194 commits
to develop
since this release
v26.0.0 (2024-09-11)
New stuff:
- change icon when selecting an item #870
- Pass the new searchContributors input to arlas-search component #865
- [bookmark] rename bookmarks #543
- Create a Collection Service that provides the display name and the unit of a given collection. #841
- Add a new Metric Table component #824
- Implement a multi-collection powerbar #818
- Highlight the item whose detail is displayed on the list #813
- 'Zoom to' button next to count should zoom to feature geometry #810
- Add an option to deactivate 'Sign up' button #806
- Display Unit instead of collection name in timeline and histogram having a count #755
- Add a legend for x / y in a histogram #688
- [legend] refactor how the legend is displayed #554
- [metrics] organize metrics in a datatable #544
- Rescale the x-axis domain to include selection that goes beyond the data domain #411
- Handle Multi-collection fulltext search #382
- Support H3 grids #315
Fixed bugs:
- Hilighting layer when cursor is over result list no longer work #854
- Multiline values "outlined" colored cells rendering in result list could be improved #852
- Missing geo sort in datatable (result list) #849
- Drag and drop of layers within a group doesn't work anymore in arlas wui #848
- [Timeline] Incohérence d'affichage de date dans le cas de un seul produit #847
- Logout action must redirect to login instead of alert message #837
- User can create a dashboard on an organisation where he is only user #836
- Map tilt cannot be reset #808
- Search input placeholder persists on focus #807
- errors related to bounding box + resizehistogram at init #871
- The resultlist is not updated after removing the bbox #868
- The information icon 'i' stays on the item after closing the detail in the resultlist #866
- When I log out, a blank page is displayed #864