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glguy committed Jan 3, 2025
1 parent 2201309 commit b1160d6
Showing 1 changed file with 64 additions and 44 deletions.
108 changes: 64 additions & 44 deletions solutions/src/2022/22.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,88 +35,112 @@ coordinates and then is converted back into input file coordinates at the end.
module Main (main) where

import Advent (stageTH, format, countBy)
import Advent.Coord (Coord(..), coordLines, above, below, left, origin, right, east, turnLeft, turnRight)
import Advent (stageTH, format)
import Advent.Coord (Coord(..), coordLines, above, below, left, right, east, turnLeft, turnRight, mapCoord)
import Advent.Permutation (Permutation, mkPermutation, invert)
import Advent.Search (dfsOn)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Set qualified as Set

-- | Left and right turns
data D = DL | DR
-- | Turn commands.
data D
= DL -- ^ Left turn
| DR -- ^ Right turn

data C = C_HASH | C_DOT deriving (Eq)
-- | Tile in the maze.
data T
= T_HASH -- ^ A wall
| T_DOT -- ^ A path
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)


-- | Constraint for upper bound of cube coordinates
type HiVal = ?hiVal :: Int
-- | Constraint for upper-bound of cube coordinates
type Hi = ?hi :: Int

-- |
-- >>> :main
-- 162186
-- 55267
main :: IO ()
main =
do (rawMaze, cmds) <- [format|2022 22 (( |@C)*%n)*%n(%u|@D)*%n|]
let maze = parseMaze rawMaze
print (part1 maze cmds)
print (part2 maze cmds)
do (rawMaze, cmds) <- [format|2022 22 (( |@T)*%n)*%n(%u|@D)*%n|]
let maze = parseMaze rawMaze
start = pickStart rawMaze

-- | Build a coordinate map of the maze
parseMaze :: [[Maybe C]] -> Map Coord C
print (part1 start maze cmds)
print (part2 start maze cmds)

-- | Build a flat-coordinate map of the maze cells from the lines of
-- raw tiles.
parseMaze :: [[Maybe T]] -> Map Coord T
parseMaze cs = Map.fromList [(c, x) | (c, Just x) <- coordLines cs]

-- | The password is determined from the ending coordinate and direction.
-- | You begin the path in the leftmost open tile of the top row of tiles.
pickStart :: [[Maybe T]] -> Coord
pickStart rawMaze =
case [c | (c, Just T_DOT) <- coordLines (take 1 rawMaze)] of
c : _ -> c
_ -> error "No acceptable starting location"

-- | The final password is the sum of 1000 times the row, 4 times the
-- column, and the facing.
password :: Coord -> Int -> Int
password (C y x) z = 1000 * (y + 1) + 4 * (x + 1) + z

-- | Follow the command sequence while using a simple wrap-around
-- | Follow the command sequence while using a flat wrap-around
-- logic to compute the password.
part1 :: Map Coord C -> [Either Int D] -> Int
part1 maze cmds = password end (d `mod` 4)
part1 :: Coord -> Map Coord T -> [Either Int D] -> Int
part1 start maze cmds = password end (d `mod` 4)
(start, _) = Map.findMin maze
(end, _, d) = foldl (applyCommand1 maze) (start, east, 0) cmds

applyCommand1 :: Map Coord C -> (Coord, Coord, Int) -> Either Int D -> (Coord, Coord, Int)
-- | Update the current location, direction and facing given a single
-- turn or move command.
applyCommand1 :: Map Coord T -> (Coord, Coord, Int) -> Either Int D -> (Coord, Coord, Int)
applyCommand1 board (!here, !dir, !facing) = \case
Right DL -> (here, turnLeft dir, facing - 1)
Right DR -> (here, turnRight dir, facing + 1)
Left n -> (here', dir, facing)
here' = last (takeWhile isOpen (take (n + 1) (iterate step here)))
isOpen x = board Map.! x == C_DOT
isOpen x = board Map.! x == T_DOT
step x
| let x' = x + dir, Map.member x' board = x'
| otherwise = last (takeWhile (`Map.member` board) (iterate (subtract dir) x))

-- | Follow the command sequence while treating the maze as a cube net
-- to compute the resulting password.
part2 :: Map Coord C -> [Either Int D] -> Int
part2 maze cmds =
part2 :: Coord -> Map Coord T -> [Either Int D] -> Int
part2 start maze cmds =
do -- figure out the side-length of the cube we're working with
-- so that we can handle both examples and regular inputs
let ?hiVal = until (\x -> 6 * x * x >= length maze) (1 +) 1 - 1
let ?hi = until (\x -> 6 * x * x >= length maze) (1 +) 1 - 1

