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2024-21 initial solution
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glguy committed Dec 21, 2024
1 parent 60390c1 commit 3f9e2b0
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Showing 3 changed files with 271 additions and 0 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions inputs/2024/21.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions solutions/solutions.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1208,3 +1208,8 @@ executable sln_2024_20
import: day
main-is: 2024/20.hs
build-depends: array

executable sln_2024_21
import: day
main-is: 2024/21.hs
build-depends: containers
261 changes: 261 additions & 0 deletions solutions/src/2024/21.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
{-# Language QuasiQuotes, BlockArguments, LambdaCase, ImportQualifiedPost #-}
Module : Main
Description : Day 21 solution
Copyright : (c) Eric Mertens, 2024
License : ISC
Maintainer :
>>> :{
:main + "029A
module Main (main) where

import Advent (getInputLines)
import Advent.Coord (above, below, left, origin, right, Coord(..))
import Advent.Memo (memo2)
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Set qualified as Set

data Pad = Pad (Set Coord) (Map Char Coord)

padFromList :: [(Coord, Char)] -> Pad
padFromList xs = Pad (Set.fromList [p | (p, _) <- xs]) (Map.fromList [(c,p) | (p,c) <- xs])

padCoord :: Pad -> Char -> Coord
padCoord (Pad _ m) c = m Map.! c

inPad :: Pad -> Coord -> Bool
inPad (Pad s _) x = Set.member x s

robotPad :: Pad
robotPad = padFromList [(C 0 (-1), '^'), (C 0 0, 'A'), (C 1 (-2), '<'), (C 1 (-1), 'v'), (C 1 0, '>')]

doorPad :: Pad
doorPad = padFromList
[ (C (-3) (-2), '7')
, (C (-3) (-1), '8')
, (C (-3) 0 , '9')
, (C (-2) (-2), '4')
, (C (-2) (-1), '5')
, (C (-2) 0 , '6')
, (C (-1) (-2), '1')
, (C (-1) (-1), '2')
, (C (-1) (0) , '3')
, (C 0 (-1) , '0')
, (C 0 0 , 'A')

initialStrings :: String -> [String]
initialStrings str =
do let deltas = padDeltas doorPad str
keys <- concat <$> traverse deltaToKeys deltas
guard (validate doorPad keys)
pure keys

robotCostN :: Int -> String -> Int
robotCostN = memo2 \n str ->
if n == 0 then length str
minimum $
do let deltas = padDeltas robotPad str
keys <- concat <$> traverse deltaToKeys deltas
guard (validate robotPad keys)
pure (sum (map (robotCostN (n-1)) (splitA keys)))

splitA :: [Char] -> [[Char]]
splitA [] = []
splitA xs =
case break ('A'==) xs of
(l,a:r) -> (l ++ [a]) : splitA r
_ -> undefined

validate :: Pad -> [Char] -> Bool
validate pad str = all (inPad pad) posns
posns = scanl move origin str
move here 'A' = here
move here '>' = right here
move here '<' = left here
move here '^' = above here
move here 'v' = below here
move _ _ = undefined

padDeltas :: Pad -> String -> [Coord]
padDeltas pad str = zipWith (-) (absolutes) (origin:absolutes)
absolutes = map (padCoord pad) str

deltaToKeys :: Coord -> [String]
deltaToKeys (C y x) =
[ keys ++ "A"
| let rawKeys =
(if y < 0 then (replicate (-y) '^' ++) else id) $
(if x > 0 then (replicate x '>' ++) else id) $
(if y > 0 then (replicate y 'v' ++) else id) $
(if x < 0 then replicate (-x) '<' else "")
, keys <- rawKeys : [reverse rawKeys | y /= 0, x /= 0]

-- | >>> :main
-- 177814
-- 220493992841852
main :: IO ()
main =
do codes <- getInputLines 2024 21
let score n x = (read (takeWhile isDigit x) * answer n x)
print (sum (map (score 2) codes))
print (sum (map (score 25) codes))

answer :: Int -> String -> Int
answer n str = minimum (map (robotCostN n) (initialStrings str))

