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Releases: ginbot86/DingoCharge-Shizuku

Release v1.6.0

15 Dec 09:20
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Bugfixes and new features in this release:

  • Added check to verify battery voltage is at least 3 volts (no PPS adapter will likely support less than this) (2023-01-29).
  • Changed how adapter detection works during compatibility test; voltages higher than 5.5V will also trigger an "adapter is not plugged in" message (2023-02-01).
  • Removed redundant aggressive GC threshold check while charging (2023-02-02).
  • Split off compatibility test into a separate file which unloads upon termination to conserve memory (2023-02-02).
  • Added check to ensure the Lua fastChgTrig module is available on startup (2023-02-04).
  • Lowered the low/high constant-current deadband threshold from 500 to 200mA to reduce charging current oscillation at lower charging rates (2023-05-21).
  • Changed external temperature sensor setup exit display to use 'ºC' sign instead of just 'C' (2023-07-31).
  • Added more system sounds for charge errors and prompts (2023-11-01).
  • Streamlined configuration checker to reduce redundant code and unload itself when finished (2023-11-01).
  • Added error sound if a configuration error is found (2023-11-01).
  • Fixed issue where elapsed time (and Time Limit) advances 10x faster than intended on firmware v1.00.62 (2023-12-11).
  • Fixed issue where the Chg. Set display does not flip between precharge current and voltage once the session timer stops (2023-12-11).
  • Added 3.3Vpc charge voltage for LiFePO4 storage (2023-12-11).
  • Streamlined charge voltage menu code (2023-12-14).
  • Changed header to point directly to official GitHub repository (2023-12-15).
  • Changed About dialog to point to official GitHub repository (2023-12-15).

Release v1.5.0

28 Jan 09:43
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Bugfixes and new features in this release:

  • Changed the low-current deadband threshold to activate if charge current is less than the threshold instead of less than/equal to (2023-01-01).
  • Updated copyright string in About screen to read "(C) 2021-2023".
  • Changed the default cell count to 2S for improved user experience; most PPS adapters go to 11V so a compatibility fail out of the box kinda sucks... (2023-01-06).
  • Changed how aggressive GC is enabled/disabled; set aggressiveGcThreshold to 0 instead of isAggressiveGcEnabled to false (not that you should do this anyway...) (2023-01-08).
  • Fixed issue where configuration menu libraries remain resident in memory even when no longer needed (2023-01-21).
  • Added LM135/LM235/LM335 support as external temperature sensors (2023-01-21).
  • Split off charge control function into a separate file which unloads upon termination to conserve memory (2023-01-27).
  • Renamed "DC4S-CompileMenu" to "DC4S-CompileLibs" to reflect that non-menu libraries are also compiled here (2023-01-27).
  • Changed how USB-C CC attachment errors are handled; user can retry the detection instead of needing to restart the charge setup procedure (2023-01-28).

Release v1.4.0

31 Dec 09:07
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Bugfixes and new features in this release:

  • Split off monolithic menu library functions into individual files, reducing RAM consumption significantly (2022-12-15).
  • Increased aggressive GC threshold from 4K to 16K due to RAM usage savings from modularization (2022-12-15).
  • Changed charge error messages to reflect if recovery is enabled (i.e. "paused" vs. "stopped") (2022-12-18).
  • Fixed issue where precharge was not subject to the safety time limit (2022-12-18).
  • Added cumulative charge/energy display for the current charge session (2022-12-24).
  • Updated free memory counter to specify count in bytes (2022-12-24).
  • Changed how the UI calculates when to show different statusbar messages (2012-12-24).

Release v1.3.0

14 Dec 12:21
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New features and bugfixes in this release:

  • Fixed issue where 3.65Vpc was considered standard Li-ion in terms of precharge voltage instead of LiFePO4 (2022-11-17).
  • Added test to verify configuration immediately upon startup (2022-12-12).
  • Added memory cleanup routine after reading PDOs from adapter (2022-12-12).
  • Changed internal version format (2022-12-12).
  • Added statusbar override support for charge termination/faults (2022-12-13).
  • Added support for TMP3x/LM35/LM50 external temperature sensor on D+ pin (2022-12-13).
  • Added optional over/undertemperature protection when using external sensor (2022-12-13).
  • Added charge timeout protection (2022-12-13).
  • Fixed issue where resuming session timer counts time while timer was stopped (2022-12-13).
  • Added second menu library file due to RAM space exhaustion (2022-12-13).
  • Decreased aggressive GC threshold from 16K to 4K but added more forced GCs to mitigate RAM exhaustion (2022-12-13).

Known issues in this release:

  • The extra functionality that was added has dramatically increased the memory footprint, making the system more susceptible to crashes/hangs (often crashing to a Kernel Panic dialog with "RAM space full triggered by an unknown operation"), requiring a power cycle. Testing has shown that a crash is likely after exiting and restarting DingoCharge without rebooting or power-cycling the system. However, once the charge process is underway, the system is more or less stable (albeit usually performing a Lua garbage collection on every loop iteration). A fix is being worked on in version 1.4.0 to address this.

Release v1.2.0

06 Nov 11:15
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New features and bugfixes in this release:

  • Added prompt to retry the compatibility test if Vbus voltage is not present, instead of outright failing (2022-11-06).
  • Added CC deadband threshold tweaks to fix an issue where setting charge current overwrites the user's defaults (2022-11-06).
  • Fixed issue where double-tapping Select key in "Advanced... > Chg Reg Deadband" menu does not go up a level (2022-11-06).

Release v1.1.2

21 Oct 03:44
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Bugfixes in this release:

  • Fixed issue where setting 8S configuration would result in a Config Error message (2022-10-20).

Release v1.1.1

15 Oct 13:21
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Bugfixes in this release:

  • Fixed issue where some chargers' current-limiting conflicted with CV control loop (2022-10-15). Testing found that some chargers' internal current limiting via PD max current was conflicting with CV loop, causing request voltage to soar to PDO maximum (risking overvoltage damage if battery or other device being charged) is hot-replugged.

Release v1.1.0

15 Oct 12:40
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New features and bugfixes in this release:

  • Fixed issue where setting cell count does not update precharge voltage. (2022-07-22).
  • Fixed issue where precharge voltage did not display (correctly) during charge. (2022-10-12).
  • Added CC fallback when in CV mode and charge current overshoots too much (2022-10-12).
  • Added an option to display system temperature in Fahrenheit (2022-10-12).
  • Added 2.5V/cell and 8S cell configurations (2022-10-13).

Release v1.0.0

14 Oct 02:21
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Initial release