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Python Data Science Projects

These python data science projects are built in correspondence with " 100 Days of Code - The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp " course. This course was taught by London's App Brewery top instructor Angela Yang.

Each project has been built from scratch with minimal to no assistance.

Day 072 - College Major vs Your Salary Analysis

This project involves analyzing the post-university salaries of graduates by major.

Learning Points

  • Use .head(), .tail(), .shape and .columns to explore your DataFrame and find out the number of rows and columns as well as the column names.
  • Look for NaN (not a number) values with .findna() and consider using .dropna() to clean up your DataFrame.
  • You can access entire columns of a DataFrame using the square bracket notation: df['column name'] or df[['column name 1', 'column name 2', 'column name 3']].
  • You can access individual cells in a DataFrame by chaining square brackets df['column name'][index] or using df['column name'].loc[index].
  • The largest and smallest values, as well as their positions, can be found with methods like .max(), .min(), .idxmax() and .idxmin().
  • You can sort the DataFrame with .sort_values() and add new columns with .insert().
  • To create an Excel Style Pivot Table by grouping entries that belong to a particular category use the .groupby() method.

College Major vs Your Salary Analysis

Day 073 - Programming Languages

This project involves analyzing the popularity of different programming languages over time. Additionally, create beautiful charts using Matplotlib.

Learning Points

  • Use .groupby() to explore the number of posts and entries per programming language.
  • Convert strings to Datetime objects with to_datetime() for easier plotting.
  • Reshape DataFrame by converting categories to columns using .pivot().
  • Use .count() and isna().values.any() to look for NaN values in our DataFrame, which we then replaced using .fillna().
  • Create (multiple) line charts using .plot() with a for-loop.
  • Style charts by changing the size, the labels, and the upper and lower bounds of our axis.
  • Add a legend to tell apart which line is which by color.
  • Smooth out our time-series observations with .rolling().mean() and plot them to better identify trends over time.

Programming Languages

Day 074 - LEGO Pieces

This project involves analyzing a dataset of LEGO Pieces.

Learning Points

  • Use HTML Markdown in Notebooks, such as section headings # and how to embed images with the <img> tag.
  • Combine the groupby() and count() functions to aggregate data.
  • Use the .value_counts() function.
  • Slice DataFrames using the square bracket notation e.g., df[:-2] or df[:10].
  • Use the .agg() function to run an operation on a particular column.
  • rename() columns of DataFrames.
  • Create a line chart with two separate axes to visualise data that have different scales.
  • Create a scatter plot in Matplotlib.
  • Work with tables in a relational database by using primary and foreign keys.
  • .merge() DataFrame along a particular column.
  • Create a bar chart with Matplotlib.

LEGO Pieces

Day 075 - Google Trends

This project involves analyzing and combining Google Trends with other Time Series data.

Learning Points

  • Use .describe() to quickly see some descriptive statistics at a glance.
  • Use .resample() to make a time-series data comparable to another by changing the periodicity.
  • Work with matplotlib.dates Locators to better style a timeline (e.g., an axis on a chart).
  • Find the number of NaN values with .isna().values.sum()
  • Change the resolution of a chart using the figure's dpi
  • Create dashed '--' and dotted '-.' lines using linestyles
  • Use different kinds of markers (e.g., 'o' or '^') on charts.
  • Fine-tuning the styling of Matplotlib charts by using limits, labels, linewidth and colors (both in the form of named colors and HEX codes).
  • Use .grid() to help visually identify seasonality in a time series.

Google Trends

Day 076 - Android App Store

This project involves analyzing the Android App Store. Additionally, create beautiful charts using Plotly.

Learning Points

  • Pull a random sample from a DataFrame using .sample()
  • Find duplicate entries with .duplicated() and .drop_duplicates()
  • Convert string and object data types into numbers with .to_numeric()
  • Use Plotly to generate beautiful pie, donut, and bar charts as well as box and scatter plots.

