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  • Loading branch information committed Nov 12, 2012
0 parents commit 726abc8
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Showing 45 changed files with 4,238 additions and 0 deletions.
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions DESCRIPTION
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Package: plrs
Version: 0.99.0
Type: Package
Title: Piecewise Linear Regression Splines (PLRS) for the association
between DNA copy number and gene expression
Author: Gwenael G.R. Leday
Maintainer: Gwenael G.R. Leday to <>
Depends: R (>= 2.10), Biobase
Imports: BiocGenerics, CGHbase, graphics, grDevices, ic.infer, marray,
methods, quadprog, Rcsdp, stats, stats4, utils
Suggests: mvtnorm, methods
Description: The present package implements a flexible framework for
modeling the relationship between DNA copy number and gene
expression data using Piecewise Linear Regression Splines (PLRS).
License: GPL (>=2.0)
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@

importMethodsFrom(marray, lines, points)

importFrom(BiocGenerics, residuals)
importFrom(Biobase, exprs)
importFrom(CGHbase, segmented, probloss, probnorm, probgain, probamp)
importFrom(graphics, abline, box, polygon)
importFrom(grDevices,, jpeg, pdf)
importFrom(ic.infer, ic.weights, pbetabar)
importFrom(quadprog, solve.QP)
importFrom(Rcsdp, csdp)
importFrom(stats, lm, p.adjust, pf, quantile, rnorm, runif, vcov)
importFrom(stats4, coef, summary, plot)
importFrom(utils, combn, head)


33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions R/AllClasses.r
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
## All Classes

representation(coefficients = "numeric",
fitted.values = "numeric",
residuals = "numeric",
X = "matrix",
data = "list",
mdata = "list",
QP = "list",
test = "list",
cb = "list",
selected = "logical",
type = "character",
call.arg = "list")
representation(table = "matrix",
model = "plrs",
crit = "character")
representation(coefficients = "matrix",
effects = "list",
test = "matrix",
general = "matrix",
modelsType = "list",
call.arg = "list")

6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions R/AllGenerics.r
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
## All Generics

setGeneric("fitted", function(object,...) standardGeneric("fitted"))
setGeneric("predict", function(object,...) standardGeneric("predict"))
47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions R/Bmat.r
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
# Internal function
# Build design matrix with truncated power basis functions

# Author: Gwenael G.R. Leday

.Bmat <- function(cghseg, knots, continuous=TRUE, general.intercept=TRUE){

nKnots <- length(knots)
nval <- nKnots + 1
xx <- cghseg
mat <- matrix(cghseg)
if(general.intercept) mat <- cbind(rep(1, length(xx)) ,mat)

# Truncated p-th power function
tpower <- function(x, t, p) (x - t) ^ p * (x > t)

if(nKnots>=1) mat <- cbind(mat, tpower(xx, knots[1], 1))
if(nKnots>=2) mat <- cbind(mat, tpower(xx, knots[2], 1))
if(nKnots>=3) mat <- cbind(mat, tpower(xx, knots[3], 1))
nval2 <- 0
mat <- cbind(mat, tpower(xx, knots[1], 0))
mat <- cbind(mat, tpower(xx, knots[1], 1))
mat <- cbind(mat, tpower(xx, knots[2], 0))
mat <- cbind(mat, tpower(xx, knots[2], 1))
mat <- cbind(mat, tpower(xx, knots[3], 0))
mat <- cbind(mat, tpower(xx, knots[3], 1))
nval2 <- nval - 1

# Labels
theta.1 <- paste(paste(paste("theta",0:(nval-1),sep=""),".",sep=""),1,sep="")
if(!general.intercept & nval2==0) theta.0 <- NULL
else{ theta.0 <- paste(paste(paste("theta",0:nval2,sep=""),".",sep=""),0,sep="")}
colnames(mat) <- sort(c(theta.0, theta.1))


13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions R/convertToTime.r
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Internal function
# Convert seconds into a "HH:MM:SS" format

# Author: Gwenael G.R. Leday

.convertToTime <- function(x){
h <- as.character(x%/%3600)
m <- as.character((x%%3600)%/%60)
s <- as.character(round((x%%3600)%%60))
if(nchar(m)==1) m <- paste(0,m,sep="")
if(nchar(s)==1) s <- paste(0,s,sep="")
77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions R/criteria.r
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
# Extract AIC, AICC, BIC and OSAIC from a 'plrs' object

