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Cloud Integration Testing Framework (citest) is a python package to facilitate writing integration tests against the REST style APIs typically used by cloud services. Citest can be used on its own, but it is designed to complement other testing techniques (e.g. unit testing) and other test infrastructure (e.g. provisioning test environments) as opposed to being a single comprehensive testing solution. The focal points of citest are:

  • Specifying test cases in a concise way -- limited boilerplate code.

  • Performing independent verification that systems are behaving as expected.

  • Reporting with traceability to understand what has been tested, and facilitate debugging when tests fail.

Citest is designed for API level testing of live distributed asynchronous systems. It is not designed for testing User Interfaces.

Citest Overview

A citest module test is a collection of related tests against a live system. The system is not necessarily running in production serving public traffic but, but as far as the test client is concerned, it is testing in a "real" environment as opposed to using fakes and mocks.

Each test performs an operation against the system and verifies that the behavior is as expected. Typically this is by both checking the results returned by the operation as well as independently observing side effects to verify that the system is doing what it claims to do.

In addition to performing and verifying operations, citest reports all its activities and interactions in order to provide additional insight and traceability into exactly what is being tested and why it believes that tests have passed (or failed). This is useful to debug the systems as well as to understand how the system is being tested and exactly what the tests are.

In order to test a new system, your system, you will typically need to write up to four types of code.

  1. The actual tests to perform are typically straight forward and concise. A test is a citest.service_testing.AgentOperation and citest.json_contract.Contract. This pair is commonly specified together as a citest.service_testing.OperationContract. An operation typically specifies the call to make. For example, if you are testing an HTTP interface, the operation will be the URL and data payload *if a POST). The contract specifies one or more citest.json_contract.ContractClause, where a clause is an observation to make and different expectations of things to see. For example if we asked to create a resource, the contract would verify that the resource was created, and contains certain attributes that we expect based on what or how we created it. Different clauses may test different aspects of the resource where different types of observations may be required.

    Contracts are typically composed from citest.json_predicate.ValuePredicate objects whose API lets you concisely specify relationships of objects and values. For example, verify that a given attribute (possibly nested deep within other embedded components) contains certain attributes an values.

  2. Depending on the interface to your system, you may need to write a citest.service_testing.BaseAgent adapter in order for the core citest components to interact with it (i.e. manage the operations in your tests, and collect the observations). The agent that performs operations could be different than the agent that observes your system. That is up to you and the needs of the test you are writing. Agents are written by specializing the citest.service_testing.BaseAgent interface (or derivitive).

  3. Depending on what your operations look like, you may need to specialize the citest.service_testing.AgentOperation interface and/or the citest.service_testing.AgentOperationStatus interface. citest assumes that operations are asynchronous so uses an AgentOperationStatus interface to provide access to the current status and signal when an operation has finished.

  4. Finally, some code that coordinates and runs the tests. This code is typically simple because the citest framework does most of the work given the operations and contracts. However, if module tests contain interdependent tests, then you may want to share some state across them, such as the names of resources that were created. Citest defines a Scenario class which is intended to capture the shared state for a collection of interrelated tests. In practice this is merely a call to run_test_case passing the OperationContract and letting the core framework take it from there.

Example Case Study: Testing Spinnaker

Spinnaker is a multi-cloud continuous delivery platform. Spinnaker uses citest to verify its core interactions with the different cloud platforms actually works to complement its extensive internal unit tests that verify the implementation and internal state is as intended. Spinnaker provides REST style HTTP interfaces using JSON encoded objects. Therefore, operations make use of the standard citest.service_testing.HttpAgent built into citest. However, Spinnaker uses a custom application protocol where operations return the URL that is polled for the operation status. That status URL returns a custom data object that describes the current status and final operation state. Furthermore, spinnaker is composed of multiple systems, some of which implement different application protocols (the status objects look different). To capture commonalities among the different systems while allowing for their specialization, some additional classes were defined to extend the citest platform to add Spinnaker specializations. These extensions are part of Spinnaker, not citest. Currently they are located in the same repository as citest (in spinnaker.* modules) though this is not a normal recommended practice and the spinnaker/ branch will be moved to a different repository in the future.

Since Spinnaker operations are used to modify resources on cloud provider platforms its citests use the native platform's SDK tools to inspect the platform to see if Spinnaker modified the right resources as expected. For convienence, it uses the command-line program that the platforms provide. citest has Agent implementations for these so that they can be used by observers to collect observation data based on cloud provider resources. The alternative would be to use the native platform API rather than calling back into Spinnaker. At least in this case, there is no reason to trust Spinnaker since we can perform independent verification by obtaining ground truth from the platform itself.

