diff --git a/docs/algorithms.md b/docs/algorithms.md
index bd5031cf88..1e40384192 100644
--- a/docs/algorithms.md
+++ b/docs/algorithms.md
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ CFR against a best responder (CFR-BR) | Tabular
Exploitability / Best response | Tabular | [Shoham & Leyton-Brown '09](http://masfoundations.org/) | 
External sampling Monte Carlo CFR | Tabular | [Lanctot et al. '09](http://mlanctot.info/files/papers/nips09mccfr.pdf), [Lanctot '13](http://mlanctot.info/files/papers/PhD_Thesis_MarcLanctot.pdf) | 
Fixed Strategy Iteration CFR (FSICFR) | Tabular | [Neller & Hnath '11](https://cupola.gettysburg.edu/csfac/2/) | ~
+Extensive-form Regret Minimization | Tabular | [Morrill et. al. '22](https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.06973) | ~
Mean-field Ficticious Play for MFG | Tabular | [Perrin et. al. '20](https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.03458) | ~
Online Mirror Descent for MFG | Tabular | [Perolat et. al. '21](https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.00623) | ~
Munchausen Online Mirror Descent for MFG | Tabular | [Lauriere et. al. '22](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2203.11973) | ~
diff --git a/open_spiel/python/CMakeLists.txt b/open_spiel/python/CMakeLists.txt
index 8e16fa86f6..2a070d6660 100644
--- a/open_spiel/python/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/open_spiel/python/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -182,6 +182,7 @@ set(PYTHON_TESTS ${PYTHON_TESTS}
+ algorithms/efr_test.py
diff --git a/open_spiel/python/algorithms/efr.py b/open_spiel/python/algorithms/efr.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..704aa359f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/open_spiel/python/algorithms/efr.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1137 @@
+# Copyright 2019 DeepMind Technologies Limited
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Modified: 2023 James Flynn
+# Original:
+# https://github.com/deepmind/open_spiel/blob/master/open_spiel/python/algorithms/cfr.py
+"""Python implementation of the extensive-form regret minimization algorithm.
+See: "Efficient Deviation Types and Learning
+ for Hindsight Rationality in Extensive-Form Games",
+ Morrill et al. 2021b,
+ https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.06973
+One iteration of EFR consists of:
+1) Compute current strategy from regrets (e.g. using Regret Matching).
+2) Compute values using the current strategy
+3) Compute regrets from these values
+The average policy converges to a Nash Equilibrium
+rather than the current policy.
+import copy
+from collections import defaultdict
+import attr
+import numpy as np
+from scipy.linalg import lstsq
+import pyspiel
+from open_spiel.python import policy
+class _InfoStateNode(object):
+ """An object wrapping values associated to an information state."""
+ # The list of the legal actions.
+ legal_actions = attr.ib()
+ index_in_tabular_policy = attr.ib()
+ # The newly availible deviations + the old ones
+ relizable_deviations = attr.ib()
+ # Player -> state -> action -> prob
+ current_history_probs = attr.ib()
+ # An array representing the preceeding actions played
+ # upto this information state.
+ history = attr.ib()
+ cumulative_regret = attr.ib(factory=lambda: defaultdict(float))
+ # The sum of all prior iteration's policies
+ cumulative_policy = attr.ib(factory=lambda: defaultdict(float))
+ # A dictionary mapping each deviation to their "y values"
+ # for the current iteration.
+ y_values = attr.ib(factory=lambda: defaultdict(float))
+class _EFRSolverBase(object):
+ """The base EFR solver class
+ The main iteration loop is implemented in `evaluate_and_update_policy`:
+ ```python
+ game = pyspiel.load_game("game_name")
+ initial_state = game.new_initial_state()
+ solver = Solver(game)
+ for i in range(num_iterations):
+ solver.evaluate_and_update_policy()
+ solver.current_policy() # Access the current policy
+ solver.average_policy() # Access the average policy
+ ```
+ """
+ def __init__(self, game, deviation_gen):
+ """Initializer.
+ Args:
+ game: The `pyspiel.Game` to run on.
+ deviation_gen: a function that accepts (num_actions : int,
+ history : , prior_legal_actions)
+ and returns a list containing`LocalDeviationWithTimeSelection` objects
+ of the realisable deviations of a described type
+ (e.g blind causal deviations) and given the information state described
+ by the function parameters.
+ """
+ # pyformat: enable
+ assert game.get_type().dynamics == pyspiel.GameType.Dynamics.SEQUENTIAL, (
+ "EFR requires sequential games. If you're trying to run it " +
+ "on a simultaneous (or normal-form) game, please first transform it " +
+ "using turn_based_simultaneous_game.")
+ self._game = game
+ self._num_players = game.num_players()
+ self._root_node = self._game.new_initial_state()
+ # This is for returning the current policy and average policy to a caller
+ self._current_policy = policy.TabularPolicy(game)
+ self._average_policy = self._current_policy.__copy__()
+ self._deviation_gen = deviation_gen
+ self._info_state_nodes = {}
+ hist = {player: [] for player in range(self._num_players)}
+ empty_path_indices = [[] for _ in range(self._num_players)]
+ self._initialize_info_state_nodes(self._root_node,
+ hist, empty_path_indices)
+ self._iteration = 1 # For possible linear-averaging.
+ def return_cumulative_regret(self):
+ """Returns a dictionary mapping every information state
+ to its associated regret (accumulated over all iterations).
+ """
+ return {list(self._info_state_nodes.keys())[i]:
+ list(self._info_state_nodes.values())[i].cumulative_regret
+ for i in range(len(self._info_state_nodes.keys()))
+ }
+ def current_policy(self):
+ """Returns the current policy as a TabularPolicy.
+ WARNING: The same object, updated in-place will be returned! You can copy
+ it (or its `action_probability_array` field).
+ For EFR, this policy does not necessarily have to converge.
+ """
+ return self._current_policy
+ def average_policy(self):
+ """Returns the average of all policies iterated.