# Author: Gwenael G.R. Leday

criteria <- function(obj, crit = "all"){

# Error handling
if(class(obj)!="plrs") stop("An object of class \"plrs\" is required")
if(length(crit)==0) stop("No criterion")
if(length(crit)==1) if(crit=="all") crit <- c("aic","aicc","bic","osaic")
if(!is.character(crit)) stop("'crit' has to be a character")
if(!"all"%in%crit & !"aic"%in%crit & !"aicc"%in%crit &
!"bic"%in%crit & !"osaic"%in%crit) stop("Wrong criterion")
bool <- TRUE
if(!obj@call.arg$constr) bool <- FALSE
if(obj@QP$meq == nrow(t(obj@QP$Amat))) bool <- FALSE
bool <- FALSE

rss <- sum(residuals(obj)^2)
n <- length(obj@data$expr)

# Compute criteria for the segmented model
if(rss != 0){
if(obj@call.arg$constr & length(coef(obj))>1) p <- length(coef(obj)) - obj@QP$meq
else p <- length(coef(obj))

if("aic" %in% crit || "aicc" %in% crit || !bool) aic <- n*log(rss/n) + 2*p
if("aicc" %in% crit) aicc <- aic + ((2*p)*(p+1))/(n-p-1)
if("bic" %in% crit) bic <- n*log(rss/n) + log(n)*p
if("osaic" %in% crit){ # As defined in Hughes et al (2003)
# Calculate weights
obj.unconstr <-, matconstr=NULL, mytype=obj@type, modelFull=obj, callArg=obj@call.arg)
cov.mat <- obj.unconstr@QP$vcov/obj.unconstr@QP$S2
uiw <- t(obj@QP$Amat)

# Aknowledgement: Taken from package ic.infer
if(obj@QP$meq==0){ <- ic.weights(uiw %*% cov.mat %*% t(uiw)) <- ic.weights(crossprod(t(crossprod(t(uiw),cov.mat)),t(uiw)))
else{ <- ic.weights(solve(solve(crossprod(t(crossprod(t(uiw),cov.mat)),t(uiw)))[-(1:obj@QP$meq), -(1:obj@QP$meq)]))
} <-[sort(names(]
r <- (length(
osaic.npar <- sum(*(p-r+0:r))
osaic <- n*log(rss/n) + 2*osaic.npar
osaic <- aic
if("aic" %in% crit) aic <- -Inf
if("aicc" %in% crit) aicc <- -Inf
if("bic" %in% crit) bic <- -Inf
if("osaic" %in% crit) osaic <- -Inf

out <- NULL
if("aic" %in% crit) out <- c(out, list("aic" = aic))
if("aicc" %in% crit) out <- c(out, list("aicc" = aicc))
if("bic" %in% crit) out <- c(out, list("bic" = bic))
if("osaic" %in% crit) out <- c(out, list("osaic" = osaic))
46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions R/estimateKnots.r
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@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
# Estimate knots

# Author: Gwenael G.R. Leday

.estimateKnots <- function(cghseg, cghcall, probloss=NULL, probnorm=NULL, probgain=NULL, probamp=NULL){

val <- sort(unique(cghcall))
nval <- length(val)
knots <- NULL

# Midpoints of intermediate intervals
if(is.null(probloss) || is.null(probnorm) || is.null(probgain)){
for(k in 1:(nval-1)){
knots <- c(knots,(max(cghseg[cghcall==val[k]]) + min(cghseg[cghcall==val[k+1]]))/2)
# Estimate using call probabilities
p <- function(alpha, cghseg, leftState, rightState){
ind1 <- as.numeric(cghseg <= alpha)
ind2 <- 1-ind1
as.numeric(ind1%*%leftState + ind2%*%rightState)
for(j in 1:(length(val)-1)){
# Reduce search to adjacent states range
lb <- min(cghseg[cghcall==val[j]])
ub <- max(cghseg[cghcall==val[j+1]])

# Search maximum
xx <- seq(from=lb, to=ub, length.out=1000)
if(val[j]==-1) tomax <- sapply(xx, p, cghseg=cghseg, leftState=probloss, rightState=probnorm)
if(val[j]==0) tomax <- sapply(xx, p, cghseg=cghseg, leftState=probnorm, rightState=probgain)
if(val[j]==1) tomax <- sapply(xx, p, cghseg=cghseg, leftState=probgain, rightState=probamp)

# Take midpoints of interval
optvals <- xx[which(tomax==max(tomax))]
leftpts <- max(cghseg[cghseg<=min(optvals)])
rightpts <- min(cghseg[cghseg>min(optvals)])

knots <- c(knots, mean(c(leftpts, rightpts)))

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