diff --git a/docs/3. Product Features/10. Others/12. Contact Profile & History.md b/docs/3. Product Features/10. Others/12. Contact Profile & History.md
index f9ba255ab..3fe66c122 100644
--- a/docs/3. Product Features/10. Others/12. Contact Profile & History.md
+++ b/docs/3. Product Features/10. Others/12. Contact Profile & History.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-> ### **4 minute read       `Beginner`**
+> ### **4 minute read `Beginner`**
**NGO users can see the contact profile and access history from the Glific interface, when there is a requirement to check the same. It could be used for personalized interactions, data-driven decision making, improving support etc.**
@@ -6,43 +6,40 @@
1 . Login to the Glific and click on the chats tab from the left panel.
2 . Search the contact from the name of the contact or phone number from the right panel.
-3 . From the top bar click on the down arrow (next to the contact name) and click on `View contact profile` link
+3 . From the contact's top bar click on the down arrow (next to the contact name) and click on `View contact profile` link
4 . Contact profile page will open up. You can check the below details of contact.
- i) Name - **_Contact Name will be shown in chat screen and view profile page screen is the one which is set in the flow with_ `@contact.fields.name` **_variable, by the contact. If the name is not updated with the_ `@contact.fiels.name`**_variable, the name will be picked from_ `@contact.name`**_(WhatsApp name set by the contact) variable._**
+ i) Name - Contact Name that is shown in chat screen and "View profile-->Details screen" is the one which is set in the flow with `@contact.fields.name` variable, by the contact.
+ If the name is not updated with the `@contact.fiels.name` variable, the name will be picked from `@contact.name` variable (i.e WhatsApp name set by the contact).
+ ii) Phone number
+ iii) Provider status / Optin Staus -If contact is optin and can receive HSM templates
+ iv) Language - Contact&'s preferred language. NGO users also can change the language and save it to update the language preference of contact.
- ii) phone number
- iii) Provider status / Optin Staus - ( _if contact is optin and can receive HSM templates_)
- iv) Language - ( contact's preferred language). NGO users also can change the language and save it to update the language preference of contact.
## Create New Profile
1 . Create a new flow and ask a question, the contact if he/she wants to create a new profile.
@@ -127,6 +124,10 @@ Output after executing the flow (**Switch User**)
### Video Tutorial
+**Please note- This is a video recorded on old UI**
It has been observed in some cases, beneficiaries have one phone number and there is more than one person who needs to have their profile created to access the Chat.
@@ -137,11 +138,14 @@ Below are the steps on how to implement multiple profile features in your flow.
## Advanced Feature Webinar
+**Please note- This is a video recorded on old UI**
## View Contact History
-1 . Scroll down the contact profile page.
+1 . Click on the `History` button to see the chat/flow history of the contact.
-2 . Click on the `show more` button to see the older history of the contact.