+ WARNING: The same object, updated in-place will be returned! You can copy
+ it (or its `action_probability_array` field).
+ This average policy converges to a equilibrium policy as the number
+ of iterations increases (equilibrium type depends on learning
+ deviations used).
+ The policy is computed using the accumulated policy probabilities computed
+ using `evaluate_and_update_policy`.
+ Returns:
+ A `policy.TabularPolicy` object (shared between calls) giving the (linear)
+ time averaged policy (weighted by player reach probabilities) for all
+ players.
+ """
+ _update_average_policy(self._average_policy, self._info_state_nodes)
+ return self._average_policy
+ def _initialize_info_state_nodes(self, state, history, path_indices):
+ """Initializes info_state_nodes.
+ Create one _InfoStateNode per infoset. We could also initialize the node
+ when we try to access it and it does not exist.
+ Generates all deviations that are realisable at this state and stores
+ the history and preceeding state policy information to create memory states
+ and calculate the memory reach probability for each deviation.
+ Args:
+ state: The current state in the tree traversal. This should be the
+ root node when we call this function from the EFR solver.
+ history: an arrays of the preceeding actions taken prior to the state
+ for each player.
+ path_indices: a 3d array [player number]x[preceeding state]x[legal actions
+ for state, index of the policy for this state in TabularPolicy].
+ """
+ if state.is_terminal():
+ return
+ if state.is_chance_node():
+ for action, unused_action_prob in state.chance_outcomes():
+ self._initialize_info_state_nodes(state.child(
+ action), history, path_indices)
+ return
+ current_player = state.current_player()
+ info_state = state.information_state_string(current_player)
+ info_state_node = self._info_state_nodes.get(info_state)
+ if info_state_node is None:
+ legal_actions = state.legal_actions(current_player)
+ info_state_node = _InfoStateNode(
+ legal_actions=legal_actions,
+ index_in_tabular_policy=\
+ self._current_policy.state_lookup[info_state],
+ relizable_deviations=None,
+ history=history[current_player].copy(),
+ current_history_probs=copy.deepcopy(
+ path_indices[current_player])
+ )
+ prior_possible_actions = []
+ for i in range(len(info_state_node.current_history_probs)):
+ prior_possible_actions.append(
+ info_state_node.current_history_probs[i][0])
+ prior_possible_actions.append(info_state_node.legal_actions)
+ info_state_node.relizable_deviations = self._deviation_gen(len(
+ info_state_node.legal_actions), info_state_node.history,
+ prior_possible_actions)
+ self._info_state_nodes[info_state] = info_state_node
+ legal_actions = state.legal_actions(current_player)
+ for action in info_state_node.legal_actions:
+ new_path_indices = copy.deepcopy(path_indices)
+ new_path_indices[current_player].append(
+ [legal_actions, info_state_node.index_in_tabular_policy])
+ new_history = copy.deepcopy(history)
+ new_history[current_player].append(action)
+ assert (len(new_history[current_player]) ==
+ len(new_path_indices[current_player]))
+ self._initialize_info_state_nodes(state.child(action), new_history,
+ new_path_indices)
+ def _update_current_policy(self, state, current_policy):
+ """Updated in order so that memory reach probs are defined wrt
+ to the new strategy.
+ Note that the function is called recursively (first call should
+ be the root).
+ Additionally, to update the strategy for a given state we require
+ the (t+1)th strategy for all prior states.
+ Args:
+ state: the state of which to update the strategy.
+ current_policy: the (t+1)th strategy that is being recursively computed,
+ see the function description for more detail.
+ """
+ if state.is_terminal():
+ return
+ elif not state.is_chance_node():
+ current_player = state.current_player()
+ info_state = state.information_state_string(current_player)
+ info_state_node = self._info_state_nodes[info_state]
+ deviations = info_state_node.relizable_deviations
+ for devation in range(len(deviations)):
+ mem_reach_probs = create_probs_from_index(
+ info_state_node.current_history_probs, current_policy)
+ deviation_reach_prob =\
+ deviations[devation].\
+ player_deviation_reach_probability(mem_reach_probs)
+ y_increment = max(0, info_state_node.cumulative_regret[devation])*\
+ deviation_reach_prob
+ info_state_node.y_values[deviations[devation]] =\
+ info_state_node.y_values[deviations[devation]] +\
+ y_increment
+ state_policy = current_policy.policy_for_key(info_state)
+ for action, value in self._regret_matching(info_state_node.legal_actions,
+ info_state_node).items():
+ state_policy[action] = value
+ for action in info_state_node.legal_actions:
+ new_state = state.child(action)
+ self._update_current_policy(new_state, current_policy)
+ else:
+ for action, _ in state.chance_outcomes():
+ new_state = state.child(action)
+ self._update_current_policy(new_state, current_policy)
+ # Path to state probability ignores chance probabilty as this is stored as
+ # new_reach_probabilities[-1]
+ def _compute_cumulative_immediate_regret_for_player(self, state, policies,
+ reach_probabilities,
+ player):
+ """Increments the immediate regrets and policy for `player` of
+ all realisable deviations at this state.
+ Args:
+ state: The initial game state to analyze from.
+ policies: A list of `num_players` callables taking as input an
+ `info_state_node` and returning a {action: prob} dictionary.
+ reach_probabilities: The probability for each player of reaching `state`
+ as a numpy array [prob for player 0, for player 1,..., for chance].
+ `reach_probabilities[player]` will work in all cases.
+ player: The 0-indexed player to update the values for. If `None`, the
+ update for all players will be performed.
+ Returns:
+ The utility of `state` for all players, assuming all players follow the
+ current policy defined by `self.Policy`.
