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The Python CLIF Primer

This is a user guide for using Python CLIF - The Python extension module generator that wraps C++ libraries. It tries to be clear and explain all the nuances involved in detail.

The organization of this document is such that it starts with illustration of the simplest of CLIF wrappings and progressively builds on this information in the following sections. Hence, if you are new to CLIF, read these sections in the order they appear here. If you are already using CLIF, you can jump to any section of your choice but keep in mind that some of the CLIF features used in that section were probably introduced in earlier sections.

NOTE: The examples used in this doc live in clif/examples. Each example has its own directory. Within that directory, the CLIF wrapping is in the subdirectory named python. The python directory also contains a test illustrating the usage of the corresponding CLIF wrapping and its features.

The Basics {#basics}

File Organization {#basic_file_org}

CLIF enables you to wrap C++ constructs defined in header files. To avoid One Definition Rule (ODR) violations, a strict policy is suggested.

C++-side customizations in <HEADER>_clif_aux.h {#clif_aux_h}

Generally, PyCLIF only allows wrapping functions and classes defined in one specific <HEADER>.h, as explained above. The only exception is the option to add a <HEADER>_clif_aux.h file with additional PyCLIF-specific C++ code, usually implementing small functions to adapt or extend the existing C++ interface for Python. The <HEADER>_clif_aux.h file must be in the same directory as the <HEADER>.clif file. A minimal example, showing how to add in a simple function, can be found here:

Extending a C++ class with methods that only exist in Python is also possible but a little more involved:

Extending a C++ class with constructors is special. All extended constructors need to return a unique_ptr or shared_ptr to the created instance:

C++ classes can also be extended with properties:

Caveat: When extending nested classes, type names in extended functions or properties must be fully qualified. For example::

class Outer:
  class Inner:
    def foo(other: Inner)  # Not using @extend: OK with unqualified type name.

    def bar(other: Outer.Inner)  # Needs fully-qualified type name.

Unfortunately this is not easy to fix (cost/benefit is high).

The _clif_aux.h feature can also be useful to work around PyCLIF limitations or bugs.

Please use _clif_aux.h strictly for implementing adapter code. Implement anything more involved in regular .h/cc files. A good rule of thumb: if your code needs unit tests to conform to best practices, do not implement it in _clif_aux.h.

Python-side customizations in <HEADER>.py {#py_library_wrapper}

The need for Python-side customizations arises most commonly when an existing Python API is replaced with a new version building on PyCLIF, but there can be other reasons, even for newly designed APIs. Of course, Python-side customizations can be implemented in any py_library, but if <HEADER> is the preferred Python import for some reason, the strict file organization rules for <HEADER>.clif need a small exception. To make this more concrete with an example: given mylib.h, mylib.clif, and a needed py_library(name="mylib"), the standard py_clif_cc(name="mylib") clashes with the py_library rule. To handle this case gracefully, PyCLIF supports using an underscore as a prefix, with the effect to make the C++ extension module private:


Note that the name of the .clif file is unchanged, but the Python import for the extension changes from mylib to _mylib. With that, the Python-side customizations can be implemented in, which will usually import _mylib either as

from import _mylib as ext

and/or (!)

from import *  # pylint: disable=wildcard-import

The second form may be preferable if _mylib wraps many functions or types, which would otherwise need to be exported via many assignments like foo =

Free functions can trivially be added in, but adding Python-only methods to wrapped C++ classes is slightly involved:

from clif.python import type_customization

Bar = ext.Bar

class _:

  def foo(self, ...):

Extending methods from Python in this way works for instance methods, properties, classmethods, staticmethods, and even docstrings and other data members.

To ensure that the Python-side customizations are always applied, it is important to specify

OPTION is_extended_from_python = True

in mylib.clif (see go/pyclif#OPTION).

Current Limitation:

Wrapping POD data types {#wrappod}

NOTE: The example, wrappod, used in this section lives in clif/examples/wrappod/.

We begin with learning how to wrap POD1 data types, namely, data types defined as simple structs/classes containing only POD data fields in C++. Let us provide wrappers for the C++ struct MyClass defined in the file wrappod.h:

namespace clif_example {
namespace wrappod {

struct MyClass {
  int a;       // Available in Python as an int value
  float f;     // Available in Python as a float value
  string s;    // Available in Python as a bytes object

  std::vector<int> v;    // Available in Python as a list of int values via
                         // getter and setter methods.
  std::pair<int, int> p; // Available in Python as a 2-tuple

  double d; // This field is unused in this example, so no need to wrap it.

}  // namespace wrappod
}  // namespace clif_example

The CLIF file wrapping the above struct should be named wrappod.clif and reside in a directory named python (or clif) in the directory where the header file wrappod.h is saved. Let us consider a CLIF wrapping as follows:

from "clif/examples/wrappod/wrappod.h":
  namespace `clif_example::wrappod`:
    class MyClass:
      a: int
      f: float

      s: bytes  # C++ string types get wrapped into Python bytes.

