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Build Instructions

Brad Hards edited this page Apr 22, 2017 · 53 revisions

Table of Contents

  1. Building Earth Enterprise (Fusion, Server) on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and RHEL 7 (64-bit)

  2. Building Portable Server on Linux and Windows

    2.1. Portable on Linux

    2.2. Portable on Windows

Building Earth Enterprise (Fusion, Server) on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and RHEL 7 (64-bit)

Common steps

Run these commands on either Ubuntu or RHEL/CentOS

  1. Install git according to the instructions for your Linux OS below

  2. Install git-lfs according to the instructions specified at

  3. Clone the gee-os repository with git

    1. Method 1: Clone and download LFS files in one step (may be slower and more error prone)

    git clone<username>/earthenterprise.git

    1. Method 2: Clone and download LFS files in two steps

    GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE=1 git clone<username>/earthenterprise.git

    cd earthenterprise

    git lfs pull

  4. In the build instructions below, the scons commands for building GEE/Fusion have the following options:

    • internal=1 - Build using non-optimized code, best for development and debugging
    • optimize=1 - Build using optimized code, but with some debugging information
    • release=1 - Build a release using optimized code and no debugging information
    • -j# - Specifies the number of simultaneous build jobs to use. Replace # with an integer. It should roughly match the number of processing cores available
    • --debug=stacktrace - If there is an error within a scons script, this will give you more detailed information on how to debug it
    • --config=force - If you accidentally delete the .sconf_temp directory or make some changes to your system build libraries, use this to force the configuration to run again, otherwise the scons build may complain about missing libraries
  5. Build using the steps bellow for your target platform

  6. Run unit tests

    cd NATIVE-OPT-x86_64/bin/tests


    Or run an individual test

Steps for Building on Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS:

  1. Install git:

    sudo apt-get install git (installs version 1.9.1)

    To get the most recent version of git, do the following (version 1.9.1 works for purposes of interacting with the repository, but if you want to download the latest version of git, the steps to do this have been outlined below):

    sudo -i

    add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa

    apt-get update

    apt-get install git

    This will install version 2.11 Note: Be sure to exit "sudo" before proceeding

  2. Install the following packages (if they’re not installed already):

    sudo apt-get install gcc g++ scons automake autoconf libperl4-corelibs-perl libtool xorg-dev doxygen python-dev alien swig libgtest-dev libstdc++6 libxml2-dev gettext libxinerama-dev libxft-dev libxrandr-dev libxcursor-dev libgdbm-dev libc6 libc6-dev libmng-dev zlib1g-dev libcap-dev libpng12-0 libpng12-dev freeglut3-dev flex libx11-dev bison++ bisonc++ libjpeg-dev libjpeg8-dev python2.7 python2.7-dev libogdi3.2-dev libgif-dev libxerces-c-dev libgeos-dev libgeos++-dev libfreetype6 libfreetype6-dev python-imaging libproj-dev python-setuptools libgif-dev libxerces-c-dev libcap-dev libpq-dev openssl libxml2-utils libxmu-dev

  3. Build the third party library: For reference: GEEDIR=/googleclient/geo/earth_enterprise

    cd $GEEDIR/src

    scons -j8 optimize=1 third_party

  4. Build Fusion/Earth Server from third_party/python/SConscript: remove -idirafter replacement for sandbox path

    scons -j8 optimize=1

Steps for building on RHEL 7

  1. Install git

    Recommended: install the latest version of git:

    1. Enable the IUS repo [More Info] .

      cd /tmp


      sudo yum install ius-release.rpm

    2. Install git 2.x

      sudo yum install git2u-all

    Or install the system default version of git (1.8):

    sudo yum install git

  2. Install EPEL repo

    sudo yum install epel-release

    Note, if this command doesn't work, try the alternate methods listed here

  3. Enable optional repos

    sudo subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-optional-rpms

    sudo subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-optional-source-rpms

  4. Install Development Tools

    sudo yum --setopt=group_package_types=mandatory,default,optional groupinstall "Development Tools"

  5. Install additional packages

    sudo yum install scons perl-Perl4-CoreLibs xorg-x11-server-devel python-devel perl-Alien-Packages gtest-devel openssl-devel libxml2-devel libXinerama-devel libXft-devel libXrandr-devel libXcursor-devel gdbm-devel libmng-devel libcap-devel libpng12-devel libXmu-devel freeglut-devel zlib-devel libX11-devel bison-devel openjpeg-devel openjpeg2-devel geos-devel proj-devel ogdi-devel giflib-devel xerces-c xerces-c-devel

  6. Build third-party libraries


    cd $GEEDIR/src

    scons -j8 optimize=1 third_party

  7. Build Fusion/Earth Server

    scons -j8 optimize=1

Build and deploy if you have access to the 5.1.3 installer

A build and deploy script is provided that can simplify the build and installation process if you have the GEE and Fusion 5.1.3 installers. In the future this script will be updated to work without the previous installers.

  1. Install GEE and Fusion 5.1.3

  2. Clone repo as above

  3. Build and deploy:

    cd $GEEDIR/src

    ./tmp/ --build

Building Portable Server on Linux and Windows

Software build prerequisites:

* Python
* Python pexpect installed
* Swig with support for Python
* g++

Portable run-time prerequisites:

* Python
* Python tornado installed

Portable on Linux

Make sure you have Python, the pexpect Pip package, as well as tornado, g++, and Swig with Python support installed. E.g.:

sudo apt-get install g++ python python-pexpect python-tornado swig



The build script will produce a compressed archive with a name that looks like earthenterprise/earth_enterprise/src/portableserver/build/portableserver-linux-5.1.3-20170412.tar.gz. The build date part of the file name will change depending on the day you build.

To run Portable Server from this archive package:

1. Extract all archive contents
2. cd portableserver-linux-5.1.3-20170412/server/ #(substituting your extracted directory)
3. python

You can edit portableserver-linux-5.1.3-20170412/server/portable.cfg and portableserver-linux-5.1.3-20170412/server/remote.cfg for your configuration needs before starting the server.

To clean build files, run

earthenterprise/earth_enterprise/src/portableserver/ --clean

Portable on Windows

Install a g++ Compiler

You can install MinGW with a g++ compiler, or run the build from a Git-BASH or Git-Cmd shell from Git-Scm, which should come with g++.

Make sure g++ is in your PATH.

Install Swig with Python Support

  1. Download a Swig Zip for Windows.
  2. Extract the Zip in a desired installation directory.
  3. Add the installation directory you extracted to your PATH.

Install Python

Download and install Python 2.7 or later.

Once you have Python installed, make sure you have pexpect and tornado installed. E.g.:

cd \Python27\Scripts
pip install pexpect tornado

Add the directory you installed Python in to your PATH.

Build Portable Server

Open a command prompt with g++, swig and python in your PATH.


python earthenterprise\earth_enterprise\src\portableserver\

The build script will produce a compressed archive with a name that looks like earthenterprise\earth_enterprise\src\portableserver\build\ The build date part of the file name will change depending on the day you build.

To run Portable Server from this archive package:

1. Extract all archive contents
2. cd portableserver-windows-5.1.3-20170412\server\ #(substituting your extracted directory)
3. python

You can edit portableserver-windows-5.1.3-20170412\server\portable.cfg and portableserver-windows-5.1.3-20170412\server\remote.cfg for your configuration needs before starting the server.

To clean build files, run

python earthenterprise\earth_enterprise\src\portableserver\ --clean