This is a proof-of-concept helm chart for the GoStint project.
This is a work in progress and not for production use...
The goal is to provide a pre-packaged demo environment for GoStint, with Hashicorp Vault etc all preconfigured.
The PoC GoStint UI is enabled by default in the helm chart and can be accessed
by pointing your browser at https://your-k8s-ingess/gostint.
The values.yaml
setting ui.vaultExternalAddr
must be set to the ingress
url of the Vault, e.g. https://your-k8s-ingress/vault (see also comments
below regarding the Ingress Controller).
The upgrade of the helm chart from v1.* to v2.* is a breaking change due to MongoDB now being deployed as a StatefulSet.
- kubectl
- helm
- stable
- incubator
must be set for your kubernetes environment and helm setup.
see nginx-ingress
helm install stable/nginx-ingress --name ingress-op --set controller.extraArgs.v=2
helm upgrade ingress-op stable/nginx-ingress --set controller.extraArgs.v=2
Deploy the chart:
This starts consul, vault, mongodb and gostint services.
The helm chart also deploys an Ingress on port 443 to allow a single api to provide access to both the Vault and GoStint APIs using path based routing, e.g.:
Service | Ingress URL |
vault | https://url/vault |
gostint | https://url/gostint |
So an execution of gostint-client
could look like:
gostint-client \
-url=https://your-ingress-fqdn/gostint \
-vault-url=https://your-ingress-fqdn/vault \
-vault-roleid=@.client_role_id \
-vault-secretid=@.client_secret_id \
-image=goethite/gostint-kubectl \
-env-vars='["RUNCMD=/usr/local/bin/helm"]' \
-run='["status", "aut-op"]' \
-secret-refs='["KUBECONFIG_BASE64@secret/k8s_cluster_1.kubeconfig_base64"]' \
-image-pull-policy=Always \
Init Ingress:
gostint/init/ aut-op default
IMPORTANT: The above path based ingress for vault breaks end-to-end TLS encryption and could present a security risk (for gostint-client authenticating, but not for the actual submission of the job). SSL Passthrough with SNI server based routing may be a better option.
Simply rerun
I had an issue with internet access from the PODs under microk8s. It seems the docker iptables rules where dropping the packets by default. see my gist for a solution.
See also gist to allow privileged container for microk8s.
kubectl -n default get pods \
| awk '/^aut-op-vault/ { print $1; }' \
| xargs -i@ kubectl -n default -c vault exec -i @ \
-- bash -c "echo -n '@ '; VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY=1 vault status | awk '/^HA Mode/ { printf \$3; }'; echo"
If using the SNI Ingress Controller (maybe with snimultihop)
you will need to configure CORS in the vault for the external url. In testing I
have simply been setting this to "*"
, e.g.:
curl -sSk \
--resolve snivault.default.pod:8443: \
-H "X-Vault-Token:7J...snip...VO" \
https://snivault.default.pod:8443/v1/sys/config/cors \
--data '{"enabled":true, "allowed_origins":"*"}'
Which gives the vault cors config:
curl -sSk \
--resolve snivault.default.pod:8443: \
-H "X-Vault-Token:7J...snip...VO" \
https://snivault.default.pod:8443/v1/sys/config/cors \
| jq
"enabled": true,
"allowed_origins": [
"allowed_headers": [
"request_id": "fc9f43c6-c8cc-7d68-8a89-0f3531fd80a3",
"lease_id": "",
"renewable": false,
"lease_duration": 0,
"data": {
"allowed_headers": [
"allowed_origins": [
"enabled": true
"wrap_info": null,
"warnings": null,
"auth": null
In the real world you would want to set allowed_origins to the actual external url of the gostint service.