resources managed by terraform