383 commits
to develop
since this release
New stuff:
- Config list should be displayed/hidden by configuration #714
- Center the map to given lat/long #708
- Draw polygon: move back to the previous icon #679
- In the grid view, the circles are partially hidden #675
- Generate the AOI from the coordinates in decimal or sexagesimal degrees #668
- Add the possibility to switch to different apps of ARLAS by configuration #667
- Move authentication buttons to top menu #666
- Display bbox/polygons area and width/height #661
- Generate a form base on geoprocess _descibe input #659
- Integrate bookmarks + download + tagger + tour in a menu. #635
- Open shortcut above timeline #615
- Integrate timeline collection legend into the chart #614
- Move map attribution on the top right of the map #612
- Move analytics tabs in left menu #611
- Integrate search bar in top menu #610
- Add a bar of shortcuts to apply filter on data #606
- User informations Panel: layout is too spread out #564
- Add a button hide/display the timeline #542
Fixed bugs:
- Initial coordinates of Bbox generator are inverted #712
- Handle the absence of map attributions #711
- View quicklook in fullscreen does not work #709
- The default basemap is not taken into account #704
- The map actions buttons are incorrectly displayed in case of absence of attributions #702
- Selecting quicklooks doesn't clear the previously selected one #701
- The selected features on the list are not reset if the filters change #700
- Replay tutorial button shouldn't be displayed when no dashboard is explored #693
- Incorrect tooltip on the login icon #691
- Tooltip placement #689
- ARLAS Version does not show up any more on the (i) #681
- ARLAS WUI is not telling me to reconnect when session is over #680