[…] Und ließ die Lösung aller Fragen/ Sich heimlich von der Ratte sagen/ Und schrieb nie Aufsatz noch Diktat/ Ohne die Ratte und ihren Rat. […]
– Peter Hacks: Jules Ratte. In: ders. Kinderkurzweil. Berlin. 1986.
This library provides API access to MediaWiki-based sites, mainly those comprising the Wikidata/Wikipedia/Wikimedia landscape.
- Stream processing of Wikimedia dumps
- HTTP client for the MediaWiki API, including support for continuation requests (paged results) and request throttling for proper bot behavior
- Parsing of MediaWiki markup into Clojure data structures via Sweble
- Access to Wikidata via Wikidata Query Service
Add the following to your deps.edn
project file:
io.github.gremid/julesratte {:git/sha "..."}
(ns julesratte.examples
[julesratte.client :as client]
[julesratte.dump :as dump]
[julesratte.page :as page]
[julesratte.wikidata :as wd]))
(->> (page/request-by-title (client/api-endpoint "de.wiktionary.org")
"Pfirsich" "Kirsche" "Birnen" "Erdbeeren")
(into [] (map (juxt :title :user :timestamp (comp #(subs % 0 5) :text)))))
;; => [["Kirsche" "EPIC" "2024-02-01T10:18:54Z" "== Ki"]
;; ["Pfirsich" "Dr. Karl-Heinz Best" "2023-09-21T09:21:06Z" "== Pf"]
;; ["Birnen" "BetterkBot" "2017-05-16T16:49:49Z" "== Bi"]
;; ["Erdbeeren" "DerbethBot" "2022-01-29T09:40:52Z" "== Er"]]
(->> (page/request-random (client/api-endpoint "de.wikipedia.org") 5)
(into [] (map (juxt :title :user :timestamp))))
;; => [["Bovines Leukämie-Virus" "InternetArchiveBot" "2023-06-18T06:22:54Z"]
;; ["Jos Murer" "Bph" "2024-02-02T12:56:49Z"]
;; ["Distrikt Santa Rosa de Quives" "Aka" "2024-01-22T11:54:41Z"]
;; ["Zinédine Ould Khaled" "Phzh" "2024-02-03T15:15:19Z"]
;; ["Mōkihinui River" "Du Hugin Skulblaka" "2024-01-29T11:04:59Z"]]
(with-open [stream (dump/->input-stream "dewiktionary")
xml-events (dump/xml-event-reader stream)]
(->> (dump/parse-revisions xml-events)
(into [] (comp (take 10) (map (juxt :title :username :timestamp))))))
;; => [["MediaWiki:Linktrail" "SteffenB" "2004-06-05T22:14:21Z"]
;; ["MediaWiki:Mainpage" "Thogo" "2007-11-07T21:10:09Z"]
;; ["MediaWiki:Aboutpage" "Pajz" "2006-08-23T15:20:06Z"]
;; ["MediaWiki:Helppage" "Pajz" "2006-05-08T14:21:46Z"]
;; ["MediaWiki:Wikititlesuffix" "Melancholie" "2005-01-08T04:45:01Z"]
;; ["MediaWiki:Bugreports" "Elian" "2004-03-27T13:51:39Z"]
;; ["MediaWiki:Bugreportspage" "Elian" "2004-03-27T13:51:29Z"]
;; ["MediaWiki:Sitesupport" "Melancholie" "2005-12-28T04:21:16Z"]
;; ["MediaWiki:Faqpage" "Melancholie" "2004-11-29T22:03:13Z"]
;; ["MediaWiki:Edithelppage" "Melancholie" "2004-11-29T21:54:46Z"]]
(wd/describe (wd/entity "Wikidata"))
;; => "free knowledge graph hosted by Wikimedia and edited by volunteers"
- Gregor Middell, main author
- Jack Rusher, author of Mundaneum, a thin Clojure wrapper around Wikidata, that served as the basis for Wikidata support in this library
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.