OSSM (pronounced like "Awesome") is a user friendly every day sex machine for the people.
This project aims to help people curious about sex machines explore their interest. A second objective is optionally learning how mechanics, electronics, physics and computing are involved in your sexual pleasure.
Please note that this is a work in progress and we have attempted to keep compatibility with the current BOM going forward, but it's not guaranteed.
Primary design goals are to make a machine that is Compact, Quiet, Moderate cost, 3D printable (no cutting/machining), High performance, flexible, Easily sourced components, Doesn't look like a giant machine.
There are a few hardware flavours to choose from, we've included user modified versions in case that fits your use case better!
Join our Discord to be part of the discussion and get help with your build. https://discord.gg/MmpT9xE
We recommend using the ESP32 microcontroller. This code is still arduino IDE compatible but offers many times better performance and a nice internet dashboard you can use! Control your OSSM at https://app.researchanddesire.com/ossm !
Simple PCB to power an ESP32 (wifi enabled microcontroller) from 24V and breakout the pins for the OSSM control
The OSSM use a compact belt design with components that have become widely available due to 3D printing popularity. It is driven by a Nema23 motor of your choosing, although we reccomend small integrated closed loop steppers for their cost to performance ratio.
The safety of the OSSM build is yet to be fully characterized as it is a work in progress. The OSSM is a work in progress and as it is a framework for building your own sex machine your specific combination may have risks not inherent to other builds. These risks may be undocumented.
While using the OSSM we can suggest the following heiracrhy of safety, however it is up to you and your build to decide what risks exist and how to mitigate them.
- A) Have ability to move away
- B) Have ability to remove the power
- C) If in bondage, that is responsibility of the Top
We are calling this the reference build, when deviating from it please check compatability with existing BOM
- 3D Printed Parts
- This has recently had significant changes
- Make sure to choose one of the options for the toy adapters
- Mounting options are still something that need to be worked on
- Thank you @Elims for the belt tensioner design ( https://github.com/theelims/FuckIO )
- ** IHSV57 NEMA23 Servo with 8mm shaft** : Amazon.ca | JMC
- Avoid the StepperOnline version until we can further test
- Make sure you get something with 8mm shaft max!
- There are 3 sizes of this motor -100W,140W,180W. If you are using the 140W or180W version it is recommended to use a 10mm wide belt and pulley (see the next two items)
- search around for the best deal for you - have found occasionally better deals on Aliexpress
- Force Calculator for OSSM
- GT2 Pulley 8mm Bore 20 Tooth : Amazon.ca
- GT2 Timing Belt : Amazon.ca
- Only the GT2 belt is needed from this kit, however it's often cheaper with the incorrect sized pulleys in a bundle
- Your desired stroke length plus about 200mm should be your minimum order length
Bearings 5x11x4mm : Amazon.ca
MGN12H Rail and bearing : Amazon.ca
- Minimum 250mm in length
- Must be MGN12H rail
Power Supply : Amazon.ca
- Larger motors generally need more power. For the large 180W servo a 36V 5A supply would be ideal.
- 140W -> 24V 6A or 36V 4A
- 100W -> 24V 4A or 36V 3A
- Choose the closest supply to the guidelines, the ossm will still work, but may be limited at maximum thrust speed/force.
- Ensure the power supply is fully enclosed (like a laptop power supply)
- Ensure the power supply has the correct approvals for your location
Metric Cap Screws : Amazon.ca
- A kit like this will provide what's needed, specific quantities TBD
ESP32 Development Board
- An official OSSM reference PCB
- We do not currently have a best suggestion if you are not using a reference board, most generic development boards are the same
- We have found that the 3.3v boards may miss steps at high speed, so please use a level shifter as well.
- To start working on the project, something like this Adafruit board is an excellent place to start.
- Accessories required for prototyping include Breadboard and Dupont Jumpers
This should be a good start for the wiring of your OSSM! However, depending on your hardware mix settings or wiring may be different