.NET 6.0 library for the Global Lighting Data Format GLDF
- Serialize and deserialize GLDF XML
- 100% format coverage of version 1.0-rc3
- Validate GLDF XML with the GLDF XmlSchema (XSD)
- Read and write .gldf container files, including all assets and meta-information.xml
- Validate .gldf container files
- Parse XML/container either into 1:1 .NET POCOs or alternatively with resolved references
- No dependencies, small footprint (~1MB)
- Windows & Unix compatible
If you would like to read the GLDF L3D format as well, have a look on GLDF.L3d
- .NET 6 compatible project
Add the package within your IDE or using the CLI
dotnet add package GLDF.Net
All models in the following examples are incomplete. For valid GLDF luminaires/sensors read the docs.
IGldfXmlSerializer serializer = new GldfXmlSerializer();
Root root = new Root {Header = new Header {Author = "Github Example"}};
string xml = serializer.SerializeToXml(root);
IGldfXmlSerializer serializer = new GldfXmlSerializer();
Root root = new Root {Header = new Header {Author = "Github Example"}};
serializer.SerializeToXmlFile(root, @"c:\some\file\path\product.xml");
IGldfXmlSerializer serializer = new GldfXmlSerializer();
Root root = new Root {Header = new Header {Author = "Github Example"}};
using Stream stream = new MemoryStream();
serializer.SerializeToXmlStream(root, stream);
IGldfXmlSerializer serializer = new GldfXmlSerializer();
string xml = @"<Root><Header><Author>Github Example</Author></Header></Root>";
Root root = serializer.DeserializeFromXml(xml);
IGldfXmlSerializer serializer = new GldfXmlSerializer();
string filePath = @"c:\some\file\path\product.xml";
Root root = serializer.DeserializeFromXmlFile(filePath);
IGldfXmlSerializer serializer = new GldfXmlSerializer();
string filePath = @"c:\some\file\path\product.xml";
using Stream stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open);
Root root = serializer.DeserializeFromXmlStream(stream);
XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings();
settings.Encoding = Encoding.UTF32; // UTF-8 by default
settings.Indent = false; // true by default
// ...more settings
IGldfXmlSerializer serializer = new GldfXmlSerializer(settings);
IGldfXmlValidator gldfXmlValidator = new GldfXmlValidator();
string xml = @"<Root><Header><Author>Github Example</Author></Header></Root>";
IEnumerable<ValidationHint> validationResult = gldfXmlValidator.ValidateXml(xml);
foreach (var validationHint in validationResult)
Console.Write(validationHint.Severity); // Error/Info/Warning
Console.Write(validationHint.ErrorType); // For XML validation its always XmlSchema
Console.Write(validationHint.Message); // E.g. missing XML Elements etc.
IGldfXmlValidator gldfXmlValidator = new GldfXmlValidator();
string filePath = @"c:\some\file\path\product.xml";
IEnumerable<ValidationHint> validationResult = gldfXmlValidator.ValidateXmlFile(filePath);
IGldfXmlValidator gldfXmlValidator = new GldfXmlValidator();
string filePath = @"c:\some\file\path\product.xml";
using Stream stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open);
IEnumerable<ValidationHint> validationResult = gldfXmlValidator.ValidateXmlStream(stream, leaveOpen:false);
IGldfXmlValidator gldfXmlValidator = new GldfXmlValidator();
string filePath = @"c:\some\file\path\luminaire.gldf";
IEnumerable<ValidationHint> validationResult = gldfXmlValidator.ValidateGldfFile(filePath);
IGldfXmlValidator gldfXmlValidator = new GldfXmlValidator();
string filePath = @"c:\some\file\path\luminaire.gldf";
using Stream stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open);
IEnumerable<ValidationHint> validationResult = gldfXmlValidator.ValidateGldfStream(stream, leaveOpen:false);
var encoding = Encoding.UTF32;
var gldfXmlValidator = new GldfXmlValidator(encoding);
var filePath = @"c:\some\file\path\product.xml";
IGldfContainerWriter containerWriter = new GldfContainerWriter();
