We'd love to accept your contributions to this project! If you are a first time contributor, please review our Contributing Guidelines before proceeding.
- Review the commit guide we follow - ensure your commits follow our standards
- Docusaurus - building block for local development
Fork this repository
Clone this repository to your workstation:
# Clone the project
git clone git@github.com:go-vela/docs.git $HOME/go-vela/docs
- Navigate to the repository code:
# Change into the project directory
cd $HOME/go-vela/docs
- Point the original code at your fork:
# Add a remote branch pointing to your fork
git remote add fork https://github.com/your_fork/docs
- Make sure to follow our PR process when opening a pull request
Thank you for your contribution!
We use Docusaurus to build our site.
You will need to install:
Docusaurus has some of it's own requirements, listed in their getting started docs.
Once you've got that taken care of, from the repo root folder, run:
npm run start