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refactor 5
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glguy committed Dec 5, 2023
1 parent b1e12cf commit 5aaefb8
Showing 1 changed file with 44 additions and 17 deletions.
61 changes: 44 additions & 17 deletions solutions/src/2023/05.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,32 +56,59 @@ import Advent.Nat ( Nat(Z, S) )
-- 41222968
main :: IO ()
main =
do (seeds, maps) <- [format|2023 5 seeds:( %d)*%n(%n%s-to-%s map:%n(%d %d %d%n)*)*|]
do (seeds, rawMaps) <- [format|2023 5 seeds:( %d)*%n(%n%s-to-%s map:%n(%d %d %d%n)*)*|]
let maps = checkMaps rawMaps
print (smallestDestination maps [interval start 1 | start <- seeds])
print (smallestDestination maps [interval start n | [start,n] <- chunks 2 seeds])

smallestDestination :: [(String, String, [(Int, Int, Int)])] -> [Interval] -> Int
smallestDestination maps = lowerBound . minimum . concatMap (convertSeeds maps)
smallestDestination :: [[(Interval, Int)]] -> [Interval] -> Int
smallestDestination maps = lowerBound . minimum . applyMaps maps

-- assumes maps are in order
convertSeeds :: [(String, String, [(Int,Int,Int)])] -> Interval -> [Interval]
convertSeeds maps x =
foldl (\acc (_from,_to,ranges) -> concatMap (applyRewrites ranges) acc) [x] maps
-- Verify that all the maps are presented in order
-- This is technically unnecessary for the given inputs, but it feels bad to
-- assume the order is right. Transform the (destination, source, length)
-- parameters to a source interval and shift value.
checkMaps :: [(String, String, [(Int, Int, Int)])] -> [[(Interval, Int)]]
checkMaps input = foldr processMap finish input "seed"
processMap (from, to, entries) continue expect =
check from expect (map entryToInterval entries : continue to)

finish final = check final "location" []

entryToInterval (dst, src, len) = (interval src len, dst - src)

check expected got x
| expected == got = x
| otherwise = error ("got " ++ got ++ " expected " ++ expected)

applyMaps :: [[(Interval, Int)]] -> [Interval] -> [Interval]
applyMaps maps xs =
foldl (\acc ranges -> concatMap (applyMap ranges) acc) xs maps

applyMap :: [(Interval, Int)] -> Interval -> [Interval]
applyMap = foldr applyEntry pure
applyEntry (src, delta) continue box =
case intersectBox src box of
Nothing -> continue box
Just i ->
shiftInterval delta i :
concatMap continue (subtractBox src box)

-- Interval specialization of the Box module

-- | A one-dimensional cuboid
type Interval = Box ('S 'Z)

-- | Construct an interval from a starting point and positive length
interval :: Int {- ^ start -} -> Int {- ^ length -} -> Interval
interval s n = Dim s (s+n) Pt

-- | Modify the lower and upper bounds of an interval by a fixed amount.
shiftInterval :: Int -> Interval -> Interval
shiftInterval delta (Dim lo hi Pt) = Dim (lo + delta) (hi + delta) Pt

-- | Retrieve the lower bound of an interval
lowerBound :: Interval -> Int
lowerBound (Dim x _ Pt) = x

applyRewrites :: [(Int, Int, Int)] -> Interval -> [Interval]
applyRewrites = foldr applyRewrite pure
applyRewrite (dst, src, len) continue seeds =
case intersectBox seeds (interval src len) of
Nothing -> continue seeds
Just (Dim lo hi Pt) ->
interval (dst + lo - src) (hi - lo) :
concatMap continue (subtractBox (interval src len) seeds)

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