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Fix overlapping inline table key bug
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glguy committed Jan 5, 2024
1 parent 9c672d4 commit b076f14
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@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
# Revision history for toml-parser


* Bugfix: In some cases overlapping keys in inline tables could throw an exception
instead instead of returning the proper semantic error value.


* Ensure years are rendered zero-padded
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103 changes: 58 additions & 45 deletions src/Toml/Semantics.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unrecognised-pragmas #-}
{-# HLINT ignore "Use list literal" #-}
Module : Toml.Sematics
Module : Toml.Semantics
Description : Semantic interpretation of raw TOML expressions
Copyright : (c) Eric Mertens, 2023
License : ISC
Expand All @@ -14,9 +14,7 @@ key assignments.
module Toml.Semantics (SemanticError(..), SemanticErrorKind(..), semantics) where

import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Data.List (sortOn)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)))
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NonEmpty
import Data.Map (Map)
Expand All @@ -25,8 +23,8 @@ import Toml.Located (locThing, Located)
import Toml.Parser.Types (SectionKind(..), Key, Val(..), Expr(..))
import Toml.Value (Table, Value(..))

-- | The type of errors that can be generated when resolving all the key
-- used in a TOML document. These errors always pertain to some key to
-- | The type of errors that can be generated when resolving all the keys
-- used in a TOML document. These errors always pertain to some key that
-- caused one of three conflicts.
-- @since
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,7 +54,7 @@ data SemanticErrorKind
-- or report a semantic error.
-- @since
semantics :: [Expr] -> Either (Located SemanticError) Table
semantics :: [Expr] -> M Table
semantics exprs =
do let (topKVs, tables) = gather exprs
m1 <- assignKeyVals topKVs Map.empty
Expand All @@ -82,22 +80,37 @@ gather = goTop []
goTable kind key acc (ArrayTableExpr k : exprs) = (kind, key, reverse acc) : goTable ArrayTableKind k [] exprs
goTable kind key acc (KeyValExpr k v : exprs) = goTable kind key ((k,v):acc) exprs

-- | Frames help distinguish tables and arrays written in block and inline
-- syntax. This allows us to enforce that inline tables and arrays can not
-- be extended by block syntax.
-- | A top-level table used to distinguish top-level defined arrays
-- and tables from inline values.
type FrameTable = Map String Frame

-- | M is the error-handling monad used through this module for
-- propagating semantic errors through the 'semantics' function.
type M = Either (Located SemanticError)

-- | Frames are the top-level skeleton of the TOML file that mirror the
-- subset of values that can be constructed with with top-level syntax.
-- TOML syntax makes a distinction between tables and arrays that are
-- defined at the top-level and those defined with inline syntax. This
-- separate type keeps these syntactic differences separate while table
-- and array resolution is still happening.
data Frame
= FrameTable FrameKind (Map String Frame)
| FrameArray (NonEmpty (Map String Frame)) -- stored in reverse order for easy "append"
= FrameTable FrameKind FrameTable
| FrameArray (NonEmpty FrameTable) -- stored in reverse order for easy "append"
| FrameValue Value
deriving Show

-- | Top-level tables can be in various states of completeness. This type
-- keeps track of the current state of a top-level defined table.
data FrameKind
= Open -- ^ table implicitly defined as supertable of [x.y.z]
| Dotted -- ^ table implicitly defined using dotted key assignment
| Closed -- ^ table closed to further extension
deriving Show

framesToTable :: Map String Frame -> Table
-- | Convert a top-level table "frame" representation into the plain Value
-- representation once the distinction is no longer needed.
framesToTable :: FrameTable -> Table
framesToTable =
fmap \case
FrameTable _ t -> Table (framesToTable t)
Expand All @@ -107,41 +120,34 @@ framesToTable =
-- reverses the list while converting the frames to tables
toArray = foldl (\acc frame -> Table (framesToTable frame) : acc) []

constructTable :: [(Key, Value)] -> Either (Located SemanticError) Table
constructTable entries =
case findBadKey (map fst entries) of
Just bad -> invalidKey bad AlreadyAssigned
Nothing -> Right (Map.unionsWith merge [singleValue (locThing k) (locThing <$> ks) v | (k:|ks, v) <- entries])
-- | Build a 'Table' value out of a list of key-value pairs. These keys are
-- checked to not overlap. In the case of overlap a 'SemanticError' is returned.
constructTable :: [(Key, Value)] -> M Table
constructTable = foldM (uncurry . addEntry) Map.empty
merge (Table x) (Table y) = Table (Map.unionWith merge x y)
merge _ _ = error "constructFrame:merge: panic"
-- turns x.y.z = v into a nested table of one leaf value
singleCase = foldr (\k v -> Table (Map.singleton (locThing k) v))

singleValue k [] v = Map.singleton k v
singleValue k (k1:ks) v = Map.singleton k (Table (singleValue k1 ks v))
addEntry tab (key :| subkey) val = Map.alterF f (locThing key) tab
-- no existing assignment at this parent key - no more validation needed
f Nothing = pure (Just (singleCase val subkey))