+ """
+ if state.is_terminal():
+ return np.asarray(state.returns())
+ if state.is_chance_node():
+ state_value = 0.0
+ for action, action_prob in state.chance_outcomes():
+ assert action_prob > 0
+ new_state = state.child(action)
+ new_reach_probabilities = reach_probabilities.copy()
+ new_reach_probabilities[-1] *= action_prob
+ state_value += action_prob *\
+ self._compute_cumulative_immediate_regret_for_player(
+ new_state, policies, new_reach_probabilities, player)
+ return state_value
+ current_player = state.current_player()
+ info_state = state.information_state_string(current_player)
+ # No need to continue on this history branch as no update will be performed
+ # for any player.
+ # The value we return here is not used in practice. If the conditional
+ # statement is True, then the last taken action has probability 0 of
+ # occurring, so the returned value is not impacting the parent node value.
+ if all(reach_probabilities[:-1] == 0):
+ return np.zeros(self._num_players)
+ state_value = np.zeros(self._num_players)
+ # The utilities of the children states are computed recursively. As the
+ # regrets are added to the information state regrets for each state in that
+ # information state, the recursive call can only be made once per child
+ # state. Therefore, the utilities are cached.
+ children_utilities = {}
+ info_state_node = self._info_state_nodes[info_state]
+ # Reset y values
+ info_state_node.y_values = defaultdict(float)
+ if policies is None:
+ info_state_policy = self._get_infostate_policy(info_state)
+ else:
+ info_state_policy = policies[current_player](info_state)
+ reach_prob = reach_probabilities[current_player]
+ for action in state.legal_actions():
+ action_prob = info_state_policy.get(action, 0.)
+ info_state_node.cumulative_policy[action] =\
+ info_state_node.cumulative_policy[action] + action_prob * reach_prob
+ new_state = state.child(action)
+ new_reach_probabilities = reach_probabilities.copy()
+ assert action_prob <= 1
+ new_reach_probabilities[current_player] *= action_prob
+ child_utility = self._compute_cumulative_immediate_regret_for_player(
+ new_state, policies=policies,
+ reach_probabilities=new_reach_probabilities,
+ player=player)
+ state_value += action_prob * child_utility
+ children_utilities[action] = child_utility
+ counterfactual_reach_prob = (np.prod(
+ reach_probabilities[:current_player]) *
+ np.prod(reach_probabilities[current_player + 1:]))
+ state_value_for_player = state_value[current_player]
+ deviations = info_state_node.relizable_deviations
+ for deviation_index in range(len(deviations)):
+ deviation = deviations[deviation_index]
+ deviation_strategy = deviation.deviate(
+ strat_dict_to_array(self._get_infostate_policy(info_state)))
+ player_child_utilities = np.array(list(children_utilities.values()))[
+ :, current_player]
+ devation_cf_value = np.inner(np.transpose(
+ deviation_strategy), player_child_utilities)
+ memory_reach_probs = create_probs_from_index(
+ info_state_node.current_history_probs, self.current_policy())
+ player_current_memory_reach_prob =\
+ deviation.player_deviation_reach_probability(memory_reach_probs)
+ deviation_regret = player_current_memory_reach_prob * \
+ ((devation_cf_value*counterfactual_reach_prob) -
+ (counterfactual_reach_prob * state_value_for_player))
+ info_state_node.cumulative_regret[deviation_index] += deviation_regret
+ return state_value
+ def _get_infostate_policy(self, info_state_str):
+ """Returns an {action: prob} dictionary for the policy on `info_state`."""
+ info_state_node = self._info_state_nodes[info_state_str]
+ prob_vec = self._current_policy.action_probability_array[
+ info_state_node.index_in_tabular_policy]
+ return {
+ action: prob_vec[action] for action in info_state_node.legal_actions
+ }
+class _EFRSolver(_EFRSolverBase):
+ def evaluate_and_update_policy(self):
+ """Performs a single step of policy evaluation and policy improvement."""
+ self._compute_cumulative_immediate_regret_for_player(
+ self._root_node,
+ policies=None,
+ reach_probabilities=np.ones(self._game.num_players() + 1),
+ player=None)
+ self._update_current_policy(self._root_node, self._current_policy)
+ self._iteration += 1
+class EFRSolver(_EFRSolver):
+ """Implements the EFR algorithm with several deviation types.
+ See: https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.06973
+ """
+ def __init__(self, game, deviations_name):
+ """Initializer.
+ Args:
+ game: The `pyspiel.Game` to run on.
+ deviation_name: the name of the deviation type to use for
+ accumulating regrets and calculating the strategy at the next timestep.
+ Deviation types implemented are "blind action", "informed action",
+ "blind cf", "informed counterfactual", "blind partial sequence",
+ "counterfactual partial sequence", "casual partial sequence",
+ "twice informed partial sequence", "single target behavioural".
+ See "Efficient Deviation Types and Learning for Hindsight Rationality in
+ Extensive-Form Games" by D. Morrill et al. 2021b
+ for the full definition of each type.
+ """
+ # external_only = True leads to a shortcut in the computation of the next
+ # timesteps strategy from the regrets
+ external_only = False
+ deviation_sets = None
+ if deviations_name in {"blind action"}:
+ deviation_sets = return_blind_action
+ external_only = True
+ elif deviations_name in {"informed action"}:
+ deviation_sets = return_informed_action
+ elif (deviations_name in {"blind cf",
+ "blind counterfactual"}):
+ deviation_sets = return_blind_cf
+ external_only = True
+ elif (deviations_name in {"informed cf",
+ "informed counterfactual"}):
+ deviation_sets = return_informed_cf
+ elif (deviations_name in {"bps", "blind partial sequence"}):
+ deviation_sets = return_blind_partial_sequence
+ external_only = True
+ elif (deviations_name in {"cfps", "cf partial sequence",
+ "counterfactual partial sequence"}):
+ deviation_sets = return_cf_partial_sequence
+ elif (deviations_name in {"csps", "casual partial sequence"}):
+ deviation_sets = return_cs_partial_sequence
+ elif (deviations_name in {"tips", "twice informed partial sequence"}):
+ deviation_sets = return_twice_informed_partial_sequence
+ elif (deviations_name in {"bhv", "single target behavioural",
+ "behavioural"}):
+ deviation_sets = return_behavourial
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unsupported Deviation Set Passed As\
+ Constructor Argument")
+ super(EFRSolver, self).__init__(game, deviation_sets)
+ self._external_only = external_only
+ def _regret_matching(self, legal_actions, info_set_node):
+ """Returns an info state policy by applying regret-matching function
+ over all deviations and time selection functions.
