5.0.1 (2022-07-03)
- Dependencies fixes.
5.0.0 (2022-07-03)
- All Helpers functions are placed into the Glowy/Strings namespace.
- Use union types.
- Moving to PHP 8.1
4.4.0 (2022-07-02)
- Added is() method.
- Added isNot() method.
- Added isNotHexColor() method.
- Added isNotAffirmative() method.
- Added isNotDate() method.
- Added isNotEmail() method.
- Added isNotUrl() method.
- Added isNotEmpty() method.
- Added isNotAscii() method.
- Added isNotAlphanumeric() method.
- Added isNotAlpha() method.
- Added isNotBlank() method.
- Added isNotNumeric() method.
- Added isNotDigit() method.
- Added isNotLower() method.
- Added isNotUpper() method.
- Added isNotHexadecimal() method.
- Added isNotPrintable() method.
- Added isNotPunctuation() method.
- Added isNotSerialized() method.
- Added isNotJson() method.
- Added isNotBase64() method.
- Added isNotSimilar() method.
- Added isNotEqual() method.
- Added isNotIP() method.
- Added isNotMAC() method.
- Added isNotHTML() method.
- Added isNotInteger() method.
- Added isNotFloat() method.
- Added isNotNull() method.
- Added isNotBoolean() method.
- Added isNotTrue() method.
- Added isNotFalse() method.
- Added isNotUuid() method.
- Added when() method.
- Added unless() method.
- Added whenContains() method.
- Added whenEqual() method.
- Added whenIs() method.
- Added whenIsAscii() method.
- Added whenStartsWith() method.
- Added whenIsUuid() method.
- Added wrap() method.
- Added dump() method.
- Added dd() method.
- Added newLine() method.
4.3.1 (2022-05-08)
- Fix toNull() method.
4.3.0 (2022-05-08)
- Added isNull() method.
- Added isInteger() method.
- Added isFloat() method.
- Added isUuid() method.
- Added toNull() method.
- Method pipe() returns a new instance of the class.
4.2.0 (2022-01-01)
- Added isHexColor() method.
- Added isAffirmative() method.
- Added isDate() method.
4.1.0 (2021-12-30)
- Added headline() method.
- Added replaceSubstr() method.
- Added mask() method.
- Added sponge() method.
- Added swap() method.
4.0.0 (2021-12-22)
- Released under Glowy PHP Organization
- Added PHP 8.1 support
- Updated dependencies.
3.0.2 (2021-04-13)
- Fixed snake() method
3.0.1 (2021-02-19)
- Fixed dependencies.
3.0.0 (2021-02-18)
- Moving to PHP 7.4.0
- Added echo() method
- Added format() method
- Added crc32() method
- Added md5() method
- Added sha1() method
- Added sha256() method
- Added base64Decode() method
- Added base64Encode() method
2.5.0 (2021-01-29)
- Fixed contains() method
- Improved before() method
2.4.0 (2020-12-05)
Added copy() method.
Added ability to extend Strings class with Macros.
use Glowy\Strings\Strings; use Glowy\Macroable\Macroable; Strings::macro('concatenate', function(string $string) { return $this->toString() . $string; }); $strings = new Strings('Hello'); echo $strings->concatenate(' World'));
2.3.0 (2020-11-30)
- Added replace() method.
- Added pipe() method.
- Added chars() method.
- Added getIterator() method.
- Added offsetExists() offsetGet() offsetSet() offsetExists() methods.
- implement interface: ArrayAccess, Countable, IteratorAggregate.
- Improved methods trim() trimLeft() trimRight()
- Improved tests for replaceArray() method.
- Improved tests workflow
- general code refactoring
2.2.0 (2020-11-24)
- Fixed limit() method if string length is lower or equals to provided limit.
- Fixed studly() method.
- Fixed issue with encoding on new Strings object creation.
- Removed memory cache for words.
- Added tests for isSimilar() method.
- Improved tests for isBase64() method.
- Improved tests for move() method.
- Improved tests for beforeLast() method.
- Improved tests for afterLast() method.
- Improved tests for replaceFirst() method.
- Improved tests for between() method.
- Improved tests for indexOfLast() method.
- Improved tests for indexOf() method.
- Improved tests for random() method.
- Improved tests for replaceLast() method.
- Improved tests for isSerialized() method.
- Improved tests for hash() method.
- Improved tests for studly() method.
- Improved tests for __costruct() method.
- Improved tests workflow.
2.1.0 (2020-11-05)
- Added isIP method.
- Added isMAC method.
- Added isHTML method.
- Added isBoolean method.
- Added isTrue method.
- Added isFalse method.
- Improved tests for toBoolean method.
2.0.0 (2020-10-28)
- simplify length() method.
- Added lines() method.
- Added words() method.
- Added charsFrequency() method.
- Added wordsFrequency() method.
- Added wordsSortDesc() and wordsSortAsc() methods.
- Added replaceDashes() method.
- Added replacePunctuations() method.
- Added getEncoding() and setEncoding() methods.
- Added replaceNonAlpha() method and update replaceNonAlphanumeric() method.
- Added replaceNonAlphanumeric() method.
- Added isUrl() method.
- Added isEmail() method.
- Improved stripSpaces() method.
- rewrite method logic and rename countWords() to wordsCount()
- rename method words() to wordsLimit() and Improved tests for this method.
- update tests for segments() method.
- USE METHOD wordsCount() INSTEAD OF countWords()
- USE wordsLimit() INSTEAD OF words()
1.0.0 (2020-09-25)
- Initial release