Refer to the [documentation for configuring and running Spinnaker citests] ( within the spinnaker namesake repository

Example: Configuring the test

Tests will often contain some values that require configuration as opposed to being static. For example, the network endpoint of the service being tested. citest uses 'bindings' for these. Bindings is simply a dictionary of name/value pairs. The binding dictionary uses upper case keys by convention. Custom names can be added as commandline parameters so they can be controlled from the command-line, then used to form the internal bindings used by tests. Not all bindings need to be command-line arguments. This is left to the disgression of the test author for convienence.

In this example, Spinnaker tests provide command-line arguments to specify the location of the server. In general, this can be done with the 'native_hostname' parameter (specifies the IP address or DNS hostname). However it also defines a project/zone/instance that can be convienent to use on Google Cloud Platform. citest does not directy support this choice so this will require extra application code. However since services are typically firewalled for security and require clients to tunnel into them, using the GCE project/zone/instance parameters lets us use citest's GCP support that can establish the ssh tunnel for us if it turns out that we cannot otherwise reach the server directly. [NOTE: there is also a port binding, but it is not interesting to discuss here.]

class SpinnakerTestScenario(sk.AgentTestScenario):
  def initArgumentParser(cls, parser, defaults=None):
        '--native_hostname', default=defaults.get('NATIVE_HOSTNAME', None),
        help='Host name that {system} is running on.'
             ' This parameter is only used if the spinnaker host platform'
             ' is "native".'.format(system=subsystem_name))

        '--gce_project', default=defaults.get('GCE_PROJECT', None),
        help='The GCE project that {system} is running within.'
             ' This parameter is only used if the spinnaker host platform'
             ' is GCE.'.format(system=subsystem_name))
        '--gce_zone', default=defaults.get('GCE_ZONE', None),
        help='The GCE zone that {system} is running within.'
             ' This parameter is only used if the spinnaker host platform'
             ' is GCE.'.format(system=subsystem_name))
        '--gce_instance', default=defaults.get('GCE_INSTANCE', None),
        help='The GCE instance name that {system} is running on.'
             ' This parameter is only used if the spinnaker host platform'
             ' is GCE.'.format(system=subsystem_name))

def main():
  """Implements the main method running this smoke test."""

  defaults = {
      'TEST_STACK': str(GoogleSmokeTestScenario.DEFAULT_TEST_ID),
      'TEST_APP': 'gcpsmoketest' + GoogleSmokeTestScenario.DEFAULT_TEST_ID

  return st.ScenarioTestRunner.main(

The main() here defines some default binding values then calls the standard citest.service_testing.ScenarioTestRunner. It passes in the test scenario used by our tests, and the test class defining the test suite that we will run. The scenario is used to initialize the argument parser and will be instantiated and passed into the test case.

Example: Creating an Agent (so citest can talk to Spinnaker)

Here, "gate" is a custom module we wrote to adapt Spinnaker's "gate" service. It provides a factory function "new_agent" to create an instance of BaseAgent. We'll show how this is implemented in a futue example. The point in this example is that the service_testing.TestScenario class (of which SpinnakerTestScenrio is derived) lets you add a classmethod called "new_agent" that acts as a factory method. The base citest.service_testing.TestScenario will call this method at some point to construct the agent it needs.

import spinnaker_testing.gate as gate
class AwsSmokeTestScenario(sk.SpinnakerTestScenario):
  def new_agent(cls, bindings):
    """Implements citest.service_testing.AgentTestScenario.new_agent."""
    return gate.new_agent(bindings)

Example: A simple test specifying an operation and its contract.

The following example shows a test on Spinnaker's interface to create a server group on Amazon Web Services. The particular parameters and bindings here, including self.TEST_APP, are specific to Spinnaker. The gist is that we're creating a payload with some data, some of which happens to be parameterized by bindings.

class AwsSmokeTestScenario(sk.SpinnakerTestScenario):
  def create_server_group(self):
    bindings = self.bindings

    # Spinnaker determines the group name created,
    # which will be the following:
    group_name = '{app}-{stack}-v000'.format(
        app=self.TEST_APP, stack=bindings['TEST_STACK'])

    payload = self.agent.make_json_payload_from_kwargs(
            'type': 'createServerGroup',
            'cloudProvider': 'aws',
            'application': self.TEST_APP,
            'stack': bindings['TEST_STACK'],
            'credentials': bindings['AWS_CREDENTIALS'],
            'capacity': {'min':2, 'max':2, 'desired':2},
        description='Create Server Group in ' + group_name,

    builder = aws.AwsContractBuilder(self.aws_observer)
    (builder.new_clause_builder('Auto Server Group Added',
     .collect_resources('autoscaling', 'describe-auto-scaling-groups',
                        args=['--auto-scaling-group-names', group_name])
     .contains_path_value('AutoScalingGroups', {'MaxSize': 2}))

    return st.OperationContract(
            title='create_server_group', data=payload, path='tasks'),

There are three parts to this method.