+ Args:
+ legal_actions: the list of legal actions at this state.
+ Returns:
+ A dict of action -> prob for all legal actions.
+ """
+ z = sum(info_set_node.y_values.values())
+ info_state_policy = {}
+ # The fixed point solution can be directly obtained through the
+ # weighted regret matrix if only external deviations are used.
+ if self._external_only and z > 0:
+ weighted_deviation_matrix = np.zeros(
+ (len(legal_actions), len(legal_actions)))
+ for dev in list(info_set_node.y_values.keys()):
+ weighted_deviation_matrix += (
+ info_set_node.y_values[dev]/z) * dev.return_transform_matrix()
+ new_strategy = weighted_deviation_matrix[:, 0]
+ for index in range(len(legal_actions)):
+ info_state_policy[legal_actions[index]] = new_strategy[index]
+ # Full regret matching by finding the least squares solution to the
+ # fixed point of the EFR regret matching function.
+ # Last row of matrix and the column entry minimises the solution
+ # towards a strategy.
+ elif z > 0:
+ num_actions = len(info_set_node.legal_actions)
+ weighted_deviation_matrix = -np.eye(num_actions)
+ for dev in list(info_set_node.y_values.keys()):
+ weighted_deviation_matrix += (
+ info_set_node.y_values[dev]/z) * dev.return_transform_matrix()
+ normalisation_row = np.ones(num_actions)
+ weighted_deviation_matrix = np.vstack(
+ [weighted_deviation_matrix, normalisation_row])
+ b = np.zeros(num_actions+1)
+ b[num_actions] = 1
+ b = np.reshape(b, (num_actions+1, 1))
+ strategy = lstsq(weighted_deviation_matrix, b)[0]
+ # Adopt same clipping strategy as paper author's code.
+ strategy[np.where(strategy < 0)] = 0
+ strategy[np.where(strategy > 1)] = 1
+ strategy = strategy/sum(strategy)
+ for index in range(len(strategy)):
+ info_state_policy[info_set_node.legal_actions[index]
+ ] = strategy[index]
+ # Use a uniform strategy as sum of all regrets is negative.
+ else:
+ for index in range(len(legal_actions)):
+ info_state_policy[legal_actions[index]]\
+ = 1.0 / len(legal_actions)
+ return info_state_policy
+def _update_average_policy(average_policy, info_state_nodes):
+ """Updates in place `average_policy` to the average of all policies iterated.
+ This function is a module level function to be reused by both CFRSolver and
+ CFRBRSolver.
+ Args:
+ average_policy: A `policy.TabularPolicy` to be updated in-place.
+ info_state_nodes: A dictionary {`info_state_str` -> `_InfoStateNode`}.
+ """
+ for info_state, info_state_node in info_state_nodes.items():
+ info_state_policies_sum = info_state_node.cumulative_policy
+ state_policy = average_policy.policy_for_key(info_state)
+ probabilities_sum = sum(info_state_policies_sum.values())
+ if probabilities_sum == 0:
+ num_actions = len(info_state_node.legal_actions)
+ for action in info_state_node.legal_actions:
+ state_policy[action] = 1 / num_actions
+ else:
+ for action, action_prob_sum in info_state_policies_sum.items():
+ state_policy[action] = action_prob_sum / probabilities_sum
+def strat_dict_to_array(strategy_dictionary):
+ """A helper function to convert the strategy dictionary mapping
+ action -> prob value to an array.
+ Args:
+ strategy_dictionary: a dictionary action -> prob value.
+ Returns:
+ strategy_array: an array with the ith action's value at the i-1th index.
+ """
+ actions = list(strategy_dictionary.keys())
+ strategy_array = np.zeros((len(actions), 1))
+ for action in range(len(actions)):
+ strategy_array[action][0] = strategy_dictionary[actions[action]]
+ return strategy_array
+def array_to_strat_dict(strategy_array, legal_actions):
+ """A helper function to convert a strategy array to an
+ action -> prob value dictionary.
+ Args:
+ strategy_array: an array with the ith action's value at the i-1th index.
+ legal_actions: the list of all legal actions at the current state.
+ Returns:
+ strategy_dictionary: a dictionary action -> prob value.
+ """
+ strategy_dictionary = {}
+ for action in legal_actions:
+ strategy_dictionary[action] = strategy_array[action]
+ return strategy_dictionary
+def create_probs_from_index(indices, current_policy):
+ path_to_state = []
+ if indices is None or len(indices) == 0:
+ return []
+ for index in indices:
+ strat_dict = array_to_strat_dict(
+ current_policy.action_probability_array[index[1]], index[0])
+ path_to_state.append(strat_dict)
+ return path_to_state
+# Deviation set definitions
+def return_blind_action(num_actions, history, _):
+ """Returns an array of all Blind Action deviations with respect to an
+ information set.
+ Args:
+ num_actions: the integer of all actions that can be taken at that
+ information set.
+ history: an array containing the prior actions played by the `player`
+ to reach the information set.
+ Returns:
+ an array of LocalDeviationWithTimeSelection objects that represent all
+ Blind Action deviations that are realizable at the information set.
+ """
+ memory_weights = [np.full(len(history), 1)]
+ prior_actions_in_memory = history
+ return return_all_external_deviations(num_actions, memory_weights,
+ prior_actions_in_memory)
+def return_informed_action(num_actions, history, _):
+ """Returns an array of all Informed Action deviations with respect to an
+ information set.
+ Args:
+ num_actions: the integer of all actions that can be taken at that
+ information set.
+ history: an array containing the prior actions played by the `player`
+ to reach the information set.