      `p` as my_pair: tuple<int, int>  # C++ std pairs get wrapped into tuples.

      # The following two declarations make the C++ field
      # 'v' available in Python via getter and setter methods.
      def `v` as getv(self) -> list<int> # C++ vectors get wrapped into Python
                                         # lists

      def `v` as setv(self, l: list<int>)

Header File

The very first line specifies the header file from which to fetch the C++ constructs. It is done using the from directive whose general syntax is as follows:

from "path/to/the/header/file.h":

NOTE: The general rule in CLIF is to enclose file names and paths in double quotes ".

Constructs Declared in Namespaces

If the C++ construct that we want wrapped into Python is defined in a namespace, then we should declare the namespace using the namespace directive. The above CLIF example does exactly that with:

namespace `clif_example::wrappod`:

The general syntax of a namespace directive is as follows:


NOTE: The general rule in CLIF is to enclose C++ names, that we do not want to expose into Python, in back-ticks.


Following the namespace directive is the class declaration. The class declaration is similar to the header of a Python class definition. Since we want to wrap the C++ struct MyClass into a Python class also named MyClass, the declaration for our wrapped class is straight forward:

class MyClass:

We will talk about the general syntax of a class declaration in a later section.

NOTE: A CLIF declaration wrapping a C++ final class should be decorated with @final.

Fields {#fields}

The syntax for the fields in a class declaration is intuitive. We declare each field we want to expose in to Python, in the following format:


Notice that the CLIF file does not declare the field d of MyClass. This was done intentionally to illustrate that if the CLIF file does not explicitly specify that a particular C++ construct has to be wrapped, then it will not be available in Python.

The wrapped fields end up in Python with types governed by the type conversion rules specified here.

Renaming a C++ API for use in Python {#renaming}

The C++ field p of MyClass has been exposed as my_pair in Python. While it was not necessary to do such a renaming for this example, it has been done to introduce the general CLIF facility to expose an API via a different, potentially more pythonic, name in Python. As we will see in a later section, such a facility helps us expose overloaded C++ constructs, each with a different name, into Python as the Python language does not support overloading. To specify a new name, at every place where a C++ name is to be used in a CLIF declaration, replace it with:


Notice that the C++ name is enclosed in back-ticks as per rule that C++ names that we do not want to expose into Python should be enclosed in back-ticks.

NOTE: As we will see later, which of the overloaded C++ constructs is to be wrapped is deduced using other components of the declaration.

Unproperty: Exposing C++ Fields via Setters/Getters in Python {#unproperty}

In the above example, the field v was not wrapped into a Python class property. Instead, it was exposed via getter and setter methods getv and setv respectively. This illustrates the CLIF unproperty feature which enables one to expose a C++ field not as a Python class property, but via getter and setter methods.

As can be seen in the CLIF file, a getter unproperty method should be decorated with @getter. It should take exactly one argument named self and return the wrapped C++ field in a Python object. The general syntax to declare a getter is as follows:


where GETTER_METHOD_DECL should be in the PYTD method header syntax without the def keyword:


The syntax for the declaration of the setter unproperty method is very similar:


A setter takes an additional argument, the new value of the C++ field, and returns nothing:


NOTE: A C++ field does not need to have both the unproperty getter and setter methods. One can choose to provide only the getter method. However, note that providing only a setter is not supported by CLIF and results in error.

The above example also illustrates why CLIF needs to provide the unproperty feature at all. If the C++ field v were to be a property, an access to it from Python with eg. obj.v, actually refers to a copy of the C++ v and not to the C++ v itself. Hence, mutations of v on the Python side will not reflect on the C++ side. Consequently, a subsequent access to v, say again as obj.v, will again refer to a copy of the un-mutated C++ v surprising Python programmers. The following code snippet illustrates this.

obj = wrappod.MyClass()

print('Before appending: ', obj.v)
obj.v.append(1)  # Succeeds silently
print('After appending: ', obj.v)

This prints:

'Before appending: ', []
'After appending: ', []

Clearly, the list property was not really mutated at all. In general, a returned object or a property-accessed object of a container type (list, dict, set, class object etc.) is not a reference to the underlying C++ container. It is a copy of the C++ container and mutations to the object on Python side are not reflected in C++.

To avoid such non-pythonic surprises, use the unproperty feature to expose a container field to Python as getter and setter methods. That way calling the setter explicitly describes when to update the C++ field value.

Wrapping Functions

NOTE: The example, wrapfunc, used in this section lives in clif/examples/wrapfunc/.