Android App Store

Day 077 - Computation with Numpy

This project involves computing numerical data using the Numpy python library.

Learning Points

  • Create arrays manually with np.array()
  • Generate arrays using  .arange(), .random(), and .linspace()
  • Analyse the shape and dimensions of a ndarray
  • Slice and subset a ndarray based on its indices
  • Do linear algebra like operations with scalars and matrix multiplication
  • Use NumPy’s broadcasting to make ndarray shapes compatible
  • Manipulate images in the form of ndarrays

Computation with Numpy

Day 078 - Movie Budget and Financial Performance

This project involves analyzing the Movie Budget and Financial Performance data. Additionally, run a linear regression on the data using scikit-learn. Finally, create beautiful charts using Seaborn.

Learning Points

  • Use nested loops to remove unwanted characters from multiple columns
  • Filter Pandas DataFrames based on multiple conditions using both .loc[] and .query()
  • Create bubble charts using the Seaborn Library
  • Style Seaborn charts using the pre-built styles and by modifying Matplotlib parameters
  • Use floor division (i.e., integer division) to convert years to decades
  • Use Seaborn to superimpose a linear regressions over our data
  • Make a judgement if our regression is good or bad based on how well the model fits our data and the r-squared metric
  • Run regressions with scikit-learn and calculate the coefficients.

Movie Budget and Financial Performance

Day 079 - Nobel Prize

This project involves analyzing the Nobel Prize data. Additionally, create beautiful charts using Matplotlib, Plotly and Seaborn.

Learning Points

  • Uncover and investigate NaN values.
  • Convert objects and string data types to numbers.
  • Create donut and bar charts with Plotly.
  • Create a rolling average to smooth out time-series data and show a trend.
  • Use .value_counts(), .groupby(), .merge(), .sort_values() and .agg().
  • Create a Choropleth to display data on a map.
  • Create bar charts showing different segments of the data with plotly.
  • Create Sunburst charts with plotly.
  • Use Seaborn's .lmplot() and show best-fit lines across multiple categories using the row, hue, and lowess parameters.
  • Understand how a different picture emerges when looking at the same data in different ways (e.g., box plots vs a time series analysis).
  • See the distribution of our data and visualise descriptive statistics with the help of a histogram in Seaborn.

Nobel Prize

Day 080 - Dr. Semmelweis Handwashing

This project involves analyzing the collected data on the number of births and maternal deaths at Vienna General Hospital throughtout the 1840s.

Learning Points

  • Use histograms to visualise distributions
  • Superimpose histograms on top of each other even when the data series have different lengths
  • Use a to smooth out kinks in a histogram and visualise a distribution with a Kernel Density Estimate (KDE)
  • Improve a KDE by specifying boundaries on the estimates
  • Use scipy and test for statistical significance by looking at p-values.
  • Highlight different parts of a time series chart in Matplotlib.
  • Add and configure a Legend in Matplotlib.
  • Use NumPy's .where() function to process elements depending on a condition.

Dr. Semmelweis Handwashing

Day 081 - Predict Boston House Prices

This project involves analyzing the Boston house price data and building a model to estimate house prices using that data.

Learning Points

  • Spot relationships in a dataset using Seaborn's .pairplot().
  • Split the data into a training and testing dataset to better evaluate a model's performance.
  • Run a multivariable regression.
  • Evaluate that regression-based on the sign of its coefficients.
  • Analyze and look for patterns in a model's residuals.
  • Improve a regression model using (a log) data transformation.
  • Specify values for various features and use model to make a prediction.

Predict Boston House Prices

Getting Started

Set Up for Data Science

Download and add the Notebook to Google Drive

Add the .ipynb file into your Google Drive and open it as a Google Colaboratory notebook.

Add the Data to the Notebook

Add the .csv files to your Google Colaboratory notebook.

Built Using

Python Pandas NumPy Plotly sciket-learn Obsidian git Github


Initial work - grandeurkoe