AutoNumerics-Zero, a method to evolve programs that compute transcendental functions efficiently—searching from scratch and without knowledge of numerics.
Compilation requires Clang.
The package contains an example experiment spec. To test it, run:
export CC=clang++
bazel run evolution/projects/graphs/joy:run_worker -- --logtostderr --worker="$(cat evolution/projects/graphs/joy/open_source_num_ops_config.textproto)"
Esteban Real et al., "AutoNumerics-Zero: Automated Discovery of State-of-the-Art Mathematical Functions." arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.08472 (2023).
title={AutoNumerics-Zero: Automated Discovery of State-of-the-Art
Mathematical Functions},
author={Real, Esteban et al.},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.08472},
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