-- | Finds a key that overlaps with another in the same list
findBadKey :: [Key] -> Maybe (Located String)
findBadKey = check . sortOn (fmap locThing)
check :: [Key] -> Maybe (Located String)
check (x:y:z) = check1 x y <|> check (y:z)
check _ = Nothing
-- there's already a table at this parent key, attempt to extend it
f (Just (Table subtab)) | Just subkey' <- NonEmpty.nonEmpty subkey =
Just . Table <$> addEntry subtab subkey' val

check1 (x :| xs) (y1 :| y2 : ys)
| locThing x == locThing y1 =
case xs of
[] -> Just y1
x' : xs' -> check1 (x' :| xs') (y2 :| ys)
check1 _ _ = Nothing
-- attempted to overwrite an existing assignment, abort
f _ = invalidKey key AlreadyAssigned

-- | Attempts to insert the key-value pairs given into a new section
-- located at the given key-path in a frame map.
addSection ::
SectionKind {- ^ section kind -} ->
KeyVals {- ^ values to install -} ->
Key {- ^ section key -} ->
Map String Frame {- ^ local frame map -} ->
Either (Located SemanticError) (Map String Frame) {- ^ error message or updated local frame map -}
SectionKind {- ^ section kind -} ->
KeyVals {- ^ values to install -} ->
Key {- ^ section key -} ->
FrameTable {- ^ local frame map -} ->
M FrameTable {- ^ error message or updated local frame table -}
addSection kind kvs = walk
walk (k1 :| []) = flip Map.alterF (locThing k1) \case
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,20 +185,23 @@ addSection kind kvs = walk
go g t = Just . g <$> walk (k2 :| ks) t

-- | Close all of the tables that were implicitly defined with
-- dotted prefixes.
closeDots :: Map String Frame -> Map String Frame
-- dotted prefixes. These tables are only eligible for extension
-- within the @[table]@ section in which they were introduced.
closeDots :: FrameTable -> FrameTable
closeDots =
fmap \case
FrameTable Dotted t -> FrameTable Closed (closeDots t)
frame -> frame

assignKeyVals :: KeyVals -> Map String Frame -> Either (Located SemanticError) (Map String Frame)
-- | Extend the given frame table with a list of key-value pairs.
-- Either the updated frame table will be returned
assignKeyVals :: KeyVals -> FrameTable -> M FrameTable
assignKeyVals kvs t = closeDots <$> foldM f t kvs
f m (k,v) = assign k v m

-- | Assign a single dotted key in a frame.
assign :: Key -> Val -> Map String Frame -> Either (Located SemanticError) (Map String Frame)
assign :: Key -> Val -> FrameTable -> M FrameTable

assign (key :| []) val = flip Map.alterF (locThing key) \case
Nothing -> Just . FrameValue <$> valToValue val
Expand All @@ -210,7 +219,7 @@ assign (key :| k1 : keys) val = flip Map.alterF (locThing key) \case

-- | Convert 'Val' to 'Value' potentially raising an error if
-- it has inline tables with key-conflicts.
valToValue :: Val -> Either (Located SemanticError) Value
valToValue :: Val -> M Value
valToValue = \case
ValInteger x -> Right (Integer x)
ValFloat x -> Right (Float x)
Expand All @@ -224,5 +233,9 @@ valToValue = \case
ValTable kvs -> do entries <- (traverse . traverse) valToValue kvs
Table <$> constructTable entries

invalidKey :: Located String -> SemanticErrorKind -> Either (Located SemanticError) a
-- | Abort validation by reporting an error about the given key.
invalidKey ::
Located String {- ^ subkey -} ->
SemanticErrorKind {- ^ error kind -} ->
M a
invalidKey key kind = Left ((`SemanticError` kind) <$> key)
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions test/TomlSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -557,6 +557,16 @@ spec =
type = { edible = false } # INVALID|]
`shouldBe` Left "3:1: key error: type is already assigned"

it "checks that inline keys aren't reassigned" $
parse [quoteStr|
x = {a = 1, a = 2}|]
`shouldBe` Left "1:13: key error: a is already assigned"

it "checks that inline keys don't overlap with implicit inline tables" $
parse [quoteStr|
x = {a.b = 1, a = 2}|]
`shouldBe` Left "1:15: key error: a is already assigned"

describe "array of tables"
do it "supports array of tables syntax" $
decode [quoteStr|
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion toml-parser.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
cabal-version: 3.0
name: toml-parser
synopsis: TOML 1.0.0 parser
TOML parser using generated lexers and parsers with
Expand Down

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