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This repository was archived by the owner on Jan 9, 2023. It is now read-only.
tst-jcupp edited this page Jan 4, 2023 · 16 revisions


The google/earthenterprise repository is being archived. Please read the Open GEE Archive Announcement.

Welcome to the Earth Enterprise Wiki!

This wiki is a guide to building and contributing to Earth Enterprise. For help with Earth Enterprise, please refer to the links in Other Resources below.

Earth Enterprise

Earth Enterprise is the open source release of Google Earth Enterprise, a geospatial application which provides the ability to build and host custom 3D globes and 2D maps. Earth Enterprise does not provide a private version of Google imagery that’s currently available in Google Maps or Earth.

The application suite consists of four core components:

Fusion - Builds 3D Earth and 2D Map from imagery, vector and terrain source data.

Server - Apache -based server which hosts 3D Earth, 2D Map build by Fusion and Portable 3D/2D globes.

Portable - Tornado-based server which hosts Portable 3D/2D globes in a local-server configuration.

Client - The Google Earth Enterprise Client (EC) and Google Maps Javascript API V3 used to view 3D globes and 2D maps, respectively.

For more information please take a look at the 'Overview' and 'Fusion Tutorial' articles in our docs.

Other Resources

Project Site

GEE User/Administrator Documentation


Slack Chatroom

Use this link to sign up for the Slack Chatroom where you can chat with developers and users of Open GEE.