doorPad :: Map Coord Char
doorPad = Map.fromList
[(C (-3) (-2), '7')
,(C (-3) (-1), '8')
,(C (-3) (0) , '9')
,(C (-2) (-2), '4')
,(C (-2) (-1), '5')
,(C (-2) (0) , '6')
,(C (-1) (-2), '1')
,(C (-1) (-1), '2')
,(C (-1) (0) , '3')
, (C 0 (-1) , '0')
, (C 0 0 , 'A')
doorMap :: Map Char Coord
doorMap = Map.fromList [(v,k) | (k,v) <- Map.assocs doorPad ]
robotMap :: Map Char Coord
robotMap = Map.fromList [(v,k) | (k,v) <- Map.assocs robotPad ]
robotPad :: Map Coord Char
robotPad = Map.fromList
[(C 0 (-1), '^'), (C 0 0, 'A'), (C 1 (-2), '<'), (C 1 (-1), 'v'), (C 1 0, '>')]
doorShort :: String -> [(Char, Int)]
doorShort text = go origin coords
coords = map (doorMap Map.!) text
go here [] = []
go (C y1 x1) (C y2 x2:xs) =
(if y2 < y1 then (('^', y1-y2):) else id) $
(if x1 < x2 then (('>', x2-x1):) else id) $
(if y1 < y2 then (('v', y2-y1):) else id) $
(if x2 < x1 then (('<', x1-x2):) else id) $
('A',1) :
go (C y2 x2) xs
robotShort :: String -> [(Char, Int)]
robotShort text = go origin coords
coords = map (robotMap Map.!) text
go here [] = []
go (C y1 x1) (C y2 x2:xs) =
(if y2 < y1 then (('^', y1-y2):) else id) $
(if x1 < x2 then (('>', x2-x1):) else id) $
(if x2 < x1 then (('<', x1-x2):) else id) $
(if y1 < y2 then (('v', y2-y1):) else id) $
('A',1) :
go (C y2 x2) xs
sequencesD :: String -> [String]
sequencesD = go (C 0 0)
go here = \case
[] -> [""]
x:xs ->
do let target = stuff Map.! x
p <- pd here target
q <- go target xs
pure (p ++ q)
stuff = Map.fromList [(v,k) | (k,v) <- Map.assocs doorPad ]
sequencesR :: String -> [String]
sequencesR = go (C 0 0)
go here = \case
[] -> [""]
x:xs ->
do let target = stuff Map.! x
p <- paths robotPad here target
q <- go target xs
pure (p ++ q)
stuff = Map.fromList [(v,k) | (k,v) <- Map.assocs robotPad ]
paths :: Map Coord a -> Coord -> Coord -> [[Char]]
paths layout here@(C y1 x1) tgt@(C y2 x2)
| Map.notMember here layout = []
| here == tgt = ["A"]
| otherwise =
(if y2 < y1 then map (replicate (y1-y2) '^' ++ ) (paths layout (C y2 x1) tgt) else []) ++
(if x1 < x2 then map (replicate (x2-x1) '>' ++ ) (paths layout (C y1 x2) tgt) else []) ++
(if y1 < y2 && Map.member (C y2 x1) layout then map (replicate (y2-y1) 'v' ++) (paths layout (C y2 x1) tgt) else []) ++
(if x2 < x1 && Map.member (C y1 x2) layout then map (replicate (x1-x2) '<' ++) (paths layout (C y1 x2) tgt) else [])
pd :: Coord -> Coord -> [[Char]]
pd = memo2 (paths doorPad)
main :: IO ()
main =
-- withArgs ["/Users/emertens/Source/advent/example.txt"]
input <- [format|2024 21 (%s%n)*|]
-- input <- getInputArray 2024 21
print $ sum $ map score input
shortest xs = filter (\x -> length x == n) xs
n = minimum (map length xs)
score x = (read (takeWhile isDigit x) * answer x :: Integer)
answer :: String -> Integer
answer x = minimum $ map (\m -> sum [toInteger $ length k * v | (k,v)<- Map.assocs m]) $
a <- sequencesD x
let a' = counts (splitA a)
let go 0 y = y
go n y = go (n-1) (Map.fromListWith (+) [(k', v) | (k,v ) <- Map.assocs y, k' <- splitA (pr k)])
pure (go 2 a')
shortRobotFast xs = concatMap pr (splitA xs)
splitA [] = []
splitA xs =
case break ('A'==) xs of
(l,a:r) -> (l ++ [a]) : splitA r
pr :: String -> [Char]
pr = memo (\a ->
let phase1 = (sequencesR a)
in minimumBy (comparing (minimum . map length . sequencesR)) phase1)

-- 435231441040286 high
-- 250698925939238 high
-- 220493992841852 ???

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