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glguy committed Jan 1, 2025
1 parent 96b9809 commit c484ed9
Showing 1 changed file with 8 additions and 22 deletions.
30 changes: 8 additions & 22 deletions solutions/src/2022/22_alt.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -69,15 +69,17 @@ main =
let maze = explore (Set.fromList [c | (c, '.') <- coordLines rawmap])

-- figure out the cube coordinate that our path ends on
let (C y x, facing) = locToFlat maze (foldl (flip (applyCommand maze)) locOrigin path)
let (C y x, facing) = maze Map.! foldl (flip (applyCommand maze)) locOrigin path

-- compute the "password" from the end location
print (1000 * (y + 1) + 4 * (x + 1) + facing)

-- | Given the set of flat path coordinates compute the cube-coordinate
-- to flat coordinate map.
explore :: HiVal => Set Coord -> Map Loc Coord
explore input = Map.fromList (dfsOn snd step (locOrigin, Set.findMin input))
-- to flat coordinate and facing map.
explore :: HiVal => Set Coord -> Map Loc (Coord, Int)
explore input = Map.fromList
[(li, (c, i)) | (l, c) <- dfsOn snd step (locOrigin, Set.findMin input)
, (li, i) <- zip (iterate locRotateL l) [0..3]]
step (l, c) =
[(locRight l, right c) | right c `Set.member` input] ++
@@ -87,28 +89,12 @@ explore input = Map.fromList (dfsOn snd step (locOrigin, Set.findMin input))

-- | Apply a command to the state of the walker on the cube.
-- Each move is either forward a certain number or a turn.
applyCommand :: HiVal => Map Loc Coord -> Either Int D -> Loc -> Loc
applyCommand :: HiVal => Map Loc a -> Either Int D -> Loc -> Loc
applyCommand maze = \case
Left n -> last . takeWhile (isJust . onMaze maze) . take (n + 1) . iterate locRight
Left n -> last . takeWhile (`Map.member` maze) . take (n + 1) . iterate locRight
Right DL -> locRotateR
Right DR -> locRotateL

-- | Find the location in the input file corresponding to this
-- cube location if one exists.
onMaze :: HiVal => Map Loc Coord -> Loc -> Maybe Coord
onMaze maze = msum . map (`Map.lookup` maze) . take 4 . iterate locRotateR

-- | Find the input file coordinate corresponding to a cube coordinate.
-- The number of clockwise rotations needed to match the orientation
-- from the input file is also returned for using in the password.
locToFlat :: HiVal => Map Loc Coord -> Loc -> (Coord, Int)
locToFlat maze = go 0
go n loc =
case Map.lookup loc maze of
Just c -> (c, n)
Nothing -> go (n + 1) (locRotateR loc)

-- | Symmetric group S4 corresponds to the symmetries of a cube.
type S4 = Permutation 4

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