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glguy committed Dec 19, 2023
1 parent 2d398f7 commit 5683ae2
Showing 1 changed file with 77 additions and 55 deletions.
132 changes: 77 additions & 55 deletions solutions/src/2023/19.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# Language QuasiQuotes, TemplateHaskell, GADTs, DataKinds, ImportQualifiedPost #-}
{-# Language DataKinds, DeriveTraversable, GADTs, ImportQualifiedPost, PatternSynonyms, QuasiQuotes, TemplateHaskell, ViewPatterns #-}
Module : Main
Description : Day 19 solution
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -39,8 +39,21 @@ import Advent.Box (size, Box(Pt, Dim), Box')
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map qualified as Map

-- | A part is a quadruple of parameters indexed by 'V'
data Part a = Part a a a a
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

-- | 'V' is an index into a field of a 'Part'
data V = Vx | Vm | Va | Vs

-- | 'Ints' is a range of 'Int' with an inclusive lower bound and exclusive upper bound.
type Ints = Box' 1

-- | Workflow rule determine an action to take based on parameter value.
data Rule
= LessThan V Int String -- ^ Action when variable less-than bound
| GreaterThan V Int String -- ^ Action when variable greater-than bound


-- | Parse the input instructions and print both parts.
Expand All @@ -50,59 +63,68 @@ stageTH
-- 127517902575337
main :: IO ()
main =
do (workflows, parts) <- [format|2023 19 (%a+{((@V>%d:%a+|@V<%d:%a+),)*%a+}%n)*%n({x=%d,m=%d,a=%d,s=%d}%n)*|]
let workflowMap = Map.fromList [(k, (map toRule rs, e)) | (k, rs, e) <- workflows]
print (sum [rating1 workflowMap "in" p | p <- parts])
let full = Dim 1 4001 Pt
print (rating2 workflowMap "in" (full,full,full,full))

data Rule = LessThan V Int String | GreaterThan V Int String

toRule :: Either (V, Int, String) (V, Int, String) -> Rule
toRule (Left (v, n, lbl)) = GreaterThan v n lbl
toRule (Right (v, n, lbl)) = LessThan v n lbl

rating1 :: Map String ([Rule], String) -> String -> (Int, Int, Int, Int) -> Int
rating1 _ "A" (x, m, a, s) = x + m + a + s
rating1 _ "R" _ = 0
rating1 workflows k p =
case workflows Map.! k of
(rs, el) -> foldr process (rating1 workflows el p) rs
do (workflows_, parts_) <- [format|2023 19 (%a+{((@V(<|>)!%d:%a+),)*%a+}%n)*%n({x=%d,m=%d,a=%d,s=%d}%n)*|]
let workflows = Map.fromList [(k, (map toRule rs, e)) | (k, rs, e) <- workflows_]
parts = [Part x m a s | (x, m, a, s) <- parts_]
print (sum [sum p | p <- parts, accepted workflows p])
let full = 1 :> 4001
print (acceptedCount workflows (Part full full full full))

-- | Convert parsed syntax to semantic representation
toRule :: (V, String, Int, String) -> Rule
toRule (v, ">", n, lbl) = GreaterThan v n lbl
toRule (v, _ , n, lbl) = LessThan v n lbl

-- | Predicate for parts that will be accepted by the workflow.
accepted :: Map String ([Rule], String) -> Part Int -> Bool
accepted workflows xmas = 0 /= acceptedCount workflows (fmap one xmas)
process (GreaterThan var n tgt) rest
| lkp p var > n = rating1 workflows tgt p
| otherwise = rest
process (LessThan var n tgt) rest
| lkp p var < n = rating1 workflows tgt p
| otherwise = rest

rating2 :: Map String ([Rule], String) -> String -> (Box' 1, Box' 1, Box' 1, Box' 1) -> Int
rating2 _ "A" (x,m,a,s) = size x * size m * size a * size s
rating2 _ "R" _ = 0
rating2 workflows k p0 = process (workflows Map.! k) p0
one i = i :> i + 1 -- single-element interval

-- | Count of the number of distinct parts that are accepted by the workflow.
acceptedCount :: Map String ([Rule], String) -> Part Ints -> Int
acceptedCount workflows = jump "in"
process (GreaterThan var n tgt : rest, el) p =
case lkp p var of
Dim lo hi Pt ->
(if lo < n+1 then process (rest, el) (set p var (Dim lo (n+1) Pt)) else 0) +
(if n+1 < hi then rating2 workflows tgt (set p var (Dim (n+1) hi Pt)) else 0)

process (LessThan var n tgt : rest, el) p =
case lkp p var of
Dim lo hi Pt ->
(if lo < n then rating2 workflows tgt (set p var (Dim lo n Pt) ) else 0) +
(if n < hi then process (rest, el) (set p var (Dim n hi Pt)) else 0)

process ([], el) p = rating2 workflows el p

lkp :: (a, a, a, a) -> V -> a
lkp (x,_,_,_) Vx = x
lkp (_,m,_,_) Vm = m
lkp (_,_,a,_) Va = a
lkp (_,_,_,s) Vs = s

set :: (d, d, d, d) -> V -> d -> (d, d, d, d)
set (_,m,a,s) Vx x = (x,m,a,s)
set (x,_,a,s) Vm m = (x,m,a,s)
set (x,m,_,s) Va a = (x,m,a,s)
set (x,m,a,_) Vs s = (x,m,a,s)
jump "A" = product . fmap size
jump "R" = const 0
jump ((workflows Map.!) -> (rs, el)) = foldr rule (jump el) rs

rule (GreaterThan var n tgt) continue p =
case split (n + 1) (lkp p var) of
(lo, hi) ->
maybe 0 (continue . set p var) lo +
maybe 0 (jump tgt . set p var) hi

rule (LessThan var n tgt) continue p =
case split n (lkp p var) of
(lo, hi) ->
maybe 0 (jump tgt . set p var) lo +
maybe 0 (continue . set p var) hi

-- | Divide an interval into a region below and at a split.
split :: Int -> Ints -> (Maybe Ints, Maybe Ints)
split n r@(lo :> hi)
| n <= lo = (Nothing , Just r )
| n >= hi = (Just r , Nothing )
| otherwise = (Just (lo :> n), Just (n :> hi))

-- | Field accessor for 'Part'
lkp :: Part a -> V -> a
lkp (Part x _ _ _) Vx = x
lkp (Part _ m _ _) Vm = m
lkp (Part _ _ a _) Va = a
lkp (Part _ _ _ s) Vs = s

-- | Field updater for 'Part'
set :: Part a -> V -> a -> Part a
set (Part _ m a s) Vx x = Part x m a s
set (Part x _ a s) Vm m = Part x m a s
set (Part x m _ s) Va a = Part x m a s
set (Part x m a _) Vs s = Part x m a s

-- | Interval constructor: inclusive lower-bound, exclusive upper-bound.
-- Invariant: lower-bound < upper-bound
pattern (:>) :: Int -> Int -> Ints
pattern lo :> hi = Dim lo hi Pt
infix 4 :>
{-# COMPLETE (:>) #-}

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