issues Search Results · repo:gosub-io/gosub-engine language:Rust
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ingosub-io/gosub-engine (press backspace or delete to remove)
cause panic while starting when there had an empty https_proxy env on manjaro linux with ureq-3.0.3/src/
called `Result::unwrap()` on ...
- 2
- Opened on Feb 8
- #793
At this moment, the HTML and CSS parsers are working, but are pretty isolated from eachother. To add some performance
boosts, the html5 parser should be a bit smarter.
- Parse HTML code until we find ...
html5 parser
- Opened on Jan 26
- #779
When we do a make fix-format , clippy should be able to reformat our code properly.. The CI system should be able to
check for any issues and fail if there are formatting issues. Somehow, it seems that ...
github actions
good first issue
- 1
- Opened on Jan 12
- #764
For instance, see:
github actions
good first issue
- 4
- Opened on Jan 12
- #763
We can improve performance by using cow_utils, and automatically check in clippy.
We have done similar work before, and if necessary and possible, I would like to provide pr for gosub.
Related issue: ...
- 2
- Opened on Jan 12
- #761
The github actions are running, but we are probably able to speed things up a bit.
github actions
- Opened on Jan 2
- #753
Right now we have a very open clippy policy (the default basically).. We probably want to have a more strict setting of
clippy rules.
An initial idea was:
#perf = { level = ...
- Opened on Jan 1
- #752
In V8, we can use the GC to directly tie the Rust Struct to the JS Object. We Probably should use that because the
current implementation uses a Rc RefCell mess. The Rc gets cloned for every method that ...
javascript api
- Opened on Dec 30, 2024
- #748
We need some system, so we can use some kind of extends in the scripting part.
Internally, this will just be a field that holds the struct we want to extend from. For example, if we have a UIEvent
struct ...
javascript api
- Opened on Dec 30, 2024
- #747
Currently, all traits defined in the gosub_webexecutor are JSSomething, even tough they probably can be used also used
for other languages like Lua. So we need to try to make them less specific about JS ...
javascript api
- Opened on Dec 30, 2024
- #746

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