  1. Define the payload that we'll send. It defines a bunch of attributes including a capacity that specifies a capacity size of 2.

  2. Define the contract we expect the operation to uphold. There is one clause, which expects that we created an autoscaling group of the right size. The collect_resources() method is specifying the observation to make. The AwsContractBuilder defines this particular method as the point of the builder is to make observations of AWS resources and verify them. This particular observer is a command-line agent and lets us specify special parameters we need to pass to observe.

    The contains_path_value() is a constraint we wish to verify on the observation. This method is shorthand notation for using a path predicate to extract an attribute ('AutoScalingGroups') from an observed object and verify that its value includes another value. In this case the value is a dictionary that includes an attribute named 'MaxSize' with value 2.

    Note also that the contract itself is retryable for 30 seconds. This means that it is ok if the contract is not met when the operation first completes, however should eventually become true within the next 30 seconds thereafter. This is because the asynchronous operation in our system completes once it tells AWS to create the group, however the group takes time to actually create and become available for us to properly observe and verify.

  3. We construct the actual test object. This is the Operation to perform (an HTTP POST of the payload we created to the server's 'tasks' URL), and the contract to verify. Note that we do not actually run the test here. Instead citest lets us define first class objects that specify the test to be performed, then will handle the scheduling and execution of these tests as it sees fit.

To execute the test, we use the standard python unittest classes. Although these arent unit tests, the classes provide a convienent basis and standard hooks for citest to leverage.

class AwsSmokeTest(st.AgentTestCase):
  def test_c_create_server_group(self):

The heavy lifting here is performed by citest's citest.service_testing.AgentTestCase.run_test_case() method, taking the server group test object we created earlier. Note that we are currently using this unittest class to explicitly schedule and run the test. However in the future, a different mechanism based on the test objects may be introduced.

Example: A simple test specifying an operation and its multi-clause contract.

The following test creates a Spinnaker load balancer on GCE. A spinnaker load balancer consists of 3 different components, requiring us to make multiple observations of different components in order to verify it is correct.

import citest.json_predicate as jp

class GoogleSmokeTestScenario(sk.SpinnakerTestScenario):
  def __init__(self, bindings, agent=None):
    super(GoogleSmokeTestScenario, self).__init__(bindings, agent)
    bindings = self.bindings
    self.__lb_detail = 'lb'
    self.__lb_name = '{app}-{stack}-{detail}'.format(
        app=bindings['TEST_APP'], stack=bindings['TEST_STACK'],

  def upsert_load_balancer(self):
    bindings = self.bindings
    target_pool_name = '{0}/targetPools/{1}-tp'.format(
        bindings['TEST_GCE_REGION'], self.__lb_name)

    spec = {
        'checkIntervalSec': 9,
        'healthyThreshold': 3,
        'unhealthyThreshold': 5,
        'timeoutSec': 2,
        'port': 80

    payload = self.agent.make_json_payload_from_kwargs(
            'cloudProvider': 'gce',
            'provider': 'gce',
            'stack': bindings['TEST_STACK'],
            'detail': self.__lb_detail,
            'credentials': bindings['GCE_CREDENTIALS'],
            'region': bindings['TEST_GCE_REGION'],
            'ipProtocol': 'TCP',
            'portRange': spec['port'],
            'loadBalancerName': self.__lb_name,
            'healthCheck': {
                'port': spec['port'],
                'timeoutSec': spec['timeoutSec'],
                'checkIntervalSec': spec['checkIntervalSec'],
                'healthyThreshold': spec['healthyThreshold'],
                'unhealthyThreshold': spec['unhealthyThreshold'],
            'type': 'upsertLoadBalancer',
            'availabilityZones': {bindings['TEST_GCE_REGION']: []},
            'user': '[anonymous]'
        description='Create Load Balancer: ' + self.__lb_name,

    builder = gcp.GceContractBuilder(self.gce_observer)
    (builder.new_clause_builder('Health Check Added',
         [jp.PathContainsPredicate('name', '%s-hc' % self.__lb_name),
    (builder.new_clause_builder('Target Pool Added',
     .contains_path_value('name', '%s-tp' % self.__lb_name))
    (builder.new_clause_builder('Forwarding Rules Added',
          jp.PathContainsPredicate('name', self.__lb_name),
          jp.PathContainsPredicate('target', target_pool_name)]))

    return st.OperationContract(
            title='upsert_load_balancer', data=payload, path='tasks'),

This is similar to the AWS server group example above. Here the contract consists of three clauses. The first verifies that we created a health check with an expected name and configured the health check in a particular way by comparing it's JSON object to the specification we expect it to have (and used to form the request). The "list_resources" method is added by the GceContractBuilder -- in this case to collect all the GCP http-health-checks. Due to the nature of Spinnaker's implementation, we do not know the exact name that it used to ensure uniqueness. However we know part of the substring that the name should have (and have ourselves chosen it to be unique).

