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Releases: google/zx

8.4.1 – Rusty Elbow

12 Mar 09:23
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Logger enhancements are arriving in this release. #1119 #1122 #1123 #1125

  • You can customize the output by defining your own formatters for each log entry kind.
$.log.formatters = {
  cmd: (entry: LogEntry) => `CMD: ${entry.cmd}`,
  fetch: (entry: LogEntry) => `FETCH: ${entry.url}`
  • Cmd highlighter now should properly detect bins and arguments. If still not, please report it in #1122
  • Switched to TS 5.8 #1120
  • Applied zizmor to check GHA workflows #1126
  • Prettier is now enabled as a pre-commit hook #1118

8.4.0 – Drip Detective

04 Mar 12:41
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Try the new batch of enhancements: npm i zx@8.4.0


  • The CLI option --prefer-local now allows linking both external binaries and packages #1116 #1117
const cwd = tmpdir()
const external = tmpdir()
await fs.outputJson(path.join(external, 'node_modules/a/package.json'), {
  name: 'a',
  version: '1.0.0',
  type: 'module',
  exports: './index.js',
await fs.outputFile(
  path.join(external, 'node_modules/a/index.js'),
export const a = 'AAA'
const script = `
import {a} from 'a'
const out = await $`zx --cwd=${cwd} --prefer-local=${external} --test <<< ${script}`
assert.equal(out.stdout, 'AAA\n')
  • The quote has been slightly changed for a conner case, when zx literal gets an array.
    #999 #1113
const p = $({prefix: '', postfix: ''})`echo ${[1, '', '*', '2']}`

// before
p.cmd //  `echo 1  $'*' 2`) 

// after
p.cmd //  `echo 1 $'' $'*' 2`) 
  • Provided support for custom script extensions via CLI #1104 #1105
zx script.zx           # Unknown file extension "\.zx"
zx --ext=mjs script.zx # OK
  • Enhanced nothrow option to suppress any errors #1108 #1109
const err = new Error('BrokenSpawn')
const o = await $({
  nothrow: true,
  spawn() {
    throw err
})`echo foo`
o.ok       // false
o.exitCode // null
o.message  // BrokenSpawn...
o.cause    // err
  • @types/node and @types/fs-extra deps replaced with triple-slash typing refs #1102
  • Made ProcessOutput iterable #1101
  • Handle inappropriate ProcessPromise instantiation #1097 #1098
  • Pass origin error as ProcessOuput cause #1110
  • Separated build and release steps #1106
  • Internal improvements
    • Introduced API bus #1083
    • Optimized ProcessOutput inners #1096 #1095
    • Pinned deps #1099 #1100
    • Switched to explicit .ts extensions for relative imports #1111

8.3.2 – Clogged Drain

01 Feb 10:26
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Restrics unsafe vals usage on dotenv.stringify #1093 #1094

8.3.1 – Perfect Seal

29 Jan 09:24
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The release essence: introduced full-featured .env support #461#1060 #1052 #1043 #1037 #1032 #1030 #1022


envapi is a tiny 100 LOC dotenv-inspired parser and serializer that we've integrated into zx.

import { dotenv, fs } from 'zx'

// parse
const env = dotenv.parse('A=A\nFOO=BAR') // { A: 'A', FOO: 'BAR' }

// serialize
const raw = dotenv.stringify(env) // A=A\nFOO=BAR
await fs.writeFile('.env', raw)

// load
dotenv.load('.env') // { A: 'A', FOO: 'BAR' }

// update the process.env
process.env.A // A


zx --env .env script.mjs
zx --env-file .env script.mjs


— Why not use dotenv directly?
— 1) Size does matter 2) We'd like to avoid internal vaults.

— Why not load .env by default?
— 1) Explicit is better than implicit 2) Runtime itself (like bun) may provide the feature.


  • Provided stdall piping #1033
  • Exposed ProcessPromise fullCmd and unique id #1035
  • Simplified internal regexps #1040 #1038
  • Removed zx globals from unit tests scope #1039
  • Added check if tempfile exists #1041
  • Added ts support in markdown #1042
  • Enabled CodeQL and OSV scanners #1011
  • Configured pre-push git hooks #1044
  • Explicitly declared permissions for test.yml #1045
  • Mentioned halt and run API in docs #1046
  • Fixed timeout option handling for corner cases #1049
  • Allowed killSignal setting via env vars #1054
  • Added diagnostic_channel to built-ins list #1056
  • Enhanced logger: added id field and introduced end event #1057 #1058
  • Made nothrown() toggleable #1066 #1029
  • Handle ZX_REPL_HISTORY envvar #1065
  • Fixed file:// protocol check #1064
  • Accept mode option for tmpdir and tmpfile #1063
  • Enhanced deno support #1062 #1061
  • Optimized markdown parser #1068
  • Applied zizmor suggestions #1067
  • Minor code improvements #1070 #1069
  • Optimized output buffers joining #1072
  • Fixed predefined _timeoutSignal override #1075
  • Exposed ProcessPromise stage #1077 #967
  • Aligned script processing flows (CLI) #1078
  • Enhanced $ options tests #1079

8.3.0 – Pipes of Steel

24 Dec 08:56
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A few weeks ago zx took a part in OSS Library Night 🎉
Many thanks to the organizers and contributors who have boosted the project with their pull requests!