In this section, we will learn how to provide Python wrappers for plain (as in non-member, non-template) C++ functions using CLIF. The functions we want to wrap are present in a header file wrapfunc.h as follows:

namespace clif_example {
namespace wrappod {
class MyClass;
}  // namespace wrappod
}  // namespace clif_example

namespace clif_example {
namespace wrapfunc {

void ResetState();

// Sets the state to a.
void SetState(int a);

// Sets the state to a + b
void SetState(int a, int b);

// Sets the state to s.a
void SetState(const clif_example::wrappod::MyClass &s);

// Returns the state
int GetState();

The following conflicts with "int GetState();" if we want to provide a wrapper
for GetState returning an int.
void GetState(int *a);

// Stores the state in s.a
void GetState(clif_example::wrappod::MyClass *s);

}  // namespace wrapfunc
}  // namespace clif_example

Notice that some of the C++ functions defined in this header file use the struct MyClass defined in the header file from an earlier example. Likewise, the Python wrappings of these functions will make use of the Python wrappings of that struct. The CLIF file wrapping these functions is as follows:

# We use a type wrapped elsewhere in this .clif file.
# Hence, import the wrapped type from the CLIF generated C++ header file.
from "clif/examples/wrappod/python/wrappod_clif.h" import *

# By importing in the pythonic style as well, we improve PyType safety (when
# available), as the generated `.pyi` files can use `MyClass` rather than `Any`
# in the inputs and outputs.
from clif.examples.wrapped.python.wrappod import MyClass

from "clif/examples/wrapfunc/wrapfunc.h":
  namespace `clif_example::wrapfunc`:
    def ResetState()
    def SetState(a: int)
    def `SetState` as SetStateFromSum(a: int, b: int)
    def `SetState` as SetStateFromMyClass(s: MyClass)

    def `GetState` as GetState() -> int

    # The following two functions wrap the same C++ function, but in two
    # different flavors; One stores the state in the MyClass argument, the other
    # returns the state in a new MyClass object.
    def `GetState` as Store(a: MyClass)
    def `GetState` as StoreInNew() -> MyClass

There is an import statement at the top of the CLIF file. This is not a normal Python import statement as we are not importing from a Python module; we are actually importing C++ constructs that were CLIF-wrapped elsewhere. The header file (clif/examples/wrappod/python/wrappod_clif.h in this example) from which the wrapped constructs are imported was not written by a human, but generated by CLIF when wrapping the dependent constructs. For this example, we are importing the constructs (which is essentially the class MyClass) that were wrapped in this example.

To depend on the CLIF-generated header file, use the clif_deps attribute in your BUILD file:

    name = "wrapfunc",
    srcs = ["wrapfunc.clif"],
    clif_deps = ["//clif/examples/wrappod/python:wrappod"],
    deps = ["//clif/examples/wrapfunc"],

The following from statement is a directive which tells CLIF that we are wrapping C++ constructs defined in the specified header file (the file clif/examples/wrapfunc/wrapfunc.h in this case).

As explained in the earlier example, the namespace directive tells CLIF that the constructs being wrapped here are declared in the namespace clif_example::wrapfunc.

Following the namespace directive are the declarations of the functions to be wrapped and made available in Python.

Wrapping Functions Taking No Arguments

Any function to be wrapped and made available in Python has to be declared with a def statement. The syntax of this statement is similar to the function header of a Python function definition. The first declaration in the above CLIF file declares ResetState. This directs CLIF to wrap the C++ function ResetState and make it available in Python with the same name ResetState. As this function takes no arguments (and returns void), the argument list within the parentheses is empty.

Wrapping Functions Taking Arguments

The next function declared is SetState. Since this function takes a single int argument, the argument list specifies this argument and its type. In general, an argument has to be specified as follows:


NOTE: <ARG_NAME> represents the Python name of the argument. Since argument names are irrelevant in C++, they can be different from the ones listed in the C++ source. You should choose names idiomatic in Python as they can be used as keyword arguments.

The declaration of SetState directs CLIF to wrap the C++ function SetState and make it available in Python also with the same name SetState.

Function Overloading

The C++ header file, which contains the constructs that we want to wrap, overloads the SetState function. Since Python does not support function overloading, if we want to wrap overloaded C++ functions and make them available in Python, we have to specify a different Python name for each of the overloaded C++ functions and they all will be available in Python. The CLIF file above declares two additional flavors of the SetState function, one taking two int arguments and the other taking a MyClass argument, with Python names SetStateFromSum and SetStateFromMyClass respectively. With this, all three overloaded flavors of the C++ SetState function are now available in Python with different names.

Functions With Return Values

One flavor of the C++ function GetState returns an int value. We can wrap such a function with CLIF by providing the return value type in the function declaration as follows:


The other flavor of C++ GetState actually takes a non-constant pointer to a MyClass value. The intention here is that the state is actually returned or stored in the MyClass argument. Hence, to make this function available in Python, one can wrap it in two flavors:

  1. A function which takes a MyClass object as argument.
  2. A function which takes no arguments but returns a new MyClass object.

The CLIF file above makes two functions, Store and StoreInNew, available in Python corresponding to the two options above respectively.