-- associate cube coordinates with all of the input file coordinates
let cube = buildCube (Map.keysSet (Map.filter (C_DOT ==) maze))
let (start', cube) = buildCube start (Map.keysSet (Map.filter (T_DOT ==) maze))

-- figure out the cube coordinate that our path ends on
let (end, facing) = cube Map.! foldl (flip (applyCommand2 cube)) locOrigin cmds
let (end, facing) = cube Map.! foldl (flip (applyCommand2 cube)) start' cmds

-- compute the "password" from the end location
password end facing

-- | Given the set of flat path coordinates compute the cube-coordinate
-- to flat coordinate and facing map.
buildCube :: HiVal => Set Coord -> Map Loc (Coord, Int)
buildCube input = Map.fromList
[(li, (c, i)) | (l, c) <- dfsOn snd step (locOrigin, Set.findMin input)
, (li, i) <- zip (iterate locRotateL l) [0..3]]
-- to flat-coordinate and facing map. The cube location of the maze
-- starting position is returned.
buildCube :: Hi => Coord -> Set Coord -> (Loc, Map Loc (Coord, Int))
buildCube start input = (start', cube)
start' = Loc mempty (mapCoord (`mod` (?hi + 1)) start)
cube = Map.fromList
[(li, (c, i)) | (l, c) <- dfsOn snd step (start', start)
, (li, i) <- zip (iterate locRotateL l) [0..3]]

-- advance the cube location and the flat location in lock-step to
-- create the map of location correspondences
step (l, c) =
[(locRight l, right c) | right c `Set.member` input] ++
[(locLeft l, left c) | left c `Set.member` input] ++
Expand All @@ -125,7 +149,7 @@ buildCube input = Map.fromList

-- | Apply a command to the state of the walker on the cube.
-- Each move is either forward a certain number or a turn.
applyCommand2 :: HiVal => Map Loc a -> Either Int D -> Loc -> Loc
applyCommand2 :: Hi => Map Loc a -> Either Int D -> Loc -> Loc
applyCommand2 maze = \case
Left n -> last . takeWhile (`Map.member` maze) . take (n + 1) . iterate locRight
Right DL -> locRotateR
Expand All @@ -134,7 +158,7 @@ applyCommand2 maze = \case
-- | Symmetric group S4 corresponds to the symmetries of a cube.
-- This cube's diagonals are labeled and the face is read off the
-- top clockwise. Rotations about an axis use left-hand rule.
-- top face clockwise. Rotations about an axis use left-hand rule.
-- @
-- 0--1 z
Expand All @@ -151,31 +175,27 @@ rotX = mkPermutation ([3,2,0,1] !!)
rotY = mkPermutation ([2,0,3,1] !!)
rotZ = mkPermutation ([3,0,1,2] !!)

-- | A pair a rotation of a cube face and a position on that face.
-- | A pair of a cube orientation and a position on the top face.
data Loc = Loc S4 Coord
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)

-- | Initial location on the top-left of a face.
locOrigin :: Loc
locOrigin = Loc mempty origin

locRight, locLeft, locUp, locDown, locRotateL, locRotateR :: HiVal => Loc -> Loc
locRight, locLeft, locUp, locDown, locRotateL, locRotateR :: Hi => Loc -> Loc
locRight (Loc p (C y x))
| x < ?hiVal = Loc p (C y (x + 1))
| x < ?hi = Loc p (C y (x + 1))
| otherwise = Loc (p <> invert rotY) (C y 0)

locLeft (Loc p (C y x))
| 0 < x = Loc p (C y (x - 1))
| otherwise = Loc (p <> rotY) (C y ?hiVal)
| otherwise = Loc (p <> rotY) (C y ?hi)

locDown (Loc p (C y x))
| y < ?hiVal = Loc p (C (y + 1) x)
| y < ?hi = Loc p (C (y + 1) x)
| otherwise = Loc (p <> rotX) (C 0 x)

locUp (Loc p (C y x))
| 0 < y = Loc p (C (y - 1) x)
| otherwise = Loc (p <> invert rotX) (C ?hiVal x)
| otherwise = Loc (p <> invert rotX) (C ?hi x)

locRotateR (Loc p (C y x)) = Loc (p <> rotZ) (C x (?hiVal - y))
locRotateR (Loc p (C y x)) = Loc (p <> rotZ) (C x (?hi - y))

locRotateL (Loc p (C y x)) = Loc (p <> invert rotZ) (C (?hiVal - x) y)
locRotateL (Loc p (C y x)) = Loc (p <> invert rotZ) (C (?hi - x) y)

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