GldfContainer gldf = new GldfContainer
Product = new Root {Header = new Header {Author = "Github example"}},
Assets = new GldfAssets(),
MetaInformation = new MetaInformation()
var filePath = @"c:\some\file\path\luminaire.gldf";
containerWriter.WriteToGldfFile(filePath, gldf);
IGldfContainerWriter containerWriter = new GldfContainerWriter();
GldfContainer gldf = new GldfContainer
Product = new Root {Header = new Header {Author = "Github example"}},
Assets = new GldfAssets(),
MetaInformation = new MetaInformation()
using Stream stream = new MemoryStream();
containerWriter.WriteToGldfStream(stream, leaveOpen:false, gldf);
IGldfContainerReader containerReader = new GldfContainerReader();
string filePath = @"c:\some\file\path\luminaire.gldf";
GldfContainer container = containerReader.ReadFromGldfFile(filePath);
Console.WriteLine($"GLDF author: {container.Product.Header.Author}");
IGldfContainerReader containerReader = new GldfContainerReader();
string filePath = @"c:\some\file\path\luminaire.gldf";
var settings = new ContainerLoadSettings
ProductLoadBehaviour = ProductLoadBehaviour.Load,
AssetLoadBehaviour = AssetLoadBehaviour.FileNamesOnly,
MetaInfoLoadBehaviour = MetaInfoLoadBehaviour.Skip
GldfContainer container = containerReader.ReadFromGldfFile(filePath, settings);
Console.WriteLine($"GLDF author: {container.Product.Header.Author}");
IGldfContainerReader containerReader = new GldfContainerReader();
string filePath = @"c:\some\file\path\luminaire.gldf";
using Stream stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open);
GldfContainer container = containerReader.ReadFromGldfStream(stream, leaveOpen:false);
Console.WriteLine($"GLDF author: {container.Product.Header.Author}");
IGldfContainerReader containerReader = new GldfContainerReader();
string sourceFilePath = @"c:\some\file\path\luminaire.gldf";
string targetFolder = @"c:\some\file\path\extractedContent\";
containerReader.ExtractToDirectory(sourceFilePath, targetFolder);
IGldfContainerWriter containerWriter = new GldfContainerWriter();
string sourceDirectory = @"c:\some\file\path\extractedContent\";
string targetFile = @"c:\some\file\path\luminaire.gldf";
containerWriter.CreateFromDirectory(sourceDirectory, targetFile);
IGldfValidator validator = new GldfValidator();
GldfContainer gldfContainer = new GldfContainer
Product = new Root {Header = new Header {Author = "Github example"}},
Assets = new GldfAssets(),
MetaInformation = new MetaInformation()
IEnumerable<ValidationHint> validationResult = validator.ValidateGldf(gldfContainer);
foreach (var validationHint in validationResult)
Console.Write(validationHint.Severity); // Enum: Error/Info/Warning
Console.Write(validationHint.ErrorType); // Enum: E.g. InvalidZipFile
Console.Write(validationHint.Message); // E.g. Not a valid ZIP file etc.
IGldfValidator validator = new GldfValidator();
var filePath = @"c:\some\file\path\luminaire.gldf";
var result = validator.ValidateGldfFile(filePath, ValidationFlags.All);
IGldfValidator validator = new GldfValidator();
var filePath = @"c:\some\file\path\luminaire.gldf";
var flags = ValidationFlags.Schema | ValidationFlags.Zip;
var result = validator.ValidateGldfFile(filePath, flags);
See source for individual Rules
IGldfValidator validator = new GldfValidator();
string filePath = @"c:\some\file\path\luminaire.gldf";
using Stream stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open);
var result = validator.ValidateGldfStream(stream, leaveOpen:false, ValidationFlags.All);
The GldfXmlSerializer
and GldfContainerReader
classes produce an exact 1:1 representation of the GLDF XML in .NET (Root
). Which implies that any references such as Variant ➜ Emitter ➜ Equipment ➜ LightSource ➜ Photometry ➜ File are mapped in the form of Ids, which have to be resolved manually in your application. With the GldfParser
you have an option to let it resolve during deserialisation for you. And optionally load the GLDF File