In general, non-const pointers at the end of a C++ argument list can be treated either as arguments or as return values in Python. If the C++ function already has a return value, then the Python function can be made to return a tuple of values with the first element of tuple corresponding to the actual C++ return value. The general syntax to declare a function which returns a tuple of values is as follows:

def <FUNC_NAME>(<ARG_LIST>) -> (<RET1_NAME>: <RET1_TYPE>, <RET2_NAME>: <RET2_TYPE>, ...)

Wrapping Functions Returning/Receiving Callbacks

NOTE: The example, callbacks, used in this section lives in clif/examples/callbacks/

With CLIF, one can wrap functions returning or receiving callbacks. When a function receiving a callback argument is wrapped, it enables one to pass Python callable objects as arguments to the wrapped function in Python. Likewise, if a function returning a callable is wrapped, then the object returned by calling the wrapped function in Python can be treated as a Python callable.

NOTE: For constructs (functions/methods) involving callback types to be wrappable with CLIF, the callback types should be overloads of the std::function template class.

Consider the following C++ class and function definitions:

Look in the examples/callbacks/callbacks.h file.

The CLIF file wrapping the class Data and the functions Get, Set and GetCallback is as follows:

Look in the examples/callbacks/python/callbacks.clif file.

As can be seen in the above CLIF file, a callback parameter or a callback return value, both are listed as one would list any normal parameter or a return value. The syntax to convey that a particular parameter or a return value is a callback, though very intuitive, is special; The general syntax to specify a callback is as follows:


where PARAM_LIST is the list of parameters (and their types) that the respective callback receives as arguments. It has the general form as follows:

([ARG1: ARG1_TYPE[, ARG2: ARG2_TYPE[, ...]]])

For a callback taking no arguments, the PARAM_LIST can be empty. The return type should either be None or a concrete type.

The following unit test illustrates the usage of the above CLIF wrapping in Python code.

Look in the examples/callbacks/python/ file.

Function with Default Values for Arguments

If desired, and if the C++ function declaration lists default values for its arguments, then the function can be wrapped such that the same default values reflect in the Python side as well. Consider the following C++ functions:

Look in the examples/wrapfunc/default_args.h file.

The CLIF file wrapping the above functions is as follows:

Look in the examples/wrapfunc/python/default_args.clif file.

Let us first focus on the CLIF declaration of the function Inc. Its second argument is assigned a value of default. This indicates to CLIF that the argument's default value, as specified in the C++ declaration, should carry over into Python. The wrapped function Inc can then be called in Python without the second argument. In such a case, the second argument takes the value 1, which is the default value as specified in its C++ declaration. The following Python snippet illustrates this.

assert Inc(5) == 6
assert Inc(5, 2) == 7

NOTE: It is an error to assign an argument to default if the C++ declaration does not list a default value for that argument. On the other hand, it is not a requirement to assign arguments to default in the CLIF declaration even if the C++ declaration lists default values. One should do so only if the default value is relevant in Python as well. If such an argument is not assigned to default in the CLIF declaration, then it will be like an argument without a default value in Python.

Let us now turn our attention to the other function Scale in the above C++ example. Its C++ declaration lists default values for two of its arguments, ratio and offset. If this were a normal Python function, one can omit passing a value for the argument ratio while specifying an explicit value for the argument offset. On the other hand, C++ does not allow one to skip passing an argument while passing an explicit value for an argument later in the declaration order. However, when the default value of an argument in the C++ declaration is a constexpr of a fundamental type, the CLIF wrapped Python function will follow Python rules. With the wrapped Scale function for example, one can omit the value of the argument ratio while specifying the value of offset. This is illustrated in the following Python snippet.

assert Scale(5) == 10
assert Scale(5, offset=2) == 14  # passing a value for |ratio| is omitted

Currently, CLIF is unable to generate the default value if the value as listed in the C++ declaration is not a constexpr or is not of a fundamental type. Since C++ requires arguments (even if having default values) be passed in the declaration order, we can not omit such an argument value while specifying a value for an argument occurring later in the declaration order even in Python. This can be seen when using the wrapped ScaleWithRatios function:

ScaleWithRatios(5, offset=2)  # Raises ValueError as a value for
                              # the |ratios| argument, which not
                              # of a fundamental type, is omitted.

Post processing return values

C and C++ APIs often return a value indicating an error. It may be more Pythonic for this to be an exception. To accomplish this, CLIF supports the concept of post-processing return value filters. This saves you from needing to create Python wrapper libraries for everything to make common C++ API idioms Pythonic.

Imagine this C++ API:

// Returns False on error such as no such user.
bool get_names(uint64_t user_id, std::vector<absl::string_view>* names);

Rather than get a tuple in Python, you just want the list or an exception. Use a Python post processor function to accomplish this in your .clif file via this syntax:

from clif.python.postproc import ValueErrorOnFalse

from "users.h":
  def get_names(user_id: int) -> (status: bool, names: list<str>):
    return ValueErrorOnFalse(...)

Now it returns a List[str] or raises an exception. Pythonic!

