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Deploys Kubernetes Jobs based on polled AMQP messages


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Maintained by @goci-io/prp-node-apps

This project is in alpha stage.

This application can consume messages from an AMQP queue and deploy kubernetes jobs for each message to process. Please note that this setup may not suit your use case. In the context of we use this application for example to create a new terraform setup once a new customer signed up and provision required resources (eg: repository, namespace etc.) and to support a microservice architecture based on decoupled message services.

This application uses a polling mechanism to get messages from a queue to avoid overloading kubernetes with jobs. The max count of jobs running in parallel can be specified for each job/queue and can also be set to unlimited (not suggested).

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When this setup fits

  • Longer processing times
  • Periodically receive messages
  • Completely decoupled job processing
  • You have backups and restore strategies for kubernetes backend
  • Utilize job scheduling and detailed look into any task (kubernetes job)

When this setup does not fit

  • Short processing times are important
  • Integrate with an existing application
  • Busy queues (eg: thousands of messages per minute)


The following environment variables can be set to configure the app behaviour:

Name Description Default
AMQP_HOST Host to AMQP broker localhost
AMQP_PORT Port the AMQP broker is listening on 5672
AMQP_USERNAME Username to authenticate with the broker
AMQP_PASSWORD Password to use to authenticate
DOCKER_REGISTRY Default docker registry to use to fetch job images from
POD_NAMESPACE The namespace the application runs in (namespace of config) default
KUBERNETES_JOB_SCOPE The kubernetes namespace to deploy jobs into default
CONFIG_MAP_NAME Name of the config map to configure the jobs event-job-provisioner-configs
RELOAD_ENABLED Whether to reload job configurations (!= off, no, 0, false) true

Job Config

Name Description Default
jobName Unique name of the job (prefix) - (Required)
parallelism Number or unlimited 10
timeout Number in seconds for the job before timing out 3600
environment Object with addtitional environment variables for the job {}
interval Interval in seconds to poll for new messages 60
serviceAccount Name of an service account to use for the job -
namespace The kubernetes namespace to deploy the job into $KUBERNETES_JOB_SCOPE
resources Kubernetes Pod resource settings {requests: {cpu: '10m', memory: '56Mi'}, limits: {cpu: '25m', memory: '96Mi'}}
labels  Key-Value pairs of additional labels for the job {}
image The docker image name to use -
imageVersion The version of the docker image to use latest
registry The docker registry to use $DOCKER_REGISTRY


Messages need to be in a speicfic format to support additional environment variables etc. The messages must be JSON formatted with the following properties:

  • content
  • environment

Example message:

    "content": "string|object|array",
    "environment": {
        "ADDITIONAL_ENV": "value deployed into the message secret"

When recieving a message a new Job will be deployed sourcing a secret with the following content as environment variables:

    "ISSUER": "goci/kubernetes-event-job",
    "TARGET": "Name of the job containing a random UUID",
    "MESSAGE": "content of the message as string using JSON.stringify",
    "CHECKSUM": "sha1 hash of `${namespace}:${job}:${content}`",


You can view the exmample deployment file here. This example assumes you have RabbitMQ installed on your cluster and use rabbitmq.default.svc.cluster.local with credentials test:test on port 5672.

You can also use the helm chart

Run locally

To run the app locally you can use make start. To connect to your broker you need to either use a valid accessible amqp host address or forward the port from your local minikube to localhost.

Run tests

To execute the tests run make test.


To create a new release create a new Tag on github following this convention: <major>.<minor>.<patch>[-rc<num>]. All code merged to the matser will be available using the latest release. The release is done by our github action


  • Finish and release helm chart
  • Read messages in batches
  • Authentication flow
  • Stop processing messages when there are too many failed jobs
  • Allow to process a batch of messages using kubernetes job completions and parallelism settings(?)
  • Allow to deploy custom resources to configure jobs/queue
  • Collect configs from other namepsaces with RBAC enabled
  • Support VHosts