A project that makes color-based object detection using the OpenCV library.
Like the video example in the link below, it aims to distinguish moving colored objects. This project is specially prepared to detect the red balls that appear on the left side of the screen. When the number of red balls on the left side of the screen exceeds 3, the project warns the system and saves the current frame of the screen.
- Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5py4O9kUn0
- Download the red-ball-detection-master.zip package
- Unzip release package into a directory
- Open your terminal and enter the red-ball-detection folder (It can be done with "cd your-path/red-ball-detection-master)
If your file did not work with this:
python main.py
Some installation may be required.
pip install opencv-python
pip install pafy
pip install youtube-dl==2020.12.2
python main.py
Email: gokcenazzakyol@gmail.com