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Portable Server

Lee Savoie edited this page Jun 22, 2020 · 26 revisions


This documentation is for OpenGEE 5.3.4 and earlier. Up to date documentation for building and installing portable is located here.

Table of Contents

  1. Portable Server Prerequisites
    1. Build Prerequisites
    2. Run-time Prerequisites
  2. Portable Server on Linux
    1. Building on Linux
    2. Installing on Linux
    3. Running on Linux
  3. Portable Server on Windows
    1. Building on Windows
    2. Installing on Windows
    3. Running on Windows
  4. Portable Server on Mac OS

Portable Server Prerequisites

Build Prerequisites:

* Python 2.7
* Python pexpect installed
* Swig with support for Python
* g++ (4.8 or later)

Run-time prerequisites:

* Python 2.7
* Python tornado installed
* Python Imaging Library (PIL) installed

On CentOS/RHEL 6:

sudo yum -y install python27-pip
sudo pip2.7 install tornado pillow

Portable Server on Linux

Building on Linux

Make sure you have Python, the pexpect Pip package, as well as tornado, g++, and Swig with Python support installed.

Getting a Build Environment

On Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install g++ python python-pexpect python-tornado libpython-dev swig python-psycopg2

On CentOS/RHEL 7:

sudo yum -y install gcc-c++ python python-pip python-tornado swig python-psycopg2
sudo pip install pexpect

On CentOS/RHEL 6:

If you're running an old version of a Red Hat distribution, such as Cent OS or RHEL 6, the packaged g++ compiler will be too old. Enable the EPEL package repository, and install devtoolset2 to get a more recent compiler:

sudo yum install devtoolset-2-toolchain
sudo yum -y install ius-release
sudo yum -y install gcc-c++ swig python27 python27-pip python27-devel
sudo pip2.7 install tornado pexpect psycopg2-binary gitpython



cd earthenterprise/earth_enterprise/src/portableserver

The build script will produce a compressed archive with a name that looks like earthenterprise/earth_enterprise/src/portableserver/build/portableserver-linux-5.1.3-20170412.tar.gz. The build date part of the file name will change depending on the day you build.

You can install the built Portable Server from this .tar.gz archive.

To clean build files, run

earthenterprise/earth_enterprise/src/portableserver/ --clean

Installing on Linux

Portable Server is not currently packaged for Linux distributions by the GEE Open Source team. Instead, just extract the tarball generated in the Building on Linux step in a directory you want to run it from. You could also create links, or start-up shell scripts for your convenience.

You need to have the Python interpreter and package dependencies listed in Run-time Prerequisites set up and installed in order to run Portable Server. If you carried out the Building on Linux step, you already have all of the required dependencies.

Running on Linux

Change into the directory you extracted the built Portable Server tarball into (in the Installing on Linux step). Then, just start server/

1. cd portableserver-linux-5.1.3-20170412/server/ #(substituting your extracted directory)
1. python

You can edit portableserver-linux-5.1.3-20170412/server/portable.cfg and portableserver-linux-5.1.3-20170412/server/remote.cfg for your configuration needs before starting the server.

Portable Server on Windows

Building on Windows

Note: It is important to ensure g++ and python versions used are both 32 bit or both 64 bit. Mixing them will lead to compilation/link errors which are not immediately obvious.

If you want to build a 64 bit version of portable server, you must install the 64 bit versions of g++ and python.

Install a g++ Compiler

You can install MinGW with a g++ compiler. Ensure the architecture you select to install matches your desired build architecture. If intending to distribute the build to other windows systems, be sure to select the win threads installation. Compiling with g++ for posix threads will lead to additional run-time dependencies.

Make sure g++ is set in your PATH.

Install Swig with Python Support

  1. Download a Swig Zip for Windows.
  2. Extract the Zip in a desired installation directory.
  3. Add the installation directory you extracted to your PATH.

Install Python

Download and install Python the latest Python 2.7 package. Ensure the python architecture matches your desired build architecture.

Once you have Python installed, make sure you have pexpect and tornado installed. E.g.:

cd \Python27\Scripts
pip install pexpect tornado

Add the directory you installed Python in to your PATH.

Build Portable Server

Open a command prompt with g++, swig and python in your PATH.

E.g., on Windows your PATH may look like:

C:\swigwin-3.0.12;C:\Python27;C:\MinGW\bin;C:\Program Files\ . . .


python earthenterprise\earth_enterprise\src\portableserver\

The build script will produce a compressed archive with a name that looks like earthenterprise\earth_enterprise\src\portableserver\build\ The build date part of the file name will change depending on the day you build.

You can install the built Portable Server from this Zip archive.

To clean build files, run

python earthenterprise\earth_enterprise\src\portableserver\ --clean

Installing on Windows

We do not currently provide a Windows installer for Portable Server. Instead, just extract the built Portable Server from the Zip archive generated in the Building on Windows step in a directory you want to run it from.

You need to have the Python interpreter and packages listed in Run-time Prerequisites set up and installed in order to run Portable Server. If you carried out the Building on Windows step, you already have the required dependencies.

Running on Windows

Change into the directory you extracted the built Portable Server Zip archive into (in the Installing on Windows step). Then, just start server\

1. cd portableserver-windows-5.1.3-20170412\server\ #(substituting your extracted directory)
1. python

You can edit portableserver-windows-5.1.3-20170412\server\portable.cfg and portableserver-windows-5.1.3-20170412\server\remote.cfg for your configuration needs before starting the server.

