This is a living repository containing maps designed and created by me. It includes standalone PDF files as well as links to web maps.
- Denali National Park map
- Ogallala aquifer analysis
- LA schools at risk from oil drilling
- CA pollution atlas
- Labeling treatise
- 2013 Rim wildfire analyis
- Santa Monica Mountains vegetation analysis
- LA cell tower coverage
- Spatial voting trends in 2016/2020 presidentials
- Spatial COVID-19 trends in 2020
- Hidden gems of UCLA
A faithful 1:1 recreation of the official Denali National Park map published by the NPS. The original NPS map is also included in this repository for comparison.
NOTE: Github preview does not load this PDF properly. I recommend downloading the file for best results.
Tools used: ArcGIS Pro, Adobe Illustrator
Map created and styled in ArcGIS Pro. Labels and rivers drawn in Adobe Illustrator.
A report on the geography surrounding the Ogallala aquifer, to aid in ongoing studies of its rapid depletion.
Tools used: ArcMap, MS Word
Risk assessment of grade schools in LA county based on proximity to active oil & gas wells.
Tools used: QGIS, SQL
This atlas tracks pollution and athsma rates across California per county by census tract. This is intended for use as a reference to measure correlation between these two variables. Data is represented in a series of choropleth maps for each county of California. Counties are broken into census tracts, and each is shaded based on its pollution / athsma rates relative to other census tracts across California.
Tools used: ArcMap
Data sources:
- TIGER/LINE 2018 County Boundaries
- TIGER/LINE 2018 State Boundaries
- CES 2018 CA Census Tract data, merged with pollution and athsma data
This document contains a series of maps that demonstrate labeling best practices. The maps were originally created for UCLA's GEOG 180 class, and have been used as reference material since.
Tools used: ArcMap
This report discusses the historic Rim fire in California that occurred in 2013. It uses NDVI analysis to demonstrate vegetation regrowth over a period of 5 years.
Tools used: ArcMap, MS Word
This report comprehensively discusses the vegetation in the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area and discusses the correlation between vegetation, sunlight, and terrain.
Tools used: ArcMap, MS Word
This report uses a viewshed analysis to estimate the cell tower coverage in LA county. It identifies several suitable sites for additional cell towers to be built in order to improve service coverage in the area.
Tools used: ArcMap, viewshed analysis, MS Word, MS Excel
This report analyzes the spatial relationship in voting patterns in both the 2016 and 2020 elections. It uses spatial autocorrelation to identify hot spots and outliers by county.
Tools used: ArcMap, hot spot analysis, outlier analysis
This report analyzes the spatial distribution of SARS-CoV-2 during the year of 2020.
Tools used: ArcMap, MS Word
Hidden Gems of UCLA
This was a pet project of mine in college that aimed to highlight secret and lesser-known spots around UCLA's campus. I frequented these locations when studying or simply looking for a quiet place to go on a walk and think. Email me if you'd like to know more about any of these spots.
Tools used: ArcMap, Mobile GPX tracking software, ArcGIS StoryMaps