Secure STOMP Messenger (SSM) is designed to simply send messages using the STOMP protocol or via the ARGO Messaging Service (AMS). Messages are signed and may be encrypted during transit. Persistent queues should be used to guarantee delivery.
SSM is written in Python. Packages are available for RHEL 7, and Ubuntu Trusty.
For more information about SSM, see the EGI wiki.

SSM is provided by STFC, a part of UK Research and Innovation. Licensed under the Apache 2 License.
The EPEL repository must be enabled. This can be done by installing the RPM for your version of SL, which is available on this page: You will also need to have the OpenSSL library installed. Other prerequisites are listed below.
The Python STOMP library (N.B. versions between 3.1.1 (inclusive) and 5.0.0 (exclusive) are currently supported)
yum install stomppy
The Python AMS library. This is only required if you want to use AMS. See here for details on obtaining an RPM:
The Python ldap library (N.B. versions before 3.4.0 (exclusive) are currently supported)
yum install python-ldap
Optionally, the Python dirq library (N.B. this is only required if your messages are stored in a dirq structure)
yum install python-dirq
The Python daemon library (N.B. installing this library is only required when using the SSM as a receiver)
yum install python-daemon
You need a certificate and key in PEM format accessible to the SSM. There are a number of ways to do this. One is to make a copy of the hostcert and hostkey files, owned by the apel user (created later):
- /etc/grid-security/hostcert-ssm.pem
- /etc/grid-security/hostkey-ssm.pem These are the default settings in the configuration file ssm.cfg. You can use a different configuration if you prefer.
You need certificates against which you're going to verify any certs you use or receive in the directory /etc/grid-security/certificates (or other configured location). The best way to do this for EGI is to install the ca-policy-egi-core package:
cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
yum install ca-policy-egi-core
If you want to check CRLs when verifying certificates, you need fetch_crl installed:
yum install fetch-crl
service fetch-crl-cron start
chkconfig fetch-crl-cron on
fetch-crl must have run once for the certificates to be verified successfully.
rpm -i apelssm-<version>.noarch.rpm
The RPM carries out a number of steps to run the SSM in a specific way.
- It installs the core files in the Python libraries directory
- It installs scripts in /usr/bin
- It installs configuration files in /etc/apel
- It creates the messages directory /var/spool/apel/
- It creates the log directory /var/log/apel/
- It creates the pidfile directory /var/run/apel/
- It installs a service script in /etc/init.d/
Install APEL SSM:
dpkg -i apel-ssm_<version>_all.deb
Install any missing system packages needed for the SSM:
apt-get -f install
Install any missing Python requirements that don't have system packages:
pip install "<5.0.0" dirq
If you wish to run the SSM as a receiver, you will also need to install the python-daemon system package:
apt-get install python-daemon
The DEB carries out a number of steps to run the SSM in a specific way.
- It installs the core files in the Python libraries directory
- It installs scripts in /usr/bin
- It installs configuration files in /etc/apel
- It creates the messages directory /var/spool/apel/
- It creates the log directory /var/log/apel/
- It creates the pidfile directory /var/run/apel/
Create the apel user:
useradd -r apel
Ensure that the apel user running the SSM has access to the following:
- the host certificate and key, or a copy
chown apel:apel /var/spool/apel/
chown apel:apel /var/log/apel/
chown apel:apel /var/run/apel
The configuration files are in /etc/apel/. The default configuration will send messages to the test APEL server.
There are multiple manual and programmatic ways to add files to be sent:
All file and directory names must use hex characters: [0-9a-f]
- Create a directory within /var/spool/apel/outgoing with a name
of EIGHT hex characters e.g.
- Put files in this directory with names of FOURTEEN hex
Ensure path_type: directory
is set in your sender.cfg
Then add messages as files to /var/spool/apel/outgoing
there are no restrictions on the file names used.
Use the Python or Perl dirq libraries:
Create a QueueSimple object with path /var/spool/apel/outgoing/ and add your messages.
Use the MessageDirectory
class provided in ssm.message_directory
Create a MessageDirectory
object with path /var/spool/apel/outgoing/
add your messages using the add
- Run 'ssmsend'
- SSM will pick up any messages and send them to the configured queue on the configured broker
- Edit your sender configuration, usually under
, as per the migration instructions with some minor differences:- There is no need to add the
section as it already exists. Instead change theprotocol
. - Set
to the appropriate project.
- There is no need to add the
- Then run 'ssmsend'. SSM will pick up any messages and send them via the ARGO Messaging Service.
- Download the example configuration file
- Edit the downloaded
file as above for sending either via the EGI message brokers or the ARGO Messaging Service. - Run the following docker command to send
docker run \
-d --entrypoint ssmsend \
-v /path/to/downloaded/config/sender.cfg:/etc/apel/sender.cfg \
-v /path/to/read/messages:/var/spool/apel/outgoing \
-v /etc/grid-security:/etc/grid-security \
-v /path/to/persistently/log:/var/log/apel \
- The line
-v /path/to/persistently/log:/var/log/apel \
is only required if you want to access the sender log as a file. Ifconsole: true
is set in yoursender.cfg
, the container will also log to stdout/stderr.
- Run
service apelssm start
- If this fails, check /var/log/apel/ssmreceive.log for details
- To stop, run
service apelssm stop
- Download the example configuration file
- Edit the downloaded receiver.cfg file to configure the queue and broker
- Run the following docker command to launch containerized receiver process
docker run \
-d --entrypoint ssmreceive \
-v /path/to/downloaded/config/receiver.cfg:/etc/apel/receiver.cfg \
-v /path/to/read/messages:/var/spool/apel/ \
-v /path/to/dns/file:/etc/apel/dns \
-v /etc/grid-security:/etc/grid-security \
-v /path/to/persistently/log:/var/log/apel \
- The line
-v /path/to/persistently/log:/var/log/apel \
is only required if you want to access the receiver log as a file. Ifconsole: true
is set in yourreceiver.cfg
, the container will also log to stdout/stderr.
- Run 'ssmreceive'
- SSM will receive any messages on the specified queue and write them to the filesystem
- To stop, run
'kill `cat /var/run/apel/`'
- Edit your receiver configuration, usually under
, as per the migration instructions with some minor differences:- There is no need to add the
section as it already exists. Instead change theprotocol
. - Set
to the appropriate project.
- There is no need to add the
- Then run your receiver (as a service, as a container or manually) as above.
rpm -e apelssm
yum remove stomppy
yum remove python-daemon
yum remove python-ldap
rm -rf /var/spool/apel
rm -rf /var/log/apel
rm -rf /var/run/apel
revert any changes to or copies of the host certificate and key