Portable Server on Mac OS

Currently, building and running Portable Server on Mac OS has not been tested.

Previous versions have run on Mac OS, and the script has untested logic for running the Mac OS build commands. However, at present, you'll have to fix any problems you run into on Mac OS.

Portable Server Prerequisites

Build Prerequisites:

* Python 2.7
* Python pexpect installed
* Swig with support for Python
* g++ (4.8 or later)

Run-time prerequisites:

* Python 2.7
* Python tornado installed
* Python Imaging Library (PIL) installed

On CentOS/RHEL 6:

sudo yum -y install python27-pip
sudo pip2.7 install tornado pillow

Portable Server on Linux

Building on Linux

Make sure you have Python, the pexpect Pip package, as well as tornado, g++, and Swig with Python support installed.

Getting a Build Environment

On Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install g++ python python-pexpect python-tornado libpython-dev swig python-psycopg2

On CentOS/RHEL 7:

sudo yum -y install gcc-c++ python python-pip python-tornado swig python-psycopg2
sudo pip install pexpect

On CentOS/RHEL 6:

If you're running an old version of a Red Hat distribution, such as Cent OS or RHEL 6, the packaged g++ compiler will be too old. Enable the EPEL package repository, and install devtoolset2 to get a more recent compiler:

sudo yum install devtoolset-2-toolchain
sudo yum -y install ius-release
sudo yum -y install gcc-c++ swig python27 python27-pip python27-devel
sudo pip2.7 install tornado pexpect psycopg2-binary gitpython




The build script will produce a compressed archive with a name that looks like earthenterprise/earth_enterprise/src/portableserver/build/portableserver-linux-5.1.3-20170412.tar.gz. The build date part of the file name will change depending on the day you build.

You can install the built Portable Server from this .tar.gz archive.

To clean build files, run

earthenterprise/earth_enterprise/src/portableserver/ --clean

Installing on Linux

Portable Server is not currently packaged for Linux distributions by the GEE Open Source team. Instead, just extract the tarball generated in the Building on Linux step in a directory you want to run it from. You could also create links, or start-up shell scripts for your convenience.

You need to have the Python interpreter and package dependencies listed in Run-time Prerequisites set up and installed in order to run Portable Server. If you carried out the Building on Linux step, you already have all of the required dependencies.

Running on Linux

Change into the directory you extracted the built Portable Server tarball into (in the Installing on Linux step). Then, just start server/

1. cd portableserver-linux-5.1.3-20170412/server/ #(substituting your extracted directory)
1. python

You can edit portableserver-linux-5.1.3-20170412/server/portable.cfg and portableserver-linux-5.1.3-20170412/server/remote.cfg for your configuration needs before starting the server.

Portable Server on Windows

Building on Windows

Note: It is important to ensure g++ and python versions used are both 32 bit or both 64 bit. Mixing them will lead to compilation/link errors which are not immediately obvious.

If you want to build a 64 bit version of portable server, you must install the 64 bit versions of g++ and python.

Install a g++ Compiler

You can install MinGW with a g++ compiler. Ensure the architecture you select to install matches your desired build architecture. If intending to distribute the build to other windows systems, be sure to select the win threads installation. Compiling with g++ for posix threads will lead to additional run-time dependencies.

Make sure g++ is set in your PATH.

Install Swig with Python Support

  1. Download a Swig Zip for Windows.
  2. Extract the Zip in a desired installation directory.
  3. Add the installation directory you extracted to your PATH.

Install Python

Download and install Python the latest Python 2.7 package. Ensure the python architecture matches your desired build architecture.

Once you have Python installed, make sure you have pexpect and tornado installed. E.g.:

cd \Python27\Scripts
pip install pexpect tornado

Add the directory you installed Python in to your PATH.

Build Portable Server

Open a command prompt with g++, swig and python in your PATH.

E.g., on Windows your PATH may look like:

C:\swigwin-3.0.12;C:\Python27;C:\MinGW\bin;C:\Program Files\ . . .


python earthenterprise\earth_enterprise\src\portableserver\

The build script will produce a compressed archive with a name that looks like earthenterprise\earth_enterprise\src\portableserver\build\ The build date part of the file name will change depending on the day you build.

You can install the built Portable Server from this Zip archive.

To clean build files, run

python earthenterprise\earth_enterprise\src\portableserver\ --clean

Installing on Windows

We do not currently provide a Windows installer for Portable Server. Instead, just extract the built Portable Server from the Zip archive generated in the Building on Windows step in a directory you want to run it from.

You need to have the Python interpreter and packages listed in Run-time Prerequisites set up and installed in order to run Portable Server. If you carried out the Building on Windows step, you already have the required dependencies.

Running on Windows

Change into the directory you extracted the built Portable Server Zip archive into (in the Installing on Windows step). Then, just start server\

1. cd portableserver-windows-5.1.3-20170412\server\ #(substituting your extracted directory)
1. python

You can edit portableserver-windows-5.1.3-20170412\server\portable.cfg and portableserver-windows-5.1.3-20170412\server\remote.cfg for your configuration needs before starting the server.

Portable Server on Mac OS

Currently, building and running Portable Server on Mac OS has not been tested.

Previous versions have run on Mac OS, and the script has untested logic for running the Mac OS build commands. However, at present, you'll have to fix any problems you run into on Mac OS.

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