Remember that .clif files are not actual code, the return "statement" and ... are syntactic sugar to tell clif to invoke a given result post-processor. CLIF will import the Python name and call it as a post-processor passing it all of the return values as positional arguments. Whatever it returns becomes the actual return value.

Some commonly needed post-processors have been provided in the above imported library with CLIF. You can also provide your own Python post-processor library.

Naming Rules in CLIF Files {#naming_rules}

We have seen in previous sections that CLIF enables one to wrap named C++ constructs and expose them into Python as named Python constructs. Every C++ construct wrapped is exposed with a Python name. There are a few rules to follow when declaring and using such Python names within a single CLIF file, and across multiple CLIF files.

  1. A Python name defining a construct should be unique to the scope in which the construct is being defined. In CLIF, there are only two scopes: module scope and class scope. Module scope is the top-level scope of a CLIF file, while class scope is the scope within a class definition in a CLIF file.

  2. A Python name, say to name a function argument type, can only be used after a construct with that name has been previously defined. It could either be defined in the same CLIF file where it is used, or in another CLIF wrapping imported by the CLIF file.

  3. Ambiguous names are resolved with full scope qualification using the '.' (dot) notation. For example, if a class named MyClass is defined within classes OuterOne and OuterTwo, then to specify the one in class OuterOne, use the name OuterOne.MyClass.

  4. Ambiguous names between different CLIF files are resolved with the help of import renaming. The usual way to import constructs wrapped in other CLIF files is to list a from <path_to_generated_header> import * at the top of the CLIF file. If the imported names clash with names in the current CLIF file, then the imported module should be renamed using this syntax: from <path_to_generated_header> import * as <renamed>. Then, the imported constructs can be used within the current file after prepending the scope qualification prefix <renamed>..

The above naming rules are illustrated in the declarations of the following example CLIF file:

from `/a/different/wrapping_clif.h` import * as other

from `/my/header/file.h`:
  namespace `my::header::file`:
    class OuterOne:
      class MyClass:

    class OuterTwo:
      class MyClass:

    # The two argument types are scope qualified. Likewise, the return type is
    # scope qualified with the renamed imported module.
    def MyFunction(c1: OuterOne.MyClass, c2: OuterTwo.MyClass) -> other.MyClass

Wrapping Methods {#wrapmethod}

NOTE: The example, wrapmethod, used in this section lives in clif/examples/wrapmethod/.

Wrapping methods is very similar to wrapping functions but with one difference: the method to be wrapped should take self as the first argument. Let us wrap the class ClassWithMethods and its methods defined in wrapmethod.h.

Look in the examples/wrapmethod/wrapmethod.h file.

The CLIF wrapping for the above class and its methods is as follows:

Look in the examples/wrapmethod/python/wrapmethod.clif file.

As can be seen above, the method wrappings are listed under the class definition. Also, since they are methods, their first argument is self without the type specified.

Notice that the C++ Size method is wrapped in two different flavors, one exposing it as a method with name Size in Python as well, and the other exposing it as a method with name __len__ in Python. This was done

  1. to demonstrate that, as with functions, one can wrap methods also in multiple flavors to expose them in Python with different names.

  2. to show that C++ methods can be wrapped into special Python methods.

In the above CLIF example, the alternative wrapping of the C++ Size method wraps it into the special method __len__ in Python. This make the wrapping more Pythonic as one can now get the size of the object using the Python built- in function len:

obj = wrapmethod.ClassWithMethods(10)
assert len(obj) == 10

See this for information more about wrapping C++ methods into special Python methods.

Wrapping Constructors

The above CLIF example also wraps one of the constructors for the C++ class ClassWithMethods into a constructor in Python as well. As Python does not have name overloading, we can have only one constructor for the wrapped Python class. However, since the wrapped C++ class can have multiple constructors, CLIF provides a way to wrap such constructors as well, but into static methods of the containing class (and not into class methods!). The additional constructors are declared in CLIF with the @add__init__ decorator. For example, the other constructor of the class ClassWithMethods can be wrapped in CLIF as follows:

from "clif/examples/wrapmethod/wrapmethod.h":
  namespace `clif_example::wrapmethod`:
    class ClassWithMethods:
      # Wrapper for the constructor ClassWithMethods::ClassWithMethods(int, int)
      def ConstructWithInitVal(self, s: int, v: int)

Notice that, even though the C++ constructor is wrapped into a static method of the containing class, it still needs to be declared with self as the first argument. The rest of the arguments should match the C++ constructor that is being wrapped (the name of this static method need not match that of the C++ constructor however). Since this constructor is wrapped into a static method, one will have to call it in Python code as follows:

obj = ClassWithMethods.ConstructWithInitVal(100, 2)

By Google convention , constructors that can be called with a single argument, except for copy and move constructors, must be marked explicit in the class definition to avoid unexpected implicit conversions. In the above example, C++ class ClassWithMethods contains a constructor with a single argument and should be marked as explicit in C++ class definition.

class ClassWithMethods {
    // Single argument constructors must be marked explicit.
    explicit ClassWithMethods(int size) : data_(size) { }

Without explicit, there could be implicit type conversions from int to ClassWithMethods with the above single argument constructor. The C++ compiler will always declare a copy constructor as a non-explicit public member of the class if there is no user-defined copy/move constructor. Then CLIF would treat ClassWithMethods's implicitly-declared copy constructor as a valid candidate while it's not, and report a multi match error. The same process could also happen to move constructors if there exist.