Today we are releasing the zx with a huge bunch of new features and improvements.



  • Implemented [Symbol.asyncIterator] API for ProcessPromise #984 #998 #1000
    Now you can iterate over the process output using for await loop from any point of the process execution.
const process = $`sleep 0.1; echo Chunk1; sleep 0.1; echo Chunk2; sleep 0.2; echo Chunk3; sleep 0.1; echo Chunk4;`
const chunks = []

await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 250))
for await (const chunk of process) {

chunks.length //  4
chunks[0]     // 'Chunk1'
chunks[3]     // 'Chunk4'
  • zx version is available via JS API #986
import { version } from 'zx'
const [major] = (version || '').split('.').map(Number)
if (major < 6)
  throw new Error('zx >= 6 is required')


  • Enabled stream picking for pipe() #1023
const p = $`echo foo >&2; echo bar`
const o1 = (await p.pipe.stderr`cat`).toString()
const o2 = (await p.pipe.stdout`cat`).toString()

assert.equal(o1, 'foo\n')  // <- piped from stderr
assert.equal(o2, 'bar\n')  // <- stdout
  • Added signal handling on piping #992
const ac = new AbortController()
const { signal } = ac
const p = $({ signal, nothrow: true })`echo test`.pipe`sleep 999`
setTimeout(() => ac.abort(), 50)

try {
  await p
} catch ({ message }) {
  message // The operation was aborted
  • Added direct piping to file shortcut #1001
// before
await $`echo "Hello, stdout!"`.pipe(fs.createWriteStream('/tmp/output.txt'))

// after
await $`echo "Hello, stdout!"`.pipe('/tmp/output.txt')


  • Provided $.defaults setting via ZX_-prefixed environment variables #988 #998
ZX_VERBOSE=true ZX_SHELL='/bin/bash' zx script.mjs
  • Introduced --env option to load dotenvs 1022 #1030
zx --env=/path/to/some.env script
  • Landed installation registry customization #994
zx --install --registry= script.mjs
  • Added --prefer-local option #1015


  • Fixed temp assets clutter on process.exit() #993 #997
  • Handle tslib-generated string templates #966
  • Disabled spinner on CI and in quiet mode #1008 #1009 #1017
  • Added missing ZX_SHELL env handling #1024


  • Contribution guide updated #983
  • Documentation is now built from the main branch #985
  • Finally synced with the current API #1025 #1026


  • Added autotest generation for 3rd party libs export #987 #990 #1007 #1021
  • Added some pre-publish tests #989 #991
  • Optimized package.json on publishing #1005 #1006
  • Attached .node_version to improve contributors devx #1012
  • Built-in chalk updated to v5.4.1 #1019

Merry Christmas! 🎄🎅🎁

8.2.4 – Leaky Faucet

28 Nov 20:35
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  • Fixed bun async_hooks compatibility #959

8.2.3 – Golden Wrench

28 Nov 12:20
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This release continues the work on pipe API enhancements:

  • Autorun halted processes on the entire pipe run #951 #950
const { stdout } = await $({ halt: true })`echo "hello"`
 .pipe`awk '{print $1" world"}'`
 .pipe`tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'`

stdout // 'HELLO WORLD'
  • Let $ be piped directly from streams #953
const getUpperCaseTransform = () =>
  new Transform({
    transform(chunk, encoding, callback) {
      callback(null, String(chunk).toUpperCase())

// $ > stream (promisified) > $ 
const o1 = await $`echo "hello"`

o1.stdout //  'HELLO\n'

// stream > $
const file = tempfile()
await fs.writeFile(file, 'test')
const o2 = await fs

o2.stdout //  'TEST'
  • Mixin ProcessOutput data to promisified pipe values #954 #949
const file = tempfile()
const fileStream = fs.createWriteStream(file)
const p = $`echo "hello"`
const o = await p

p instanceof WriteStream             // true
o instanceof WriteStream             // true
o.stdout                             // 'hello\n'
o.exitCode;                          // 0
(await fs.readFile(file)).toString() // 'HELLO\n'

We've also slightly tweaked up dist contents for better compatibility with bundlers #957


12 Nov 16:52
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: 8.2.1...8.2.2


08 Nov 13:41
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  • #936 fixes endless streams piping
  • #930 enables custom extensions support


31 Oct 20:01
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Pipes supercharge today! 🚀


  • Delayed piping. You can fill dependent streams at any time during the origin process lifecycle (even when finished) without losing data. #914
const result = $`echo 1; sleep 1; echo 2; sleep 1; echo 3`
const piped1 = result.pipe`cat`
let piped2

setTimeout(() => {
  piped2 = result.pipe`cat`
}, 1500)

await piped1
assert.equal((await piped1).toString(), '1\n2\n3\n')
assert.equal((await piped2).toString(), '1\n2\n3\n')
const file = tempfile()
const fileStream = fs.createWriteStream(file)
const p = $`echo "hello"`
    new Transform({
      transform(chunk, encoding, callback) {
        callback(null, String(chunk).toUpperCase())

p instanceof WriteStream             // true
await p === fileStream               // true
(await fs.readFile(file)).toString() // 'HELLO\n'
