- Added styles for Python token types.
- Minor updates to Markdown styles.
- Updated Changelog with version bump.
##[1.2.1] - 2018-03-30
- Updated Change Log.
##[1.2.0] - 2018-03-30
- Better coloring for TypeScript files to align closer to the JS styles.
- Additional token styling for markdown files including list and header declarations.
- Additional token styling for JSON files.
- Fixed changelog for accuracy.
- Added icon to package.json.
- Updated Changelog file.
##[1.1.0] - 2018-02-05
- Added icon.png for extension icon.
- Initial release testing.
- Modified the syntax colors for keyword operators in .js files.
- Updates to the README.me file to add basic information about the color scheme.
- Modified styles for JS properties (Object and Variable).
- Separate rules for JS Doc types and tags.
- New rules for HTML string punctuation token types.
- XML and HTML string type rule.
- Liscence.txt added to repo.
- Basic rules for markdown styling.
- Changed the HTML example image caption in the README.md file to match the image.