Default Constructor

If a wrapped C++ class has a default constructor, and if one wants to expose it on the Python side as a constructor, it need not be listed in the CLIF file. CLIF wraps it implicitly. The default C++ constructor gets invoked when one instantiates a wrapped class as follows:

obj = wrapped_module.WrappedClass() # Constructor with no args

even when the CLIF file does not list the default constructor (and, since this is Python, CLIF should not define an __init__ method at all).

NOTE: One can list a wrapper for the default constructor in the CLIF file. It is not an error, but is redundant.

Wrapping Static Methods

A static method of a C++ class can be wrapped in two different ways:

  1. Wrap as a function in the Python module scope.
  2. Wrap as a class method of the Python class.

NOTE: Wrapping C++ static methods as functions in the module scope should be preferred unless there is a good reason (for example, to avoid name collision, or to wrap factory methods) to keep them in the class scope and expose them as class methods.

Wrapping as Functions in the Module Scope

Wrapping a static C++ method can be done with the staticmethods statement. The following snippet illustrates this for the static method GetStaticNumber of the C++ class ClassWithMethods of the above example:

  staticmethods from `ClassWithMethods`:
    def GetStaticNumber() -> int

Wrapping as Class Methods

The syntax to wrap a static method of a C++ class as a class method of the Python class is very similar to wrapping an instance method, except that, instead of the self argument, the class method needs cls as the first argument. Also, a class method declaration should be decorated with the @classmethod decorator. The CLIF declaration which wraps the static method GetStaticNumber of the above C++ class ClassWithMethods as class method is as follows:

    class ClassWithMethods:
      # Wrapper for static method ClassWithMethods::GetStaticNumber
      def GetStaticNumber(cls) -> int

Wrapping C++ Methods into Special Methods in Python {#specialmethods}

We have seen an example above wherein wrapping a C++ method into the special method __len__ on the Python side enables one to use the len built-in function on the object. Similarly, CLIF provides a way to wrap getters and setters into other special methods on the Python side so that one can use the wrapped objects as sequences (this enables one to use the subscript operator [] on the wrapped object). To wrap a class into one supporting the sequence protocol on the Python side, one has to wrap the C++ element access getter and setter methods with Python names __getitem__ and __setitem__ respectively. Python uses the same [item] syntax for accessing sequences (eg. lists, tuples) with the index as item and mappings (dicts) with a key as item. We need to decorate the definitions of these methods with @sequential to indicate that these methods are for using an index.

The CLIF declaration which wraps the C++ methods Get and Set (of class ClassWithMethods from above) into the sequence protocol is as follows:

from "clif/examples/wrapmethod/wrapmethod.h":
  namespace `clif_example::wrapmethod`:
    class ClassWithMethods:

      # Wrap ClassWithMethods::Get as __getitem__ with sequence protocol
      def `Get` as __getitem__(self, i: int) -> int

      # Wrap ClassWithMethods::Set as __setitem__ with sequence protocol
      def `Set` as __setitem__(self, i: int, v: int)

Similar to __getitem__ and __setitem__, one can also wrap a C++ method into the special method __delitem__ under the sequential protocol as follows:

from "clif/examples/wrapmethod/wrapmethod.h":
  namespace `clif_example::wrapmethod`:
    class ClassWithMethods:

      # Wrap ClassWithMethods::Delete as __delitem__ with sequence protocol
      def `Delete` as __delitem__(self, i: int)

This will enable one to call the del built-in function on the sequences elements as follows:

obj = ClassWithMethods(10)
del obj[5]
assert len(obj) == 9

NOTE: __setitem__ and __delitem__ occupy the same slot, so defining only one of them prevents calling the other from a base class. Just repeat the "missing" definition in the derived class (as shown in clif/testing/python/slots.clif).

CLIF protects the C++ side from invalid indices. That is, if Python code uses a bad index to access a sequence element (from an instance whose class satisfies the sequence protocol), then an IndexError is raised even if the backing C++ code does not provide such a protection. [This is not to imply that C++ should/need not have checks. That should depend wholly on the C++ usage contract.]

Sequences are Iterable

When a CLIF wrapped class contains the special methods __getitem__ under the sequence protocol (i.e. using the @sequential decorator), and also the method __len__, then instances of such a class are iterable in Python. That is, with the wrappings for __getitem__ and __len__ added as above for the class ClassWithMethods, one can now iterate over the elements of its instance, for example in a for loop, as follows:

obj = ClassWithMethods(10)
for i in obj:
  # do something

Exposing Getter/Setter Methods as Properties

NOTE: The example used in this section lives in clif/examples/property/.

