Integrate the tool Sir Trevor JS in a Laravel 4/5 project.
This package is available through Packagist
and Composer
For Laravel 5.x version fb articles, use the branch master :
"caouecs/sirtrevorjs": "~2.3.0"
For Laravel 5.1 version view & amp, use the branch v2.2 :
"caouecs/sirtrevorjs": "~2.2.0"
For Laravel 5.1 version base, use the branch v2.1 :
"caouecs/sirtrevorjs": "~2.1.0"
For Laravel 5.0, use the branch v2 :
"caouecs/sirtrevorjs": "~2.0.0"
For Laravel 4, use the branch laravel4 :
"caouecs/sirtrevorjs": "~1.4"
In your app/config/app.php
, add in aliases :
'SirTrevorJs' => 'Caouecs\Sirtrevorjs\SirTrevorJs',
'STConverter' => 'Caouecs\Sirtrevorjs\SirTrevorJsConverter'
If you want to use routing, controllers, views directly in your project, in your app/config/app.php
, add "Caouecs\Sirtrevorjs\SirtrevorjsServiceProvider"
to your list of providers.
To get tweets, this project uses thujohn/twitter. Please visit the page of the project to know how to install and configure.
Next, you must migrate config :
php artisan vendor:publish caouecs/sirtrevorjs
After installation, the config file is located at app/config/packages/caouecs/sirtrevorjs/sir-trevor-js.php.
You can define :
- the path for image upload
- the route for upload image
- the route for tweet
- the path of Sir Trevor files
- the list of block types
- custom blocks
- the language
- the paths for Eventable.js and Underscore.js
- the view
- configuration for blocks
- soundcloud
- gettyimages
- etc...
For stylesheets :
For scripts, in your Blade files :
Function to fix a problem with image block when you add a new image :
$text = SirTrevorJs::transformText($text);
Get first image in text with findImage
method :
string SirTrevorJS::findImage(string $text);
In return, you have url of image or empty string.
Get all elements in text, in specified blocktype with find
method :
mixed SirTrevorJS::find(string $text, string $blocktype [, string $output = "json"])
In return, you can have :
- array, if you choose "array" for $output
- json, if you choose "json" for $output
- false, if the script doesn't find an occurence of blocktype
This class proposes two things :
- upload image where you want
- get tweets
The routes are in the provider.
This trait proposes two things :
- upload image where you want
- get tweets
This project proposes a system for upload image, nothing to configure, just the directory_upload
value in config file.
"directory_upload" => "img/uploads"
This project proposes a system to get tweets. I use thujohn/twitter project.
Convert text from Sir Trevor Js to html :
$convert = new SirTrevorJsConverter();
Or via SirTrevorJS class :
{{ SirTrevorJs::render($text) }}
Convert text from Sir Trevor Js to Amp:
$convert = new SirTrevorJsConverter();
All modules have an amp's version, if it exists an equivalence.
Convert text from Sir Trevor Js to Facebook Instant Articles:
$convert = new SirTrevorJsConverter();
All modules have an FBArticles's version, if it exists an equivalence.
By default, you can define views in config file. But if you want to use multi views in your project, you can define a new view in the constructor of STConverter.
$convert = new SirTrevorJsConverter('sirtrevor::amp');
You can choose to add custom blocks in config file or add them by extending SirTrevorJsConverter class.
'customBlocks' => [
'image_extended' => '\App\SirTrevorConverters\ImageExtendedConverter',
<?php namespace App\SirTrevorConverters;
use \Caouecs\Sirtrevorjs\SirTrevorJsConverter as Converter;
class SirTrevorJsConverter extends Converter {
public function __construct($view = null) {
$this->customBlocks = [
'image_extended' => \App\SirTrevorConverters\ImageExtendedConverter::class,
For the moment, the code can convert :
- blockquote / quote
- embedly card
- facebook post
- getty images
- heading
- iframe
- image
- basic version
- version with caption
- issuu
- sketchfab
- slideshare
- soundcloud
- spotify
- text with Markdown
- tweet
- unordered list
- video
- aol
- canal plus
- daily mail uk
- dailymotion
- france tv
- global news
- livestream
- metacafe
- metatube
- mlb
- nbc bay area
- nhl
- ooyala
- redtube
- ustream (live and recorded)
- veoh
- vevo
- vimeo
- vine
- wat
- yahoo
- youtube
- video with caption