+ Returns:
+ an array of LocalDeviationWithTimeSelection objects that represent all
+ Informed Action deviations that are realizable at the information set.
+ """
+ memory_weights = [np.full(len(history), 1)]
+ prior_actions_in_memory = history
+ return return_all_non_identity_internal_deviations(num_actions,
+ memory_weights,
+ prior_actions_in_memory)
+def return_blind_cf(num_actions, history, _):
+ """Returns an array of all Blind Counterfactual deviations with respect to an
+ information set.
+ Note: EFR using only Blind Counterfactual deviations is equivalent
+ to vanilla Counterfactual Regret Minimisation (CFR).
+ Args:
+ num_actions: the integer of all actions that can be taken at that
+ information set.
+ history: an array containing the prior actions played by the `player`
+ to reach the information set.
+ Returns:
+ an array of LocalDeviationWithTimeSelection objects that represent all
+ Blind CF deviations that are realizable at the information set.
+ """
+ memory_weights = [None]
+ prior_actions_in_memory = np.zeros(len(history))
+ return return_all_external_deviations(num_actions, memory_weights,
+ prior_actions_in_memory)
+def return_informed_cf(num_actions, history, _):
+ """Returns an array of all Informed Counterfactual deviations with respect
+ to an information set.
+ Args:
+ num_actions: the integer of all actions that can be taken at that
+ information set.
+ history: an array containing the prior actions played by the `player`
+ to reach the information set.
+ Returns:
+ an array of LocalDeviationWithTimeSelection objects that represent all
+ Informed CF deviations that are realizable at the information set.
+ """
+ memory_weights = [None]
+ prior_actions_in_memory = np.zeros(len(history))
+ return return_all_non_identity_internal_deviations(num_actions,
+ memory_weights,
+ prior_actions_in_memory)
+def return_blind_partial_sequence(num_actions, history, _):
+ """Returns an array of all Blind Partial Sequence deviations (BPS)
+ with respect to an information set.
+ Args:
+ num_actions: the integer of all actions that can be taken at that
+ information set.
+ history: an array containing the prior actions played by the `player`
+ to reach the information set.
+ Returns:
+ an array of LocalDeviationWithTimeSelection objects that represent all
+ BPS deviations that are realizable at the information set.
+ """
+ prior_actions_in_memory = history
+ memory_weights = [None]
+ if len(history) > 0:
+ memory_weights.append(np.ones(len(history)))
+ for i in range(len(history)):
+ possible_memory_weight = np.zeros(len(history))
+ possible_memory_weight[0:i] = np.full(i, 1.0)
+ memory_weights.append(possible_memory_weight)
+ return return_all_external_deviations(num_actions, memory_weights,
+ prior_actions_in_memory)
+def return_cf_partial_sequence(num_actions, history, _):
+ """Returns an array of all Counterfactual Partial Sequence deviations (CFPS)
+ with respect to an information set
+ Args:
+ num_actions: the integer of all actions that can be taken at that
+ information set.
+ history: an array containing the prior actions played by the `player`
+ to reach the information set.
+ Returns:
+ an array of LocalDeviationWithTimeSelection objects that represent
+ all CFPS deviations that are realizable at the information set.
+ """
+ prior_actions_in_memory = history
+ memory_weights = [None]
+ if len(history) > 0:
+ memory_weights.append(np.ones(len(history)))
+ for i in range(len(history)):
+ possible_memory_weight = np.zeros(len(history))
+ possible_memory_weight[0:i] = np.full(i, 1.0)
+ memory_weights.append(possible_memory_weight)
+ return return_all_non_identity_internal_deviations(num_actions,
+ memory_weights,
+ prior_actions_in_memory)
+def return_cs_partial_sequence(num_actions, history, prior_legal_actions):
+ """Returns an array of all Casual Partial Sequence deviations with respect to
+ an information set.
+ Args:
+ num_actions: the integer of all actions that can be taken at that
+ information set
+ history: an array containing the prior actions played by the `player`
+ to reach the information set.
+ prior_legal_actions: a 2d array containing the legal actions for each
+ preceeding state.
+ Returns:
+ an array of LocalDeviationWithTimeSelection objects that represent all
+ Casual Partial Sequence deviations that are realizable at the
+ information set.
+ """
+ prior_actions_in_memory = history
+ external_memory_weights = [None]
+ for i in range(len(history)):
+ possible_memory_weight = np.zeros(len(history))
+ possible_memory_weight[0:i] = np.full(i, 1.0)
+ external_memory_weights.append(possible_memory_weight)
+ external = return_all_external_modified_deviations(
+ num_actions, external_memory_weights, prior_legal_actions,
+ prior_actions_in_memory)
+ internal = return_blind_action(num_actions, history, None)
+ cf_ext = return_informed_cf(num_actions, history, None)
+ cf_int = return_blind_cf(num_actions, history, None)
+ return np.concatenate((external, internal, cf_ext, cf_int))
+def return_cs_partial_sequence_orginal(num_actions, history,
+ prior_legal_actions):
+ """Returns an array of all Casual Partial Sequence deviations with respect to
+ an information set.
+ Args:
+ num_actions: the integer of all actions that can be taken at that
+ information set
+ history: an array containing the prior actions played by the `player`
+ to reach the information set.
+ prior_legal_actions: a 2d array containing the legal actions for each
+ preceeding state.
+ Returns:
+ an array of LocalDeviationWithTimeSelection objects that represent all
+ Casual Partial Sequence deviations that are realizable at the
+ information set.
+ """
+ prior_actions_in_memory = history
+ external_memory_weights = [None]
+ for i in range(len(history)):
+ possible_memory_weight = np.zeros(len(history))
+ possible_memory_weight[0:i] = np.full(i, 1.0)
+ external_memory_weights.append(possible_memory_weight)
+ external = return_all_external_modified_deviations(
+ num_actions, external_memory_weights, prior_legal_actions,
+ prior_actions_in_memory)
+ internal = return_informed_action(num_actions, history, None)
+ cf_ext = return_informed_cf(num_actions, history, None)
+ return np.concatenate((external, internal, cf_ext))
+def return_twice_informed_partial_sequence(num_actions, history,
+ prior_legal_actions):
+ """Returns an array of all Twice Informed Partial Sequence (TIPS) deviations
+ with respect to an information set.