element content as well:
var parserSettings = new ParserSettings
LocalFileLoadBehaviour = LocalFileLoadBehaviour.Skip,
OnlineFileLoadBehaviour = OnlineFileLoadBehaviour.Load,
HttpClient = new HttpClient()
IGldfParser gldfParser = new GldfParser(parserSettings);
var rootTyped = gldfParser.ParseFromXml(/* GLDF XML string */);
// Or
var rootTyped = gldfParser.ParseFromXmlFile(/* GLDF XML filepath */);
// Or
var rootTyped = gldfParser.ParseFromXmlStream(/* GLDF XML stream */);
// Or
var rootTyped = gldfParser.ParseFromRoot(/* Root POCO */);
// Or
var rootTyped = gldfParser.ParseFromGldf(/* GldfContainer POCO */);
// Or
var rootTyped = gldfParser.ParseFromGldfFile(/* GLDF container filepath */);
// Or
var rootTyped = gldfParser.ParseFromGldfStream(/* GLDF container stream */);
See gldf.io to learn more about meta-information.xml
IMetaInfoSerializer serializer = new MetaInfoSerializer();
var metaInformation = new MetaInformation();
string xml = serializer.SerializeToXml(metaInformation);
IMetaInfoSerializer serializer = new MetaInfoSerializer();
var metaInformation = new MetaInformation();
var filePath = @"c:\some\file\path\meta-information.xml";
serializer.SerializeToXmlFile(metaInformation, filePath);
IMetaInfoSerializer serializer = new MetaInfoSerializer();
var metaInformation = new MetaInformation();
using Stream stream = new MemoryStream();
serializer.SerializeToXmlStream(metaInformation, stream);
IMetaInfoSerializer serializer = new MetaInfoSerializer();
var xml = "<MetaInformation></MetaInformation>";
MetaInformation metaInformation = serializer.DeserializeFromXml(xml);
IMetaInfoSerializer serializer = new MetaInfoSerializer();
var filePath = @"c:\some\file\path\meta-information.xml";
MetaInformation metaInformation = serializer.DeserializeFromXmlFile(filePath);
IMetaInfoSerializer serializer = new MetaInfoSerializer();
string xml = "<MetaInformation></MetaInformation>";
using Stream stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xml));
MetaInformation metaInformation = serializer.DeserializeFromXmlStream(stream);
Read FormatVersion
from GLDF XML string or XML file. Or from GLDF container
const string xml = "<Root><Header><FormatVersion major='1' minor='2'/></Header></Root>";
var formatVersion = GldfFormatVersionReader.GetFromXml(xml);
// or
const string filePath = @"c:\path\product.xml";
var formatVersion = GldfFormatVersionReader.GetFromXmlFile(filePath);
// or
const string filePath = @"c:\path\product.gldf";
var formatVersion = GldfFormatVersionReader.GetFromGldfFile(filePath);
// or
using var stream = File.OpenRead(@"c:\path\product.gldf");
var formatVersion = GldfFormatVersionReader.GetFromGldfStream(stream, leaveOpen: false);
foreach (var knownVersion in GldfEmbeddedXsdLoader.KnownVersions)
$"{knownVersion.Major}." +
$"{knownVersion.Minor}." +
$"{(knownVersion.PreReleaseSpecified ? knownVersion.PreRelease : string.Empty)}");
// On unknown versions, the latest embedded will be loaded
var formatVersion = new FormatVersion(1, 0, 2);
string xsd = GldfEmbeddedXsdLoader.Load(formatVersion);
In summary, you can use the following interfaces
// 1) Serialize GLDF XML
IGldfXmlSerializer serializer = new GldfXmlSerializer();
// 2) Validate GLDF XML
IGldfXmlValidator gldfXmlValidator = new GldfXmlValidator();
// 3) Read GLDF container
IGldfContainerReader containerReader = new GldfContainerReader();
// 4) Write GLDF container
IGldfContainerWriter containerWriter = new GldfContainerWriter();
// 5) Validate GLDF Container
IGldfValidator validator = new GldfValidator();
// 6) Parse GLDF with resolved references
IGldfParser parser = new GldfParser();
// 7) Serialize Meta-Information XML
IMetaInfoSerializer serializer = new MetaInfoSerializer();
Please use the discussion section for questions or create issues, when something seems to be wrong. PRs are welcome.