We have previously seen CLIF's unproperty feature where in data members of a C++ class are exposed via setter/getter methods on the wrapped class. CLIF also provides a way to do its inverse: expose C++ getter/setter methods via a property (or attribute) of the wrapped class. This enables one to expose C++ classes with a concise Pythonic API. Consider the following C++ class definition:

Look in the examples/property/myoptions.h file.

One can wrap the getter and setter methods of the class MyClass into instance properties in Python as shown in the following CLIF file:

Look in the examples/property/python/myoptions.clif file.

The general syntax to list a class property (as a replacement for its C++ getter and setter) is as follows:

  • PROPERTY_NAME is the exposed name of the class property.
  • PYTHON_TYPE is the name of the Python type of the property.
  • CPP_GETTER_NAME is the name of the C++ getter method. It has to be quoted in backticks.
  • CPP_SETTER_NAME is the name of the C++ setter method. It has to be quoted in backticks.

Providing a setter for a property is optional. If a setter is not specified in the property declaration, then the property is not writable in Python. The code snippet below illustrates the usage of the Python class wrapped in the above CLIF file.

opts = MyOptions('options')
opts.path = 'my/options/path'
opts.count = 10
opts_name = = 'new_name' # This line will raise AttributeError as the attribute
                       # 'name' is not writable.

NOTE: Like the normal [fields][fields] exposed in to Python, the properties exposed in the above fashion are also returned by value.


NOTE: The example used in this section lives in clif/examples/inheritance/.

Wrapping Without Exposing Inheritance into Python

In many cases C++ inheritance is an implementation detail and should not be visible to Python users.

If exposing the C++ inheritance hierarchy into Python is not required, one can wrap only the relevant classes using CLIF and ignore linking them with an inheritance relationship in Python. For example, consider the following C++ class hierarchy:

Look in the examples/inheritance/hidden_base.h file.

If exposing the class Base into Python is not necessary, one can wrap only the derived class Derived as follows:

Look in the examples/inheritance/python/hidden_base.clif file.

Notice that, since the Python class Derived is not inherited from the class Base (in fact, Python is not aware of the existence of a base class), one will have to list the wrappings for the base class methods under the derived class wrapping (if they should be made available in Python at all).

Exposing Inheritance Relationship into Python

Wrapping C++ class inheritance hierarchy into Python class hierarchy using CLIF is straightforward.

NOTE: CLIF does not support multiple inheritance on the Python side. The C++ side can use multiple inheritance as suitable (and as allowed).

Let us wrap the following C++ class hierarchy:

Look in the examples/inheritance/inheritance.h file.

The CLIF-wrapping for the above class hierarchy is as follows:

Look in the examples/inheritance/python/inheritance.clif file.

The wrapping for the base class Base is like wrapping any other class (as described here and here). The wrapping for the derived classes Derived1 and Derived2 uses the general Python syntax of specifying a base class in the class definition header:


Both, DERIVED_CLASS_NAME and BASE_CLASS_NAME, can be specified with different Python names as well (as described in renaming).

Following the class declaration header are the method declarations as usual. Declaring a class as inheriting another class in CLIF guarantees that all the methods declared in the CLIF wrapping of the base class are inherited by the derived class. Notice that, for the class Derived2, we did not list any methods, but just used the pass statement. This was done to illustrate that, when appropriate, one can make the derived class empty (as in, at the syntax level) and make only the inherited members available.

Overriding Virtual Methods in Python

A very useful feature that CLIF provides is overriding virtual methods in Python. This enables one to provide implementations for abstract C++ classes in Python and pass them over to C++ for further computation.

Note: The example operation used in this section lives in clif/examples/inheritance/.

We will use a fairly simple example to illustrate this feature of overriding virtual methods. Consider the following abstract C++ class, and a function which takes a pointer to an instance of that class as argument:

Look in the examples/inheritance/operation.h file.

The CLIF wrapping for the above class is as follows:

Look in the examples/inheritance/python/operation.clif file.

Most of the CLIF wrapping above looks like any normal CLIF wrapping of a C++ class and function. The key difference however is the decorator @virtual used to decorate the virtual method Run. This is a directive to CLIF informing it that a concrete class derived from class Operation in Python will override it. For example, one can override the Run method in a derived Python class as follows:

class Add(operation.Operation):
  def __init__(self, a, b):
    self.a = a
    self.b = b

  def Run(self):
    return self.a + self.b

An instance of the class Add can be passed to the wrapped function Perform, which in turn calls into the C++ function Perform. When the C++ Perform invokes the Run method on the input object, its Python implementation is invoked. This is illustrated in the following snippet:

a = Add(120, 3)
r = operation.Perform(a)
assert r == 123

NOTE: It is an error to decorate the CLIF declaration of a non-virtual method with @virtual.