+ Args:
+ num_actions: the integer of all actions that can be taken at that
+ information set
+ history: an array containing the prior actions played by the `player`
+ to reach the information set.
+ prior_legal_actions: a 2d array containing the legal actions for each
+ preceeding state.
+ Returns:
+ an array of LocalDeviationWithTimeSelection objects that represent
+ all TIPS deviations that are realizable at theinformation set.
+ """
+ prior_actions_in_memory = history
+ memory_weights = [None]
+ for i in range(len(history)):
+ possible_memory_weight = np.zeros(len(history))
+ possible_memory_weight[0:i] = np.full(i, 1.0)
+ memory_weights.append(possible_memory_weight)
+ internal = return_all_internal_modified_deviations(
+ num_actions, memory_weights, prior_legal_actions,
+ prior_actions_in_memory)
+ cf_int = return_informed_cf(num_actions, history, None)
+ return np.concatenate((internal, cf_int))
+def generate_all_action_permutations(current_stem, remaining_actions):
+ """ Return a List of all possible game continuations playing on from the
+ current stem and with playing from the set of remaining actions.
+ `current_stem` = "" generates all possible playthroughs from the current
+ information state.
+ Args:
+ current_stem: the prior sequence of actions to be completed by the
+ remaining actions
+ remaining_actions: a 2d array of [subsequent states]x[possible actions]
+ Returns:
+ An array with each element being the current stem joined with a possible
+ permuation of remaining actions
+ """
+ if len(remaining_actions) == 0:
+ return [np.array(current_stem)]
+ else:
+ next_actions = remaining_actions[0]
+ permutations = []
+ for action in next_actions:
+ next_stem = current_stem.copy()
+ next_stem.append(action)
+ next_remaining_actions = remaining_actions[1:]
+ prev_permutations = generate_all_action_permutations(
+ next_stem, next_remaining_actions)
+ for i in prev_permutations:
+ permutations.append(i)
+ return permutations
+def return_behavourial(num_actions, history, prior_legal_actions):
+ """Returns an array of all single target behavioural deviations
+ with respect to an information set.
+ Args:
+ num_actions: the integer of all actions that can be taken at that
+ information set
+ history: an array containing the prior actions played by the `player`
+ to reach the information set.
+ prior_legal_actions: a 2d array containing the legal actions for each
+ preceeding state.
+ Returns:
+ an array of LocalDeviationWithTimeSelection objects that represent
+ all (single target) behaviourial deviations that are realizable at the
+ information set.
+ """
+ deviations = []
+ if len(history) == 0:
+ internal = return_all_non_identity_internal_deviations(
+ num_actions, [None], history)
+ for i in internal:
+ deviations.append(i)
+ else:
+ for deviation_info in range(len(history)):
+ prior_possible_memory_actions = generate_all_action_permutations(
+ [], prior_legal_actions[:deviation_info+1])
+ memory_weights = np.concatenate(
+ (np.ones(deviation_info), np.zeros(len(history) - deviation_info)))
+ for prior_memory_actions in prior_possible_memory_actions:
+ prior_memory_actions = np.concatenate(
+ (prior_memory_actions, np.zeros(len(history) -
+ len(prior_memory_actions))))
+ for i in range(len(history) - len(prior_memory_actions)):
+ prior_memory_actions.append(0)
+ prior_memory_actions_cp = prior_memory_actions.copy()
+ internal = return_all_non_identity_internal_deviations(
+ num_actions, [memory_weights], prior_memory_actions_cp)
+ for i in internal:
+ deviations.append(i)
+ return deviations
+class LocalDeviationWithTimeSelection:
+ """" Comprised of a swap transformation that will be applied at the
+ current information state, a memory weighting which describes
+ the actions that are remembered and the memory action history
+ (prior_memory_actions) that is remembered.
+ Note that the "memory action history" might not equal the history in
+ the case of some deviation types (e.g tips deviations).
+ """
+ # The swap transformation that will be compared to the unmodified strategy.
+ # The transformation is applied at the memory state.
+ local_swap_transform = attr.ib()
+ # Which actions have been forgotten (0) or remembered (1) according
+ # to the memory state.
+ prior_actions_weight = attr.ib()
+ # Which actions have been take according to the memory state
+ prior_memory_actions = attr.ib()
+ use_unmodified_history = attr.ib()
+ def __init__(self, target, source, num_actions, prior_actions_weight,
+ prior_memory_actions, is_external, use_unmodified_history=True):
+ """" Represents a swap transformation (either external and internal)
+ for a given memory state.
+ Args:
+ target: the action that will be played when the deviation is triggered.
+ source: the action that will trigger the target action when suggested
+ (used only by internal deviations, i.e is_external = False).
+ num_actions: the number of actions that can be played for this
+ information state.
+ prior_actions_weight: an array (the length of the game history)
+ of the information state actions have been forgotten (0)
+ or remembered (1) wrt to the memory state.
+ This is represented numerically for possible experimentation with
+ "partially forgotten" actions (i.e in the range (0,1)).
+ prior_memory_actions: the preceeding actions upto the the information state
+ (which the LocalDeviationWithTimeSelection is defined with respect to).
+ is_external: a boolean use to determine whether this is an
+ internal or external deviation.
+ use_unmodified_history: a boolean used to indicate whether the provided
+ memory_actions are the same as the information state it was derived from.
+ """
+ self.local_swap_transform = LocalSwapTransform(
+ target, source, num_actions, is_external=is_external)
+ self.prior_actions_weight = prior_actions_weight
+ self.prior_memory_actions = prior_memory_actions
+ self.use_unmodified_history = use_unmodified_history
+ # If a pure strategy, a pure strategy will be returned (aka function works
+ # for both actions and strategies as input).
