Get the latest Arduino IDE software from
File -> Preferences (or Arduino -> Preferences on MacOS)
go to "Additional Board Manager URLs"
Add and press oK
Tool -> Boad -> Boards Manager
search for "esp32"
Install "esp32 by Espressif Systems"
Get the zip file of the latest release from
Unzip the content to the tools folder of your Arduino IDE (~/Documents/Arduino/tools on MacOS, similar on other OS) and restart IDE
Select Tools -> Manage Libraries...
Install "U8g2"
Install "MicroNMEA"
(Install "TFT_22_ILI9225" -- currently not needed, due to some issues with the official library, there is a modified version in the rdz_ttgo_sonde source tree)
From select "Download ZIP", extract to the libraries folder of your Arduino IDE (~/Documents/Arduino/libraries on MacOS), rename main folder to ESPAsyncWebServer (remove the "-master")
From select "Download ZIP", extract to the libraries folder of your Arduino IDE, and rename main folder to AsyncTCP
From select "Download ZIP", extract to the libraries folder of your Arduino IDE, and rename main folder to AXP202X_Library-1.0
From select "Download ZIP", extract to the libraries folder of your Arduino IDE, and rename main folder to async-mqtt-client
Copy the SX1278FSK, SondeLib and fonts folders from libraries of this project to your Arduino IDE's libraries folders, or, alternatively, create symbolic links (MacOS/Linux):
cd ~/Documents/Arduino/libraries
ln -s <whereyouclonedthegit>/rdz_ttgo_sonde/libraries/SondeLib/ .
ln -s <whereyouclonedthegit>/rdz_ttgo_sonde/libraries/SX1278FSK/ .
ln -s <whereyouclonedthegit>/rdz_ttgo_sonde/libraries/fonts/ .
Restart the Arduino IDE
(symbolic links are the preferred way, otherwise you have to copy the the libraries again after each update)
In the IDE Tools -> Board: -> Select "TTGO LoRa32-OLED v1" (or something that fits your board. The binary images are currently built with the "T-Beam" board selection)
Compile and Upload code
Upload data to SPIFFS with Tools -> ESP32 Sketch Data Upload