NOTE: Do not decorate C++ virtual methods with @virtual unless you need to (re)implement them in Python.

NOTE: When a virtual function returns an object from Python, it follows the usual Python convention and returns a new reference.

Wrapping C++ Templates

NOTE: The example, templates, used in this section lives in clif/examples/templates/.

NOTE: CLIF only supports wrapping template instantiations. This does not mean that the C++ code should have explicit instantiations declared. Rather that, CLIF does not provide a way to define classes in a templatized manner.

Wrapping Template Classes

Wrapping a template instantiation should be done using the normal way of wrapping classes and methods. The C++ name in the CLIF declaration should include all the non-default template parameters of the C++ template. The Python name must be provided. Consider the following C++ template definition:

Look in the examples/templates/templates.h file.

The CLIF wrapping for the above class in two different flavors is as follows:

Look in the examples/templates/python/templates.clif file.

The first flavor in the above CLIF file wraps the template instantiation MyClass<int, string>, and the second flavor wraps the template instantiation MyClass<string, string>. Notice that, one will need to declare the methods, attributes and properties that they want to expose into Python explicitly and separately for each flavor.

Wrapping Template Functions

NOTE: CLIF only supports wrapping template functions whose template arguments can be deduced from the function's argument types.

When wrapping template functions, unlike with wrapping template classes, one should not list the template arguments in the C++ name. Apart from that, it is very similar to wrapping any normal function. This is illustrated in the above CLIF file which wraps the C++ template function MyAdd into two flavors MyAddInt and MyAddFloat.

Wrapping Protocol Buffers {#protos}

NOTE: The example wrap_protos used in this section lives in clif/examples/wrap_protos/.

Wrapping protocol buffers with CLIF requires setting up certain build rules and targets following a certain pattern. There are no constructs to wrap them explicitly in a CLIF file. Consider an example proto definition as follows:

Look in the examples/wrap_protos/protos/sample.proto file.

NOTE: Only proto2 (and cc_api_version=2) is currently supported by CLIF. If the proto file or build rule has cc_api_version=1, then protoc generates a .pb.h file incompatible with CLIF (nested message typedefs are not generated). Under certain conditions, the proto_library rule falls back to proto1 even if cc_api_version=2 is specified in the rule. Such cases are also not supported by CLIF.

To see how the CLIF wrappings for the above proto definitions can be used along with CLIF-wrapped Python code, let us consider C++ code which operates with the proto MyMessage as follows:

Look in the examples/wrap_protos/wrap_protos.h file.

Make special note of two constructs from the above C++ header: The function DefaultInitMyMessage which takes a pointer to the proto MyMessage as argument, and the method GetMyMessage which returns a pointer to the proto MyMessage. With these in mind, let us look at the following CLIF file which wraps the C++ class ProtoManager and the function DefaultInitMyMessage as follows:

Look in the examples/wrap_protos/python/wrap_protos.clif file.

Since we are using the CLIF wrapped protobuf types in our CLIF file, we have to import them using the from statement in a manner similar to importing CLIF wrapped constructs from other CLIF modules. As before, the name of the header file (without the .h extension), from which the CLIF wrappings should be imported, should match the name of the build target which builds the CLIF wrappings. This import statement makes the protobuf message names available for use in the CLIF file. Nested messages and enums should be specified using the '.' notation.

NOTE: If a protobuf message name conflicts with another name used or defined in a CLIF file, then the protobuf wrapping should be imported using the from <proto_wrapping_header_file> import * as <local_name> syntax. The message name can then be used in the CLIF file with the <local_name>. prefix.

Passing protobufs by value

A very important point to keep in mind is that, unlike instances of wrapped class/struct types, when protobuf messages cross the language boundary (C++ to Python, or Python to C++), the receiving side receives the language-native version of the message. Since C++ and Python representation of the protos differ, changes made to a message are local to the language the changes are made from. Hence, in the above example, even though the wrapped DefaultInitMyMessage takes a pointer to the proto MyMessage, changes made to it on the C++ side do not get reflected on the Python side. Similarly, even though the method GetMyMessage returns a non-const pointer, changes made to the returned protobuf on the Python side do not get reflected on the C++ side. This is illustrated by the following test:

Look in the examples/wrap_protos/python/ file.

Providing a Python Wrapper Layer

(More details coming ...)

The raw CLIF wrappings might not be Pythonic enough. For example, a C++ method could be silent or just crash on invalid input arguments. When such a method is wrapped into Python, instead of making this raw CLIF wrapping as a user facing API, a good approach would be to provide a different layer which is actually the user facing API instead of the raw CLIF wrapping. This helps in two ways:

  1. Isolate Python users from C++ API changes.
  2. Provide a more Pythonic API, instead of possibly a non-Pythonic one.


  1. "plain old data", i.e. passive data structures like records.