Student Enrollment project is a basic Spring boot application that follows micro service architecture and exposes REST API endpoints supporting current business use cases.
- Maven
- Java 8
- Docker
- Travis CI configured for builds, every commit starts a new build.
- Maven multi module project and separates REST from DAO layer (can be easily separated into individual repos).
- Since there is only one Micro service at the moment so no Gateway endpoint added for sake of performance (YAGNI)
- Spring Data JPA ready (default is H2)
- Cucumber BDD adoption for basic use cases (Show case only).
- Database design for the moment defines just one Entity, later we might want to normalize enrollment into - Student, Class & Enrollment entities.
- No Cache is used at the moment so in Future some distributed and highly fault tolerant Cache like Hazelcast can be used
- Helm chart / Kubernetes Setup
- AWS Deployment / Setup
- MySQL spring profile
- Application has potential for all good "Spring Cloud" stuff like Config Server, ZooKeeper Discovery, Zuul, Ribbon, Hystrix etc.
curl -o ''
chmod +x