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glguy committed Dec 23, 2023
1 parent a1b07a9 commit 4cb25ef
Showing 1 changed file with 64 additions and 74 deletions.
138 changes: 64 additions & 74 deletions solutions/src/2023/23.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
{-# Language LambdaCase, ImportQualifiedPost #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
{-# Language BangPatterns, ImportQualifiedPost #-}
Module : Main
Description : Day 23 solution
Expand All @@ -9,101 +8,92 @@ Maintainer :
A brute-forced approach.
A brute-forced approach. First extract the graph of
intersections and then just enumerate all the possible
paths between them that reach the exit.
module Main (main) where

import Advent (getInputArray, arrIx)
import Advent.Coord (cardinal, coordRow, east, north, south, west, Coord(C))
import Advent.Search (bfs, dfs)
import Data.Array.Unboxed (bounds, UArray)
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Set qualified as Set

main :: IO ()
main =
do input <- getInputArray 2023 23
let (_, C ymax _) = bounds input
let path = [length s | (C y _,s) <- dfs (step input) (C 0 1, Set.empty), y == ymax]
print (maximum path)
let input1 = buildPaths input part1
let input2 = buildPaths input part2
print (enum ymax (C 0 1) input1 0)
print (enum ymax (C 0 1) input2 0)

let input' = buildPaths input
let solvable here seen =
any (\x -> coordRow x == ymax) $
bfs (\c -> [next | (next, _) <- Map.findWithDefault [] c input'
, Set.notMember next seen]) here
enum :: Int -> Coord -> Map Coord [(Coord, Int)] -> Int -> Int
enum !ymax !here edges !dist
| coordRow here == ymax = dist
| Just nexts <- Map.lookup here edges
= maximum [ enum ymax next edges' (dist + cost)
| let edges' = Map.delete here edges
, (next, cost) <- nexts
| otherwise = 0

let search _ [] = []
search best ((C y _, dist, _):xs) | y == ymax = dist : search best xs
search best ((here, dist, seen):xs)
| Map.findWithDefault (-1) (here, seen) best < dist =
search (Map.insert (here,seen) dist best) (
[(next, dist+dist1, Set.insert here seen)
| (next, dist1) <- sortBy (flip (comparing snd))
(Map.findWithDefault [] here input')
, Set.notMember next seen
, solvable here seen
] ++ xs)
| otherwise = search best xs

print (maximum (search Map.empty [(C 0 1, 0, Set.empty)]))

buildPaths :: UArray Coord Char -> Map Coord [(Coord, Int)]
buildPaths input = go [C 0 1] Map.empty
buildPaths ::
UArray Coord Char ->
(Char -> Coord -> Bool) ->
Map Coord [(Coord, Int)]
buildPaths input isOpen = go [C 0 1] Map.empty
isIntersection c =
2 < length [
| c' <- cardinal c
, cell <- arrIx input c'
, isOpen cell
] || coordRow c == ymax
isIntersection c there =
1 < length (exits c there) || coordRow c == ymax
(_,C ymax _) = bounds input

exits here there =
| next <- cardinal here
, next /= there
, cell <- arrIx input next
, isOpen cell (next - here)

go [] acc = acc
go (x:xs) acc
| Map.member x acc = go xs acc
| otherwise = go (map fst ends ++ xs) (Map.insert x ends acc)
| otherwise = go (map fst nodes ++ xs) (Map.insert x nodes acc)
ends =
map (\(p:path) -> (p, length path)) $
filter (isIntersection . head) $
bfs next [x]

next (c:_) | c /= x, isIntersection c = []
next xxs@(c:cs) =
[ c' : xxs
| c' <- cardinal c
, c' `notElem` cs
, cell <- arrIx input c'
, isOpen cell
nodes =
[ out
| c <- cardinal x
, cell <- arrIx input c
, isOpen cell (c - x)
, out <- walk c x 1
next [] = undefined
walk here there dist
| isIntersection here there = [(here, dist)]
| otherwise =
case exits here there of
[] -> []
next:_ -> walk next here (dist+1)

step :: UArray Coord Char -> (Coord, Set Coord) -> [(Coord, Set Coord) ]
step input (c, seen) =
[ (c', Set.insert c seen)
| c' <- cardinal c
, cell <- arrIx input c'
, case cell of
'.' -> True
'>' -> c' - c == east
'v' -> c' - c == south
'^' -> c' - c == north
'<' -> c' - c == west
_ -> False
, Set.notMember c' seen ]
part1 :: Char -> Coord -> Bool
part1 c dir =
case c of
'.' -> True
'>' -> dir == east
'v' -> dir == south
'^' -> dir == north
'<' -> dir == west
_ -> False

isOpen :: Char -> Bool
isOpen = \case
'.' -> True
'>' -> True
'v' -> True
'^' -> True
'<' -> True
_ -> False
part2 :: Char -> Coord -> Bool
part2 c _ =
case c of
'.' -> True
'>' -> True
'v' -> True
'^' -> True
'<' -> True
_ -> False

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