+ def deviate(self, strategy):
+ """Returns the strategy array given by deviating according to the
+ 'self.local_swap_transform.matrix_transform' matrix.
+ Args:
+ strategy: the strategy array to deviate from.
+ Returns:
+ the matrix product of the the matrix_transform and the provided strategy.
+ """
+ return self.local_swap_transform.deviate(strategy)
+ def return_transform_matrix(self):
+ """Returns the matrix_transform of the associated `LocalSwapTransform`
+ object.
+ """
+ return self.local_swap_transform.matrix_transform
+ def player_deviation_reach_probability(self,
+ prior_possible_action_probabilities):
+ """Calculate the probability of reaching the current memory state
+ provided the player played from the start of the game to this state.
+ This is assuming that they play with their current strategy with the
+ deviation applied.
+ Args:
+ prior_possible_action_probabilities: a 2d array of length
+ [player's history]x[number of actions at that state].
+ These are the current strategies of the player,
+ from start to end of their history.
+ Returns:
+ The reach probability of the current memory state.
+ """
+ if (self.prior_actions_weight is None or self.prior_memory_actions is None
+ or prior_possible_action_probabilities is None):
+ return 1.0
+ memory_action_probabilities = np.ones(len(self.prior_actions_weight))
+ # Reconstruct memory probabilities from history provided to the deviation
+ # to reach info set and the current memory probs.
+ memory_weightings = self.prior_actions_weight.copy()
+ if self.use_unmodified_history:
+ for state in range(len(self.prior_memory_actions)):
+ if not self.prior_actions_weight[state] == 0:
+ memory_action_probabilities[state] = (
+ prior_possible_action_probabilities[state]
+ [self.prior_memory_actions[state]])
+ else:
+ memory_action_probabilities[state] = 1
+ memory_weightings[state] = 1
+ path_probability = np.multiply(
+ memory_weightings, memory_action_probabilities)
+ memory_reach_probability = np.prod(path_probability)
+ return memory_reach_probability
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return self.local_swap_transform == other.local_swap_transform
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(self.local_swap_transform)
+def return_all_non_identity_internal_deviations(num_actions,
+ possible_prior_weights,
+ prior_memory_actions):
+ deviations = []
+ for prior_actions_weight in possible_prior_weights:
+ for target in range(num_actions):
+ for source in range(num_actions):
+ if not source == target:
+ deviations.append(LocalDeviationWithTimeSelection(
+ target, source, num_actions, prior_actions_weight,
+ prior_memory_actions, False))
+ return deviations
+def return_all_internal_modified_deviations(num_actions,
+ possible_prior_weights,
+ possible_prior_memory_actions,
+ prior_memory_actions):
+ deviations = []
+ for prior_actions_weight in possible_prior_weights:
+ try:
+ modification_index = np.where(prior_actions_weight == 0)[0][0]
+ except IndexError:
+ modification_index = 0
+ if modification_index == len(prior_memory_actions):
+ for target in range(num_actions):
+ for source in range(num_actions):
+ if not source == target:
+ deviations.append(LocalDeviationWithTimeSelection(
+ target, source, num_actions, prior_actions_weight,
+ prior_memory_actions, False))
+ else:
+ previous_action = prior_memory_actions[modification_index]
+ for alt_action in possible_prior_memory_actions[modification_index]:
+ prior_memory_actions[modification_index] = alt_action
+ for target in range(num_actions):
+ for source in range(num_actions):
+ if not source == target:
+ deviations.append(LocalDeviationWithTimeSelection(
+ target, source, num_actions, prior_actions_weight,
+ prior_memory_actions.copy(), False))
+ prior_memory_actions[modification_index] = previous_action
+ return deviations
+def return_all_external_deviations(num_actions, possible_prior_weights,
+ prior_memory_actions):
+ deviations = []
+ for prior_actions_weight in possible_prior_weights:
+ for target in range(num_actions):
+ deviations.append(LocalDeviationWithTimeSelection(
+ target, target, num_actions, prior_actions_weight,
+ prior_memory_actions, True))
+ return deviations
+# Modify last action as required
+def return_all_external_modified_deviations(num_actions,
+ possible_prior_weights,
+ possible_prior_memory_actions,
+ prior_memory_actions):
+ deviations = []
+ for prior_actions_weight in possible_prior_weights:
+ try:
+ modification_index = np.where(prior_actions_weight == 0)[0][0]
+ except IndexError:
+ modification_index = 0
+ if modification_index == len(prior_memory_actions):
+ for target in range(num_actions):
+ deviations.append(LocalDeviationWithTimeSelection(
+ target, target, num_actions, prior_actions_weight,
+ prior_memory_actions, True))
+ else:
+ previous_action = prior_memory_actions[modification_index]
+ for alt_action in possible_prior_memory_actions[modification_index]:
+ prior_memory_actions[modification_index] = alt_action
+ for target in range(num_actions):
+ deviations.append(LocalDeviationWithTimeSelection(
+ target, target, num_actions, prior_actions_weight,
+ prior_memory_actions.copy(), True))
+ prior_memory_actions[modification_index] = previous_action
+ return deviations
+def return_identity_deviation(num_actions, possible_prior_weights,
+ prior_memory_actions):
+ deviations = []
+ for prior_actions_weight in possible_prior_weights:
+ deviations.append(LocalDeviationWithTimeSelection(
+ 0, 0, num_actions, prior_actions_weight, prior_memory_actions, False))
+ return deviations
+# A swap transformation given by the matrix_transform for an information state.
+# Of actions_num size.
+class LocalSwapTransform:
+ """ Represents a swap transformation (both external and internal)
+ for an information state for a certain number of actions.
+ """
+ source_action = attr.ib()
+ target_action = attr.ib()
+ matrix_transform = attr.ib()
+ actions_num = attr.ib()
+ is_external = attr.ib()
+ def __init__(self, target, source, actions_num, is_external=True):
+ """"Creates the matrix transformation describing the swap transformation
+ and initalises variables.