The other clauses are simlilar but happen to use different types of predicates. The contains_pred_list() is checking that each of the predicates holds on a particular object. This would be the same as the jp.DICT_SUBSET predicate, however reporting is different should one of these predicates fail, the individual attributes will be shown as opposed to the entire dict since these are independent predicates.

Example: A custom OperationStatus implementation

The following is an excerpt from SpinnakerStatus specialization to adapt citest to Spinnaker's application protocol. The spinnaker HTTP operations return a URL that, when queried, returns a JSON object describing the status. The following class is an implementation of the citest object that interprets the operation result payload (the URL to poll) and the JSON status details.

This particular class is still abstract because different spinnaker services define different JSON object schemas. Only parts of the class are shown here. For the complete details, see:

The gist of what is happening here is that the abstract class defines its interface in terms of properties. The citest.service_testing.HttpOperationStatus adds in interface set_http_response that asks the instance to update its state based on the HTTP response it retrieved. We implement this by parsing the JSON data we expect in the response, and pulling out the attributes we need to satisfy the interface needs. The actual method to parse the JSON is left to the specialized class for each of the different subsystems since this varies.

class SpinnakerStatus(service_testing.HttpOperationStatus):
  def current_state(self):
    """The value of the JSON "state" field, or None if not known."""
    return self.__current_state

  def current_state(self, state):
    """Updates the current state."""
    self.__current_state = state

  def error(self):
    return self.__error

  def exception_details(self):
    return self.__exception_details

  def id(self):
    return self.__request_id

  def detail_path(self):
    return self.__detail_path

  def export_to_json_snapshot(self, snapshot, entity):
    super(SpinnakerStatus, self).export_to_json_snapshot(snapshot, entity)
    snapshot.edge_builder.make_output(entity, 'Status Detail', self.__json_doc,

  def __init__(self, operation, original_response=None):
    super(SpinnakerStatus, self).__init__(operation, original_response)
    self.__request_id = original_response.output
    self.__current_state = None  # Last known state (after last refresh()).
    self.__detail_path = None    # The URL path on spinnaker for this status.
    self.__exception_details = None
    self.__error = None
    self.__json_doc = None

    if not original_response or original_response.http_code is None:
      self.__current_state = 'REQUEST_FAILED'

  def refresh(self, trace=True):
    if self.finished:

    http_response = self.agent.get(self.detail_path, trace=trace)
    except BaseException as bex:

  def set_http_response(self, http_response):
    if http_response.http_code is None:
      self.__current_state = 'Unknown'

    decoder = JSONDecoder()
    self.__json_doc = decoder.decode(http_response.output)

  def _update_response_from_json(self, doc):
    # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    raise Exception("_update_response_from_json is not specialized.")

class GateTaskStatus(sk.SpinnakerStatus):
  def new(cls, operation, original_response):
    return GateTaskStatus(operation, original_response)

  def timed_out(self):
    return (self.current_state == 'TERMINAL'
            and str(self.detail).find(' timed out.') > 0)

  def finished(self):
    return not self.current_state in ["NOT_STARTED", "RUNNING", None]

  def finished_ok(self):
    return self.current_state == 'SUCCEEDED'

  def __init__(self, operation, original_response=None):
    super(GateTaskStatus, self).__init__(operation, original_response)

    if not original_response.ok():
      self.current_state = 'HTTP_ERROR'

    doc = None
      doc = json.JSONDecoder().decode(original_response.output)
    except (ValueError, TypeError):

    if isinstance(doc, dict):
      self._bind_error("Invalid response='{0}'".format(original_response))
      self.current_state = 'CITEST_INTERNAL_ERROR'

  def _update_response_from_json(self, doc):
    self.current_state = doc['status']

    exception_details = None
    gate_exception = None
    variables = doc['variables']
    if variables:
      for elem in variables:
        if elem['key'] == 'exception':
          value = elem['value']
          exception_details = value['details']
        elif elem['key'] == 'kato.tasks':
          value = elem['value']
          for task in value:
            if 'exception' in task:
              gate_exception = task['exception']['message']

    self._bind_exception_details(exception_details or gate_exception)