+ Args:
+ target: the action that will be played when the deviation is triggered.
+ source: the action that triggers a swap to the target action
+ (used only by internal deviations, i.e is_external = False)
+ num_actions: the number of actions that can be played for this
+ information state.
+ is_external: determine whether to create an internal or external deviation.
+ """
+ self.source_action = source
+ self.target_action = target
+ self.actions_num = actions_num
+ if is_external:
+ self.source_action = None
+ self.matrix_transform = np.zeros((actions_num, actions_num))
+ self.matrix_transform[target] = np.ones(actions_num)
+ else:
+ self.matrix_transform = np.eye(actions_num)
+ self.matrix_transform[target][source] = 1
+ self.matrix_transform[source][source] = 0
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return ("Swapping from Action: "+str(self.source_action) +
+ " to Action: "+str(self.target_action))
+ def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
+ return (self.source_action == other.source_action and
+ self.target_action == other.target_action and
+ self.actions_num == other.actions_num)
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(f"{str(self.source_action)} {str(self.target_action)} \
+ {str(self.actions_num)} {str(self.is_external)}")
+ def deviate(self, strategy):
+ """Returns the strategy array given by deviating according to
+ 'self.matrix_transform' matrix.
+ Args:
+ strategy: the strategy array to deviate from.
+ Returns:
+ the matrix product of the the matrix_transform and the provided strategy.
+ """
+ return np.matmul(self.matrix_transform, strategy)
diff --git a/open_spiel/python/algorithms/efr_test.py b/open_spiel/python/algorithms/efr_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9ef99bd455
--- /dev/null
+++ b/open_spiel/python/algorithms/efr_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+# Copyright 2023 DeepMind Technologies Limited
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tests for open_spiel.python.algorithms.efr."""
+from absl.testing import absltest
+from absl.testing import parameterized
+import numpy as np
+from open_spiel.python import policy
+from open_spiel.python.algorithms import expected_game_score
+from open_spiel.python.algorithms import efr
+import pyspiel
+class EFRTest(parameterized.TestCase, absltest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.kuhn_game = pyspiel.load_game("kuhn_poker")
+ self.leduc_game = pyspiel.load_game("leduc_poker")
+ self.kuhn_3p_game = pyspiel.load_game("kuhn_poker(players=3)")
+ self.sheriff_game = pyspiel.load_game("sheriff")
+ self.kuhn_uniform_policy = policy.TabularPolicy(self.kuhn_game)
+ self.leduc_uniform_policy = policy.TabularPolicy(self.leduc_game)
+ @parameterized.parameters(["blind action", "informed action", "blind cf",
+ "informed cf","bps", "cfps", "csps",
+ "tips", "bhv"])
+ def test_policy_zero_is_uniform(self, deviations_name):
+ # We use Leduc and not Kuhn, because Leduc has illegal actions and Kuhn does
+ # not.
+ cfr_solver = efr.EFRSolver(
+ game=self.leduc_game,
+ deviations_name=deviations_name
+ )
+ np.testing.assert_array_equal(
+ self.leduc_uniform_policy.action_probability_array,
+ cfr_solver.current_policy().action_probability_array)
+ np.testing.assert_array_equal(
+ self.leduc_uniform_policy.action_probability_array,
+ cfr_solver.average_policy().action_probability_array)
+ @parameterized.parameters(
+ ["blind cf", "informed cf", "bps", "cfps", "csps", "tips", "bhv"])
+ def test_efr_kuhn_poker(self, deviations_name):
+ efr_solver = efr.EFRSolver(
+ game=self.kuhn_game,
+ deviations_name=deviations_name
+ )
+ for _ in range(300):
+ efr_solver.evaluate_and_update_policy()
+ average_policy = efr_solver.average_policy()
+ average_policy_values = expected_game_score.policy_value(
+ self.kuhn_game.new_initial_state(), [average_policy] * 2)
+ # 1/18 is the Nash value. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuhn_poker
+ np.testing.assert_allclose(
+ average_policy_values, [-1 / 18, 1 / 18], atol=1e-3)
+ @parameterized.parameters(
+ ["blind cf", "informed cf", "bps", "cfps", "csps", "tips", "bhv"])
+ def test_efr_kuhn_poker_3p(self, deviations_name):
+ efr_solver = efr.EFRSolver(
+ game=self.kuhn_3p_game,
+ deviations_name=deviations_name
+ )
+ strategies = []
+ corr_dist_values = []
+ for _ in range(10):
+ efr_solver.evaluate_and_update_policy()
+ # Convert the policy to a pyspiel.TabularPolicy, needed by the CorrDist
+ # functions on the C++ side.
+ strategies.append(policy.python_policy_to_pyspiel_policy(
+ efr_solver.current_policy()))
+ corr_dev = pyspiel.uniform_correlation_device(strategies)
+ cce_dist_info = pyspiel.cce_dist(self.kuhn_3p_game, corr_dev)
+ corr_dist_values.append(cce_dist_info.dist_value)
+ self.assertLess(corr_dist_values[-1], corr_dist_values[0])
+ @parameterized.parameters(
+ ["blind cf", "bps", "tips"])
+ def test_efr_cce_dist_sheriff(self, deviations_name):
+ efr_solver = efr.EFRSolver(
+ game=self.sheriff_game,
+ deviations_name=deviations_name
+ )
+ strategies = []
+ corr_dist_values = []
+ for _ in range(5):
+ efr_solver.evaluate_and_update_policy()
+ strategies.append(policy.python_policy_to_pyspiel_policy(
+ efr_solver.current_policy()))
+ corr_dev = pyspiel.uniform_correlation_device(strategies)
+ cce_dist_info = pyspiel.cce_dist(self.sheriff_game, corr_dev)
+ corr_dist_values.append(cce_dist_info.dist_value)
+ self.assertLess(corr_dist_values[-1], corr_dist_values[0])
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ absltest.main()